Meetup at Old Tanglin Camp

Re: Meetup at Old Tanglin Camp

Wah ,every opportunity u will suggest Damalu -- hey ,Jin Teck got share one !! The chio bu ,I mean ---hahahahaha
Re: Meetup at Old Tanglin Camp

I trying to bring u there as u miss the last meetup to Damalu wat :lol2:
Re: Meetup at Old Tanglin Camp

C3P0;232306 said:
Goat see Sandy he will Hormat senjah ta, sszone say one:laughlik:

ha least I normal....still can want to hormat also got problem....metal frame blocking......jin teck say one.....wahahha:lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
Re: Meetup at Old Tanglin Camp

Goat, if C3PO hormat, I cannot help u liao :lol2: ur backside sure tear :lol2:
Re: Meetup at Old Tanglin Camp

ooi ooi ooi...timeout with the OT for the time being. better do a turnout check with everyone. i worse than getai singer on the 8th, gotta fetch wife from work then bring mom n dad out for dinner cos my dad BD on the 8th, then join u guys.....shag sia...haha
Re: Meetup at Old Tanglin Camp

jin teck;232511 said:
Goat, if C3PO hormat, I cannot help u liao :lol2: ur backside sure tear :lol2:

ya ...i ....can'!!!... yours kena torn by C3PO before....ha hah a
:lol2: :lol2: :lol2:

sszone;232531 said:
ooi ooi ooi...timeout with the OT for the time being. better do a turnout check with everyone. i worse than getai singer on the 8th, gotta fetch wife from work then bring mom n dad out for dinner cos my dad BD on the 8th, then join u guys.....shag sia...haha

sure looks like you worse than the getai singer......take care some strength to wait for your little girl to arrive...:) :)
Re: Meetup at Old Tanglin Camp

Date: 8 August, this Wednesday
Time: 10.00pm
Place: Blk 115 Hawker Centre, Bt Merah View; then Old Tanglin Camp at Loewen Road (near Dempsey Road), to look for Sandy.
Attire: All in red inclusive of g-string supplied by Lennon.
1. jawsg (remember to bring flag for C3P0 hoh :) )
2. lennon
3. jin teck
4. goat (for drinks n damalu)
5. iscoupe
6. dpointt
7. C3P0
8. Collin
9. SC_JC_0308
10. weech
11. sszone
12. heerajs

Calling all fellow bimmers:
11. swt
12. johnhiggins?
13. Kelvin?
14. Primpress?
15. Taizi_dominic?
Re: Meetup at Old Tanglin Camp

sszone;232531 said:
ooi ooi ooi...timeout with the OT for the time being. better do a turnout check with everyone. i worse than getai singer on the 8th, gotta fetch wife from work then bring mom n dad out for dinner cos my dad BD on the 8th, then join u guys.....shag sia...haha

Hey ,say Happy Birthday to your Dad on our behalf. Really a hectic day for you. C3PO robot can give u a massage - Goat say one.
Re: Meetup at Old Tanglin Camp

tin can massage will sure crack all the bones. I think what his dad needs is a massage from Sandy :lol2:
Re: Meetup at Old Tanglin Camp

Wei wei, I said massage SSZone ,u said massage his Dad -- wake up liao le ????
Re: Meetup at Old Tanglin Camp

jin teck;232511 said:
Goat, if C3PO hormat, I cannot help u liao :lol2: ur backside sure tear :lol2:

Metal through a goat's backside? Wah piang, very painful leh, the hole sure big big one:lol2:
Re: Meetup at Old Tanglin Camp

Re: Meetup at Old Tanglin Camp

we should try putting at the side....hia hia hia...saw a few rides with french flag and italian flag at raffles tower today. very wai sui leh in cantonese
Re: Meetup at Old Tanglin Camp

I drove it at 110 kph and that damn thing didn't fly off.. kekekekekeke...come to the meetup and I have it fix for you.
Re: Meetup at Old Tanglin Camp

jawzsg;232920 said:
I drove it at 110 kph and that damn thing didn't fly off.. kekekekekeke...come to the meetup and I have it fix for you.

thanks bro!:)
Re: Meetup at Old Tanglin Camp

heerajs;232923 said:
thanks bro!:) no...don't do that, don't believe him...he put up the flag then just park there take picture only, wait he put up on your ride then call TP catch you....ha ha ha...:lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
Re: Meetup at Old Tanglin Camp

lennon Tan;232574 said:
Hey ,say Happy Birthday to your Dad on our behalf. Really a hectic day for you. C3PO robot can give u a massage - Goat say one.
ya heard C3PO have 10 vibrators on his 2 hands !

goat;232939 said: no...don't do that, don't believe him...he put up the flag then just park there take picture only, wait he put up on your ride then call TP catch you....ha ha ha...:lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
u such a jealous goat...
Re: Meetup at Old Tanglin Camp

Do the flag mod n all drive to Istana n see whether the guard will Hormat to us :lol2:
Re: Meetup at Old Tanglin Camp

jawzsg;232920 said:
I drove it at 110 kph and that damn thing didn't fly off.. kekekekekeke...come to the meetup and I have it fix for you.
I also want. Then we can go convoy and park illegally - police cannot catch us:lol2:
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