Need 3 Series Driver Help

Re: Need 3 Series Driver Help

boboshooter;642593 said:
my comments coming from a ex scoobie and evo driver..

Why you're switching from wrx to a bmw..

You will feel the power loss.. And i have to admit that i couldn't stop knn'ing all the way..

Other wise, the maintenance is cheaper.. However some parts can be costly..

If you maintain your ride well, it'll be a good car for you.

Consumption is definitely better than wrx..

If you don't relax now.. Then when? :dance:

+1 ..........
Re: Need 3 Series Driver Help

Hi guys,
I don't believe this thread was started since yesterday and you guys have made it past page 4. While I am reluctant to contribute, I would like all of us to stop at this page knowing it will only spur him further to get this car, I have a feeling his mind is almost set to get it. My advice to you bro is keep the Rex but drive carefully and stay out of trouble. my 2 cents.
Re: Need 3 Series Driver Help

jseah_70;642750 said:
Hi guys,
I don't believe this thread was started since yesterday and you guys have made it past page 4. While I am reluctant to contribute, I would like all of us to stop at this page knowing it will only spur him further to get this car, I have a feeling his mind is almost set to get it. My advice to you bro is keep the Rex but drive carefully and stay out of trouble. my 2 cents.

You are a good man! +1

Words of wisdom
Re: Need 3 Series Driver Help

cordone19;642731 said:
Oh maybe what's Is the more comfortable salary to own a 320i 09 version? 4k 5k? So at least I got a gauge? Afterall u guys drive a BMW whereas I dont. :)

I strongly recommend that you save up first and do without the car or get a 2nd hand basic Japanese car if you are still young and upgrade to a premium car when you meet the following criteria (just my personal opinion, from a conservative point of view):

1. Household monthly income of at least 10k (assuming only 1 car in the family)
2. Home fully paid up (home should be a higher priority than owning a car)
3. Debt free and with lots of spare cash that you do not need for the next 10 years

It is about limiting the wants today so that you can enjoy a better quality life in future. Meanwhile, I think it is still possible to enjoy life to the max without owning an expensive car. I only contemplate buying a BMW in my late 30s and finally bought it when I am past 40.
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Re: Need 3 Series Driver Help

Sell your Rex. Buy BMW bicycle. No petrol, no road tax, no ERP, etc. MTL.
Re: Need 3 Series Driver Help

ktnpl;642779 said:
I strongly recommend that you save up first and do without the car or get a 2nd hand basic Japanese car if you are still young and upgrade to a premium car when you meet the following criteria (just my personal opinion, from a conservative point of view):

1. Household monthly income of at least 10k (assuming only 1 car in the family)
2. Home fully paid up (home should be a higher priority than owning a car)
3. Debt free and with lots of spare cash that you do not need for the next 10 years

It is about limiting the wants today so that you can enjoy a better quality life in future. Meanwhile, I think it is still possible to enjoy life to the max without owning an expensive car. I only contemplate buying a BMW in my late 30s and finally bought it when I am past 40.

ya, currently i am still not married.

actually my concern is, to get marry first, then get a house. but in 4 yrs time, i'll to start paying for my own house, my wedding ( which i've already save 3/4 of it), renovation, then by then my rex also going to scrap already.

dunno will it increase my burden by then be it i get a jap or conti car. whereas if i change now, maybe by then i dont have to be so siong cos i can still drive my car for another 3-4 yrs before COE?

i like yr limiting the wants today so that you can enjoy a better quality life in future.

my other half is from the government sector so our combine income for now is not yet 10k. it flucate alil. maybe 7-9k?

mostly importantly i dont wanna get a car and become so in debt to everything.

actually my rex now is servcing me well. but the petrol ( around $100 every 3,4 days) and the maintenence alil high.
Re: Need 3 Series Driver Help

jseah_70;642750 said:
Hi guys,
I don't believe this thread was started since yesterday and you guys have made it past page 4. While I am reluctant to contribute, I would like all of us to stop at this page knowing it will only spur him further to get this car, I have a feeling his mind is almost set to get it. My advice to you bro is keep the Rex but drive carefully and stay out of trouble. my 2 cents.

no no, up till now, i am still in control. hahaha as in it never spur me to get the car. somehow, i am taking all the comments seriously. sitting down to think and all.

so it's like i've till this june to think after which i'll renew my road tax and then i wont change already.

rex afterall is still rex, how to stay out of trouble? my gf drive also kana stop by LTA. haha kana exos and LTA come to my house carpark already. how to avoid? sometimes, it's just so hard to keep out of trouble. i believe the bro that drive the evo and rex will understand.
Re: Need 3 Series Driver Help

Well bro,

As some of the forum members has mentioned.

It all depends on you.. look through your finances properly. I don't have an income of nearly 10K or neither 5K...

You wouldn't want to know how much I am earning and especially with a family to feed.

Its all about money management.. other bro's will be poisoning you including myself but at the end of the day the decision lies upon you.

If you want a comfort ride and lesser maintenance cost (but parts are expensive), then go for the BMW. If you are too worried about $, then stick with your WRX.

Till today, I'm still saving up to purchase a 6-4 pot brakes.. at the end of the day.. is it a WANT or NEED..

Hope you get what I mean..

I am not trying to hard sell you to purchase a BMW but again.. it's a comfortable ride..


Re: Need 3 Series Driver Help

Haha, thanks bro! Ya I'll probably take a super long decision before I come to a conclusion.

I'm a very cautious and really is wanna make sure every cent is worth then I'll change one. Sibei Giam at times. Haha

It's more of shd i continue this Heavy maintainence Rex or venture to somewhere else hopin that the parts don't break down so often.

I guess it's more of a want then needs cos my work I use a van. So just tot of pamperin myself else the last time I did it is when I spend 300 on a defy meter. 3-4 yrs ago? Hahaha
Re: Need 3 Series Driver Help

just felt like chipping in. if you want to get a bimmer, why not? it's your money and yours to decide. other than that, your spouse / fiance should agree to this as well.
Re: Need 3 Series Driver Help

blacklights;643154 said:
just felt like chipping in. if you want to get a bimmer, why not? it's your money and yours to decide. other than that, your spouse / fiance should agree to this as well.


Re: Need 3 Series Driver Help

gr8golf88;642782 said:
Sell your Rex. Buy BMW bicycle. No petrol, no road tax, no ERP, etc. MTL.

I seriously want to find someone who is selling the BMW bicycle (M-series). Anyone knows either where to buy it(besides PML) or selling let me know, thanks for reminding me bro.

Btw, the CF side mirror cover, let me know if you still have them, else I order from Robson I think they should have it :) Also let me know when you're free to meet up to collect your mentoes and Starbucks coffee :)

Siglap SB aye sai boh...?
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Re: Need 3 Series Driver Help

jseah_70;643369 said:
I seriously want to find someone who is selling the BMW bicycle (M-series). Anyone knows either where to buy it(besides PML) or selling let me know, thanks for reminding me bro.

Btw, the CF side mirror cover, let me know if you still have them, else I order from Robson I think they should have it :) Also let me know when you're free to meet up to collect your mentoes and Starbucks coffee :)

Siglap SB aye sai boh...?

Cool, M-bike!

gr8golf88 says SB in central or west better :D
Re: Need 3 Series Driver Help

jseah_70;643369 said:
I seriously want to find someone who is selling the BMW bicycle (M-series). Anyone knows either where to buy it(besides PML) or selling let me know, thanks for reminding me bro.

Btw, the CF side mirror cover, let me know if you still have them, else I order from Robson I think they should have it :) Also let me know when you're free to meet up to collect your mentoes and Starbucks coffee :)

Siglap SB aye sai boh...?

Wow. Very nice bikes. Thanks for the photos. I won't be surprised if they are priced at 5 digits range.

For the CF caps, they are ready. You can get them at Mike's place (SWC) 9107 4888. You can even ask Mike to install for you.

Once installed, we can do the mentos n sb thingy. :)

Thanks bro. Apologies to TS for the OT.
Re: Need 3 Series Driver Help

My e90 drinks 6.5km/l. Jialat.

How ah? I very worried. Some people say robot go and steal petrol to drink when thirsty, which is absolutely not true.
Re: Need 3 Series Driver Help

C3P0;643498 said:
My e90 drinks 6.5km/l. Jialat.

How ah? I very worried. Some people say robot go and steal petrol to drink when thirsty, which is absolutely not true.

cold it be the rims off-set?

Re: Need 3 Series Driver Help

ac323;643582 said:
cold it be the rims off-set?

I think most probably due to cigeratte lighter pod spoilt.

Vroom vroom

Re: Need 3 Series Driver Help

jseah_70;643369 said:
I seriously want to find someone who is selling the BMW bicycle (M-series). Anyone knows either where to buy it(besides PML) or selling let me know, thanks for reminding me bro.

Btw, the CF side mirror cover, let me know if you still have them, else I order from Robson I think they should have it :) Also let me know when you're free to meet up to collect your mentoes and Starbucks coffee :)

Siglap SB aye sai boh...?
Check out Toto comment on these bikes. IMHO, there are better bike in the market in the same price range.

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