New here!!!

Re: New here!!!

GoOd mOnRinG yiLiNg, sTaRtEd wOrK aLrEaDy?
aNyWaY, wE hAvInG a sAtAy mEeTuP tOmOrRoW nIgHt, wAnT tO jOiN uS?

(very difficult to type this way siah......)
Re: New here!!!

C3P0;354664 said:
GoOd mOnRinG yiLiNg, sTaRtEd wOrK aLrEaDy?
aNyWaY, wE hAvInG a sAtAy mEeTuP tOmOrRoW nIgHt, wAnT tO jOiN uS?

(very difficult to type this way siah......)

Ya, JuSt ReAcHeD oFfIcE, sO sLeEpY..
ToMorRoW gOiNg FrIeNd'S b'DaY cHaLeT, nExT tImE jOiN u OkIe..

(YoU cAn TyPe aS nOrMaL, nOt An iSsUe)
Re: New here!!!

Re: New here!!!

hitmee;354679 said:


Ya man. Good memories.

Think we both old liao :lol2:
Re: New here!!!

C3P0;354664 said:
GoOd mOnRinG yiLiNg, sTaRtEd wOrK aLrEaDy?
aNyWaY, wE hAvInG a sAtAy mEeTuP tOmOrRoW nIgHt, wAnT tO jOiN uS?

(very difficult to type this way siah......)

eh robot. i think you are really old and rusty already lah. the satay meet-up is next friday. 11th of july lah. tsk tsk tsk.

:lol2: :lol2: :nehnehhh:
Re: New here!!!

C3P0;354664 said:
GoOd mOnRinG yiLiNg, sTaRtEd wOrK aLrEaDy?
aNyWaY, wE hAvInG a sAtAy mEeTuP tOmOrRoW nIgHt, wAnT tO jOiN uS?

(very difficult to type this way siah......)

I thought its on 11 Jul ????

Yi_Ling;354676 said:
Ya, JuSt ReAcHeD oFfIcE, sO sLeEpY..
ToMorRoW gOiNg FrIeNd'S b'DaY cHaLeT, nExT tImE jOiN u OkIe.. :eek:

(YoU cAn TyPe aS nOrMaL, nOt An iSsUe)

Chalet??? Can we join you??? :laughlik:

C3P0;354691 said:
Ya man. Good memories.

Think we both old liao :lol2:

You are the oni OLD RUSTY ROBOT here........:nehnehhh:
Re: New here!!!

the no excuse for yiling not to join us liao lor? tio bor horsin ben?
Re: New here!!!

benji ben;354710 said:
eh robot. i think you are really old and rusty already lah. the satay meet-up is next friday. 11th of july lah. tsk tsk tsk....

Aiyah why you tell him.... let him turn up tomorrow at the venue mah..... :lol2:
Re: New here!!!

ehhh. i'm not the horsin lah. i'm only the sidekick. haha
Re: New here!!!

Breyton;354716 said:
Aiyah why you tell him.... let him turn up tomorrow at the venue mah..... :lol2:

hahaha cannot be so bastard lah. although he is a big horsin, robot is still a nice guy lah. haha
Re: New here!!!

benji ben;354719 said:
ehhh. i'm not the horsin lah. i'm only the sidekick. haha

Wrong........... u r the decoy for robot..... u are harmless becoz u r GAY....
hitmee say 1...........:lol2: :lol2:
Re: New here!!!

Actually I think Robot has everyone fooled.... kay kay tell Yi Ling that it's tomorrow, then if she turns up he will pretend 'oops I made a mistake' but since they are there already, might as well have a solo 'date'..... :sneaky:

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