Restaurant Ember

1) ambience => 6
2) service => 8
(coz managed to get a dedicated waiter to attend all my request without fail + personal recomendation despite working for that restaurant siah ;) , hahar so next time u all know who shld u jio)
3) pricing => 7
4) food quality- appetizers => 7
5) food quality- entrees => 7
6) food quality- dessert => 6
7) wine selection => 6

Overall, d service is excellent as I got the most attention in d restaurant cos I'm on crutches siah............even the ppl sitting next to our table become my friends. The only thing that they missed out, my autograph :lol:
audibum said:
nah, he's usually more on time than yesterday...must be guru...he had to go home to makeup and prepare before picking her up....keke

Wah lah! u suan him until like that har..........It' becos of me that's why he was late loh. U know, now I pai kai, so wld require more time to finish 10 steps siah..... even up & down the stairs become big problem.....

If u will the one to come & fetch me, I think we may be 2hrs late, perhaps u still stuck at d toilet, combing ur hair siah :thinking:
Ladies and gents, my apologies for not being able to make it for the dinner. Glad you guys enjoyed it! Was stuck in the office till 9 plus :furious: :furious: :furious:

Will join you guys on the next round!
Overall 8 out of 10. A tumb ups for the entree! Only disappointment is the dessert tats all n also quite difficult to find parkin lots too especially after 730pm!

Next event shall b the country side (plantation) makaning hor. Tose wif kids can brg them too cos is a BMW family day haha :)
Alvin666 said:
Overall 8 out of 10. A tumb ups for the entree! Only disappointment is the dessert tats all n also quite difficult to find parkin lots too especially after 730pm!

Next event shall b the country side (plantation) makaning hor. Tose wif kids can brg them too cos is a BMW family day haha :)

Alvin, if we're planning for the plantation, Poision Ivy, we may need to stand by some tools to fight against the mosquitoes siah......Or else we may turn up not feeding ourselves.........
winnercafe said:
would u kindly explain i catch no ball
Go buy some Batman's comics and read and you'll know I'm talking about.........This one definitely has got nothing to do with chee cheong fun........

still hv to buy batman comics.... dun know where to find... no money... etc, etc, most impt lazy to read....
dear mai a ni ge gao (dun be so difficult) u know the answer just tell me lar
rodders said:
winnercafe said:
would u kindly explain i catch no ball
Go buy some Batman's comics and read and you'll know I'm talking about.........This one definitely has got nothing to do with chee cheong fun........


Yes, u got it! If such subject also kanna chee cheong fun then we dont hv to post online further siah........

Winnercafe, the place that Alvin suggested is a country lifestyle restaurant called Poision Ivy & what Rodders was talking abt is d characters in Batman's comics, whoever touch her will kanna poision........
winnercafe said:
so he is wen bu dui ti lar (wrong subject)

No lah, he's pulling ur leg since u dont know what's Poision Ivy loh....... So he used Batman's comics lah
i know lar he always try to mk me blur one as if i not blur enough
dun let me see u... i mk sure i remeber to kok ur head :p
winnercafe said:
i know lar he always try to mk me blur one as if i not blur enough
dun let me see u... i mk sure i remeber to kok ur head :p

Winnercafe, dont need to knock his head lah, ask him to peel prawns for u siah...........
winnercafe said:
i know lar he always try to mk me blur one as if i not blur enough
dun let me see u... i mk sure i remeber to kok ur head :p

I suggest you can scratch his car 8)
SL2 said:
winnercafe said:
i know lar he always try to mk me blur one as if i not blur enough
dun let me see u... i mk sure i remeber to kok ur head :p

I suggest you can scratch his car 8)
Nabei......Kaypo.... :furious:

I'll kick your @!#$%&&(*% car door in then you know!

You guys were simply amazing. I click the thread Restaurant Ember and ended up Batman comics, peel prawns, scratch cars, ......

And someone "polluting" the thread has the cheek to call me bo liao......

Pei fu. Pei fu.
hey guys sorry for the long wait, coz my car very slow. i thought you'd all have started first but very kind of the whole group to wait for me. Actually we were circling the area for a good half hour, cant find the place and cant find parking. anyways, somehow the round of oysters i decided to treat for my tardiness ended up being equally divided. so pai seh again.

it's also good to see my ex-gf diana ser again, it was good having her presence while we had our dinner.
To all,
Millions apology that I had to pull outta dinner last minute due to urgent work matter..Look fwd to similar opportunity next time.
Glad u guys enjoyed the dinner..

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