Spa For Cars (excellent!)

Re: Spa For Cars (excellent!)

BMPower said:
Well if that's what you say and what they think, than I see no point discussing this further :silenced: . Now I understand why even our PM Lee is so concern about the customer service standard in Singapore :verysad:

I'm just more concered with pple like you... who thinks customer service is to reply when u want one.. hahaha... in the end i see only you asking and plainly asking... for fu ck i dun noe i dun care.. cause in the end i noe u wun even bother to call.. why ??.. cause u think that is not customer service, either that.. u think they owe u a living..

Gd' luck detailing ur own car, i think ur better off doing it urself too.

frm all the replies u get on the thread, u should noe Spa For Cars has a very good rep and customer service. dun try to be a dick and try to something else.

Re: Spa For Cars (excellent!)

ryan said:
The owners are extremely friendly and definately be willing to show you how they do it. I don't believe it's right that they're obliged to reply any one of us here, since they are running their shop on quite a busy schedule. We also do not have any contract terms / responsibility which states that they must discuss with fellow members online. Likewise with my other site sponsors, many of them do not surf the site on a daily basis, and may get lost with the numerous threads in the forum. :)

I think most of you here have misunderstood what I'm trying to bring out here. Never in my posting did I mentioned that the sponsors are obligated to answer any questions being asked here, what I'm suggesting here is it would be great if the sponsors can help to answer questions or enquiries. Likewise in other forums, I believe sponsors are not obligated to answer questions too, but take a look at the Corvette Forum, Detail City or even Autopia, the sponsors there are fast to answer questions and enquiries.

So let me emphasis again, it would definately be a added plus point for the sponsors to help answer questions here but if they choose not to, I have no problem with it as well. Anyway its just a suggestion for them to extand their already good customer service to the forum, that's all.
Re: Spa For Cars (excellent!)

BMPower said:
I think most of you here have misunderstood what I'm trying to bring out here. Never in my posting did I mentioned that the sponsors are obligated to answer any questions being asked here, what I'm suggesting here is it would be great if the sponsors can help to answer questions or enquiries. Likewise in other forums, I believe sponsors are not obligated to answer questions too, but take a look at the Corvette Forum, Detail City or even Autopia, the sponsors there are fast to answer questions and enquiries.

So let me emphasis again, it would definately be a added plus point for the sponsors to help answer questions here but if they choose not to, I have no problem with it as well. Anyway its just a suggestion for them to extand their already good customer service to the forum, that's all.

hahahhaa.. sure.. sure. .sure... now they already have good customer service??.. frm how i read ur previous posts, din seem to me like u were suggesting.. haha.. i'm just very curious why u just din bother to call them in the 1st place, could have saved u all the trouble. Do drop by sometime.Hope to see u there
Re: Spa For Cars (excellent!)

Just picked up my car from SFC this evening. :thumbsup:
I went to visit Jerman & Roy to detail my car after hearing about them from this post, and I guess you could say that I wasn't disappointed. Good work, guys.
Re: Spa For Cars (excellent!)

shaaz said:
hahahhaa.. sure.. sure. .sure... now they already have good customer service??.. frm how i read ur previous posts, din seem to me like u were suggesting..

I think you misunderstand again...hahaha... the good customer serivce I'm refering is commented by the fellow members who have been to their shop... I'm only quoting it that's all. If comparing with those forums I mentioned .... hahaha :naughty:
Re: Spa For Cars (excellent!)

IMO you can't compare with those forums just because those forums are based in US. From what I noticed, US companies are more connected via the web. Almost any company of decent size there would have a website but in Singapore, a lot don't even have a website or it's not very developed. Besides with the proximity of things, people don't have to rely on phone calls and internet to interact with customers when you can see them face to face and SHOW them what you can do at the shop. One end to the other end of Singapore doesnt take more than half an hour or so. Hence I think it's a little unfair to say their customer service isn't up to par with say the other sponsors in ur other forums. It's just a different style of doing business. I mean look at how the speed of posts here versus say e46fanatics.

*not trying to create more drama, just another way of thinking this.
Re: Spa For Cars (excellent!)

HungryM3 said:
One end to the other end of Singapore doesnt take more than half an hour or so.

I believe different people have a different prospective when you look at customer service. If we consider what you quoted above as a deciding factor that I should drop by their shop to ask questions, than I see no purpose why Pizza hut or Mac are doing home delivery since there is almost an outlet around every corner of Singapore. They should just simply wait for customers to drop by and buy, why bother to send since Singapore is so small. It all boils down to how far you want to go for your customer service but not giving excuses for not doing it.
Re: Spa For Cars (excellent!)

BMPower said:
I believe different people have a different prospective when you look at customer service. If we consider what you quoted above as a deciding factor that I should drop by their shop to ask questions, than I see no purpose why Pizza hut or Mac are doing home delivery since there is almost an outlet around every corner of Singapore. They should just simply wait for customers to drop by and buy, why bother to send since Singapore is so small. It all boils down to how far you want to go for your customer service but not giving excuses for not doing it.
I'm not trying to fan the flame here but WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM OF GOING DOWN TO HAVE YOUR QUERIES ANSWERED? Yes true, since they posted in the forum, they could have at least try to log on to answer some questions but I always believe that the clearest communication is done face to face and to add to that, you get to see their work in the flesh when they're working on some other cars. And for your info, I still see plenty of people at Mac's and Pizzahut even though they do offer home delivery.
Re: Spa For Cars (excellent!)

SL2 said:
I'm not trying to fan the flame here but WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM OF GOING DOWN TO HAVE YOUR QUERIES ANSWERED? Yes true, since they posted in the forum, they could have at least try to log on to answer some questions but I always believe that the clearest communication is done face to face and to add to that, you get to see their work in the flesh when they're working on some other cars. And for your info, I still see plenty of people at Mac's and Pizzahut even though they do offer home delivery.
Maybe he's trying to get some free tips or trade secrets in removing swirl marks and water marks from his car.
Re: Spa For Cars (excellent!)

BMPower said:
I believe different people have a different prospective when you look at customer service. If we consider what you quoted above as a deciding factor that I should drop by their shop to ask questions, than I see no purpose why Pizza hut or Mac are doing home delivery since there is almost an outlet around every corner of Singapore. They should just simply wait for customers to drop by and buy, why bother to send since Singapore is so small. It all boils down to how far you want to go for your customer service but not giving excuses for not doing it.

Dude... seriously... i dun think u understand... and seriously im tired of pple like you... seems to me that pple like u are of a diff kind. tell u wat la.. i go take the brochures and all.. how bout i ask a write up on how they remove swirl marks... then u give me ur address, i'll come to you... sure make u happy one.. i can buy macs on the way for u too.. wat else u want??..

Re: Spa For Cars (excellent!)

BMPower.... it seems to me that ur getting it left right centre... ur wat an ah beng wld call a CB kia...
Re: Spa For Cars (excellent!)

SL2 said:
but I always believe that the clearest communication is done face to face .

Look at some of the other workshop which regularly participate in this forum... they will post their products and after which they will "eelang" even how much questions we ask. Eg: Autovox.... having said that, they are still selling their products like hot cakes.

Was talking to Autovox guys recently abt this.. they mentioned is better to talk to potential buyers face to face than in the Forum so will not get BOOmba unnecessary for no reason ... I agree.
Re: Spa For Cars (excellent!)

SL2 said:
I'm not trying to fan the flame here but WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM OF GOING DOWN TO HAVE YOUR QUERIES ANSWERED? Yes true, since they posted in the forum, they could have at least try to log on to answer some questions but I always believe that the clearest communication is done face to face and to add to that, you get to see their work in the flesh when they're working on some other cars. And for your info, I still see plenty of people at Mac's and Pizzahut even though they do offer home delivery.

Let's put it another way then he can get us clear and loud!

If you gonna hear-say about XTD/BS chio bu(s) very swee and they can do professional 3 or 5 tastes for you ain't shiok one just like cyber***. You must go down to meet them (face to face as SL2 mentioned), view their work in the flesh when they're working on some of your bros. If you feel happy or comfortable with, you can always up them(pls avoid roof top) simple.:) I still see plenty of people get married but they still flirt/fool around! KNN, lim peh kong simi lah? :lol2: :lol2:
Re: Spa For Cars (excellent!)

hmm...yea..nothing wrong with travelling down if u really want to know more...
like me, travel from Bedok to Kranji for my Spark Plugs... got lost on the way too

i even travel from Bedok to AutoBacs just to see see only(cos never go b4 the new one)...but to each his own
Re: Spa For Cars (excellent!)

I dun usually post much here, but after reading this topic, i jus couldn't help it as i don't understand what seems to be your problem BMpower.

You started this thread asking for assistance and assistance was given based on the knowledge and the experience of other forumers. In return, you have nothing but complains about SFC just because they are not replying to your question on removing swirl marks???

Are you just being a spoil sport, what is so difficult in going there just to have a look and better understanding of the products like many others have done and advice you to do???

Or are you just afraid to pay them basing on a few advice????? i am sure SFC will not charge you for advices....that is theri job and so call customer service which hymics was trying to tell you.

if you don't trust in SFC services and professionlism, MOVE ON!!!!!!! there is no need to suggest or plant any ideas to other forumers that SFC is bad in customer services just becos they never reply to your question in the forum.

there are many other forumers who would rather hear a good suggestion from you if you do have on other workshops who can outdo SFC.....

No replies required, dude.
Re: Spa For Cars (excellent!)

Going by the number of happy customers here, I have no doubt it is worth the time going down to SPA for Cars and get the perspectives right. Customer service or otherwise, they have definitely delivered what they are good at. So, just pay a visit and get every doubt resolved. Customer service is not defined by how well they are versed on the forum.

When many friends tell me that one particular restaurant serves good food, I do not storm into its kitchen and demand the chefs to show me the recipe or how they are done. But that does not mean that I could not differentiate good food from the average. Just one visit could verify the opinions of the rest.

And I could definitely verify that Shaaz is not the owner of Spa for Cars.
Re: Spa For Cars (excellent!)

hey guys never expect so many of you got so heated up on this it man. If all of you go through my posting carefully and keep your cool, you will see that all the while I'm suggesting them to answer questions in the forum to further improve their service. Many of you have said, go down to the shop and ask whatever you want, but I believe people here are democratic enough to respect people who prefer to get answer from the forum. They have all the right not to answer and as I have mentioned, I'm ok with it. Amd if you guys have noticed until this point I have not mentioned anything negative about them. So for those of you who prefer to go down and get your questions answer, go ahead with what you like but just don expect everyone to behave alike.

Hopefully I have made myself very clear in this posting and let not start anymore arguement abotu going to the shop or answering in the forum, it's all up to them. So why worry ? Peace.
Re: Spa For Cars (excellent!)

Actually you did implied about their bad customer service in not replying to your queries mate. Seems like you're re-tracking what you've said.
Re: Spa For Cars (excellent!)


No where on earth local vendors here will be actively involved in participating in car forum discussions except very few individuals here. The market is too small here so that's the culture of business practice. Can't blame them. They got better things to do than just surfing forums.

The same cannot be said in the bigger mkt eg the US where there are easily 100 users online and every vendor is trying to get a share of the biz

it's a healty discussion but know where you are , where u live, how things work...swee2x

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