Why Am I Feeling This Way?

Re: Why Am I Feeling This Way?

Both elections, GE and EP, I left Sg to go shopping in other countries.

I smart

I will be bragging if I said I took biz class on SQ but I never cos I am humble
Re: Why Am I Feeling This Way?

jinooi;829878 said:
say what you like about the old man, but the guy has balls.

i remember the reason he gave for going ahead to cane Michael Fay was something to the effect of "if foreigners think they can come here and do whatever they want, they are sadly mistaken. we have our laws and they have to bear the same consequences if found guilty."

sadly, the younger generation of leaders are gut-less diplomats, afraid of offending foreigners and taking it out on the locals.

but we also have a part to play in this since we elected these bunch of scholars into office?

Ya, same sentiment here.

But cannot blame la, next generation sure different from previous one. 1st generation leaders not possible to replicate today already.... sads...... :(

jinooi;829869 said:
my question has always been - why do i religiously pay taxes, spend 2.5 years of my youth in NS (and 10+ years as reservist), lend the government my hard-earned pay with almost no interest, have to fight to get my kids enrolled in school because of the limited number of places, ..
Congrats bro. Never tell me the good news..... :laughlik:
Re: Why Am I Feeling This Way?

eh, metaphorically speaking only... don't take it literally...

the only 2 kids i currently have are furry.

don't want my wife to wonder about 'other' kids i have outside if she reads this...

C3P0;829899 said:
Congrats bro. Never tell me the good news..... :laughlik:
Re: Why Am I Feeling This Way?

wobbles;829885 said:
Please, please, please remember all of this when you step up to the polling booth. Please

Don't let whatever GST rebate, CPF top up, Growth Bonus buy your amnesia...

dude, it's not that i want to vote for the men in white, but the other camp is made up of a bunch of clowns whom i will not even trust to run for class monitor, let alone parliament... it's the lesser of 2 evils...

MW;829892 said:
I will be bragging if I said I took biz class on SQ but I never cos I am humble

so are you telling us did not have to squeeze with the peasantry? :laughlik::):shakemyb:
Re: Why Am I Feeling This Way?

jinooi;829910 said:
the other camp is made up of a bunch of clowns whom i will not even trust to run for class monitor, let alone parliament... it's the lesser of 2 evils...

well said, now try telling it to the others who blast PAP for watever reason they see fit.

First they say PAP likes to cover up stuff and thats why WP is good cos they dismissed YSL

Now gahmen names the SCDF and CNB chief for corruption, these people say gahmen so white also can have such people..

Can never win
Re: Why Am I Feeling This Way?

jinooi;829910 said:
dude, it's not that i want to vote for the men in white, but the other camp is made up of a bunch of clowns whom i will not even trust to run for class monitor, let alone parliament... it's the lesser of 2 evils...
sorry dude, imo that is a failz. unless you spoilt your vote. it doesn't matter to the MIW what your reason is for voting for them. a vote to them is a vote of support regardless.
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Re: Why Am I Feeling This Way?

jinooi;829857 said:
then kindly explain to me why we went on the cane michael fay despite a presidential plea from the most powerful man in the world?

that is probably the last few cases we have seen, i believe the tension then between both countries has built up to tremendous level. now we dont see such thing happening as often? which is why the thread starter came up with this topic.
Re: Why Am I Feeling This Way?

you know what the irony is?

when the old man was in power and and did things the way he wanted to, he didn't give a rat's ass about what other people thought about him. if anybody said anything he didn't want to hear, he hauled them to court for libel regardless of who they were, e.g. FEER, JBJ, etc. or threw them in jail, or gave them the ISA treatment.

that actually earned my respect.

we have been clamouring for a less iron-fisted and more consultative approach, and it seems like we got what we wanted. the current generation of leaders are 'softer' and not as feared as the old man. they are scholars who look far better on paper than in actual practice.

but somehow i feel that they are not as good as the old man and his camp.

be careful what you wish for, because you may just get it...

previously, we were chilli padi - small but respected.

what have we become?
Re: Why Am I Feeling This Way?

i did. but shhh, don't tell anybody...

drew a tortoise in each box...

Mockngbrd;829919 said:
sorry dude, imo that is a failz. unless you spoilt your vote. it doesn't matter to the MIW what your reason is for voting for them. a vote to them is a vote of support regardless.
Re: Why Am I Feeling This Way?

that is why i RESPECT the old man.

i do not condone the way he does things, but i respect him for having the balls to stand up to what he believes in.

we have become a nation with no fucking backbone.

what does it remind me of? china in the beginning of the 20th century, full of foreigners taking advantage of her, but too toothless and gutless to stand up for herself...

Ahwing;829920 said:
that is probably the last few cases we have seen, i believe the tension then between both countries has built up to tremendous level. now we dont see such thing happening as often? which is why the thread starter came up with this topic.
Re: Why Am I Feeling This Way?

jinooi;829910 said:
dude, it's not that i want to vote for the men in white, but the other camp is made up of a bunch of clowns whom i will not even trust to run for class monitor, let alone parliament... it's the lesser of 2 evils...

Y not gather some people that have the same politics views as you and set up your party. You still have a few years to prepare.....Huat ah!!!
Re: Why Am I Feeling This Way?

Hi Judy.......
Re: Why Am I Feeling This Way?

halo! want to come and see me in maid uniform tonite??? u pay for drinks I serve u beers?
Re: Why Am I Feeling This Way?

heyjudd;829948 said:
halo! want to come and see me in maid uniform tonite??? u pay for drinks I serve u beers?

cannot lah, I will lose alot of blood this way
Re: Why Am I Feeling This Way?

MW;829872 said:
I think in part because gahmen realised that Singaporeans are well travelled and have multiple properties everywhere and in the event of war, we can just hop on the next plane and leave..... so no point nation building, just need to have more people of other nationalities here, especially the "super" powers so that in the event of war, these "super" powers will come help us...

......yup...den realised consquences ...a tad 2 late....

...subsequently panicked ..possibly...mayB..den....

..mistakes aft......mistakes....aft.....mistakes ..:sleepy:
Re: Why Am I Feeling This Way?

there are some people who are made for politics, and there are some who aren't.

i fall into the latter - can't even play politics in the office well enough, how to govern a country?

what i think - in his attempt to ensure that the men in white stay in power for the forseeable future, the old man has unfortunately banished quite a few good people, and they will never be able to come back. E.g. Francis Seow - political exile, JBJ - passionate Singaporean, but now six feet under, died a broke, broken-hearted man.

these people are at least qualified to stand in parliament, unlike TPL, who's another clown...

jinooi;829910 said:
Y not gather some people that have the same politics views as you and set up your party. You still have a few years to prepare.....Huat ah!!!
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Re: Why Am I Feeling This Way?

Mock wanna chee hong liao
Re: Why Am I Feeling This Way?

jinooi;829958 said:
these people are at least qualified to stand in parliament, unlike TPL, who's another clown...

Re: Why Am I Feeling This Way?

The way I see it - it is not really about the 60.1% or 50% win or even 40% win in an election. It is the GRC system. As long as this system still stand and hold, we will still see more MIW in the parliament. This is a very unfair methodology to the oppositions. Some really weak MIW candidates can always hide behind an old horse and smuggle into parliament, against some opposition members whom most commoners have never heard of and they have to fight so hard to gain recognition and trust in a span of short election campaign stint.

If I'm right, the GRC system was created by old guards to ensure that PAP or son stays in power. Political leadership in Spore isn't about meritocracy. It is about your surname.

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