Nothing's overkill my friend. My e64 had race headers, no cats, no resonators, x-pipe and eisenmann race. Sounded fiercer than even a F Scuderia at full chat. Missed driving her down the CTE tunnel and scaring the crap out of other supercars. LOL
Nothing's overkill my friend. My e64 had race headers, no cats, no resonators, x-pipe and eisenmann race. Sounded fiercer than even a F Scuderia at full chat. Missed driving her down the CTE tunnel and scaring the crap out of other supercars. LOL
Nothing's overkill my friend. My e64 had race headers, no cats, no resonators, x-pipe and eisenmann race. Sounded fiercer than even a F Scuderia at full chat. Missed driving her down the CTE tunnel and scaring the crap out of other supercars. LOL
Bro Don,
I can tell you nobody in SG has pulled off this trick yet. Your best bet would be to get one of those VSD units by DEFI. You might have better luck hooking that up than the factory HUD unit from BMW. Itchy to do more to your 6er iszit? Time for ECU tuning....
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