All about Z4 (E89/ E86/ E85) thread

Re: All about Z4 (E89/ E86/ E85) thread

Jimster;798616 said:
drive stock?

ha ha i give u 3 mths before ur hands start to itch

search earlier postings on this thread to see z5!

one n only!
Re: All about Z4 (E89/ E86/ E85) thread

Jimster;798794 said:
thats why need bank loan ... if not how to get lol

banks only approve loan too ppl who dunt need it

ha ha

i go take bank loan 3 times for condo always reject

in the end give up

dunt buy lor
Re: All about Z4 (E89/ E86/ E85) thread

Jimster;798621 said:
nah haha nv mod before haha

stay stock also can.............

Re: All about Z4 (E89/ E86/ E85) thread

leonardlp;799581 said:
but someone stay stock still have quad look leh

best of both worlds!

shld share the know how


Some say he transplanted a V10 inside. I dunno if true a not ah.

Thats why he need to upgrade to 6pot bbk.
Re: All about Z4 (E89/ E86/ E85) thread

cupholders;799615 said:
Some say he transplanted a V10 inside. I dunno if true a not ah.

Thats why he need to upgrade to 6pot bbk.

i think even with inline 4 can still have bbk

i have a lady nurse friend in toyota yaris, no mods on engine but w 4 pot brembos

say its for safety and she doesn't even drive above 110km/h


Bling bling anyone?
Re: All about Z4 (E89/ E86/ E85) thread

ac323;800339 said:
the White Z4 with the BBK already sold..........


yo poisoning on idea of BBK n exhaust, not the actual car lah
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Re: All about Z4 (E89/ E86/ E85) thread

leonardlp;800346 said:
yo poising on idea of BBK n exhaust, not the actual car lah

Noted, thought you gonna sell car.........

Re: All about Z4 (E89/ E86/ E85) thread

stock is good.. stock is good..

no quad exos.. no bbk.. no 20" rims.. stock is good..
Re: All about Z4 (E89/ E86/ E85) thread

FC888;800512 said:
stock is good.. stock is good..

no quad exos.. no bbk.. no 20" rims.. stock is good..

go for 21ins............

* size matter
Re: All about Z4 (E89/ E86/ E85) thread

FC888;800533 said:
stock is good.. stock is good..


mod is better, mod is better


this pic dedicate to ac323
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