BMW Advanced Car Eye

for half of that, you can get Iroad X9 which in my opinion is far superior. Do a Google and read owners' reviews/feedback.
What can I say?... as I collected my car from PML, I looked around and find than 9 out of 10 cars parked in PML are using BMW Advanced Eye. 1 out of 9 is using the newer V2.0

Anyways to summarize, PML offerred the same introductory price of $999 to replace the camera from 1.0 to 2.0.

All they told me was that my V1.0 is beyond repair.
May I know if you took up their offer?
hi guys! I have just collected my PML G30 and am enjoying it. However, I have some questions on my Advanced Eye Camera 2.0. I tried to view the videos on my iPhone app, it seems super dark - even though the video was taken at 1pm in bright sunny day. I can't see any number plates at all. However, when I raised this with PML, they said that it will be "OK" when you view the video on the PC/laptop. Is this true? I have not tried transferring the video to my computer yet.

Hope the bros here will enlighten me. Thank you!
hi guys! I have just collected my PML G30 and am enjoying it. However, I have some questions on my Advanced Eye Camera 2.0. I tried to view the videos on my iPhone app, it seems super dark - even though the video was taken at 1pm in bright sunny day. I can't see any number plates at all. However, when I raised this with PML, they said that it will be "OK" when you view the video on the PC/laptop. Is this true? I have not tried transferring the video to my computer yet.

Hope the bros here will enlighten me. Thank you!

take out the sd card and view using smarttv super nice
Probably a lot of these cams conk off since parked in the sun for long duration.The Blackvues and the iroads dont fare any better from info on various forums
Can’t believe that I found one of my own post from almost 3 years ago while googling for BMW Advanced Eye 2.0.

Just to give everyone a short status update, my BMW Advanced Eye stopped working about a month ago. It was the holiday season and my family and I took a 3 weeks’ vacation. Upon returning, the front camera kept on rebooting while the car was in motion, meaning, I will be driving withou any recordings while it reboots.

Then, I started to notice that every morning, when I start the car, the car complains about battery drain. If I left the power cable detached from the camera, i.e. no power = no protection whatsoever, the battery warning signs do not come on.

Finally, after a few weeks of spluttering nonsense from the camera, it doesn’t boot up properly, hangs at the BMW logo screen and did not record a out-of-sight incident to my car. It is now a dummy camera.

Anyway, I’m at PML this morning for my servicing and will be enquiring about it.

My guess is that PML is going to shove the Advanced Eye 2.0 down my throat and make me pay for it.

More updates to follow.

I'm having the exact same issue as yours. As the price for the 2.0 is too expensive and IMHO I think the quality of 2.0's lifespan will be short like 1.0. Therefore, I did not proceed to get 2.0.

Now, I'm looking for an identical car camera that its power source can fit into the existing cabling.

Any bro here have any idea which is a better brand?
Blackvue 750 or 900 series dual camera. Don't get too caught up in the wiring bit as most shops will wire in the new cameras relatively cheaply.
Hi Guys esp Dominic Y,

according to PML my 1.0 version hardware spoilt n it suck up car batt,
PML ask me to change to 2.0. Anyone can suggest what to change to without doing cabling...many tks
Hi Guys esp Dominic Y,

according to PML my 1.0 version hardware spoilt n it suck up car batt,
PML ask me to change to 2.0. Anyone can suggest what to change to without doing cabling...many tks

Unless their giving you the 2.0 for free, can tell them to keep their hardware. Plenty of better cameras in the market at MUCH cheaper rates. Cabling is cheap generally at $30 per camera so dont get too caught up trying to keep the orignal cables.
Don’t listen to PML. I had the same problem with ACE1.0. Go outside and do your own for $300. They can reuse the existing cables with adapters to fit your new camera. Don’t be suckered by PML. it will not invalidate your warranty. The warranty is covered by BMW ASIA, not PML
Don’t listen to PML. I had the same problem with ACE1.0. Go outside and do your own for $300. They can reuse the existing cables with adapters to fit your new camera. Don’t be suckered by PML. it will not invalidate your warranty. The warranty is covered by BMW ASIA, not PML
$300? What brand and where?

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