BMW or Subaru


Well-Known Member
Beamer beamer beamer beamer :dance: :dance: :dance:
I had the same decision as you in June this year (when prices were higher :( ) and I went for the 320i. Absolutely no regrets :)
I think it is early days as u have yet to test drive the Legacy GT. After u have done dat, the decision may become clearer to u. Juz remember that the GT has a good package of AWD. Mac sound system, sunroof, twin-pipe etc. Very little mod required of the stock GT.

So it may boil down to whether u want continental or jap. The subaru build quality ain't bad at all.

Either way, they are good choices. :thumbsup:
your right that i need to test-drive the GT before i make up my mind. i had problems getting one arranged before, but finally have been able to get one set up for this weekend, so will see how it goes.l
Re: BMW or Subaru

mistraele said:


for 115-120 budget and limitations of montly installments,
I would suggest getting a NA. cheaper maintainance better comsumption.

have you considered a CL7 Euro-R honda?
220 hp, 2L 4dr and looks sweet.

how about Volvo S40 T5?

just my 2 cents

mistraele said:
your right that i need to test-drive the GT before i make up my mind. i had problems getting one arranged before, but finally have been able to get one set up for this weekend, so will see how it goes.l

Think it's quite a tough choice once u hv narrowed down ur list to those 2 makes only. One is clearly newer and powerful, less prestigeous while the other one is considered a medium size luxury saloon, a much smoother ride and approaching the end of its design's life cycle (new model comes out next yr)

Other than just the price of the car itself, u shud also consider other costs such as insurance for turbo cars which are generally quite high..

Ensure u test drive the Legacy GT and see if u like it or not.
If power is the one that impresses you, then GT is the choice. Handling of AWD should be pretty good too so I suppose from technical/performance aspects, the GT should generally win over 320..

Gd luck
Subaru legacy gt has a light steering feel compared to bmws... i went for a test drive early this year.

Felt good tho! Go for the GT.. and mod away! :thumbsup:
Interesting that a couple of opinions from BMW owners are rooting for the GT. Hhm... :roll:
axl said:
Interesting that a couple of opinions from BMW owners are rooting for the GT. Hhm... :roll:

That is called genuine opinion mah...can't be biased..

But if one compares M3 n EvoMR then I will choose M3 hehehe.....

Wah..where hv u been matey ?....hvent seen u for years :laughlik:
Given the choice of the Scobby or a 2nd hand 320, I would choose the Scobby actually. Think that the new legacy is very nice and that it has put together a very good package.
>> the steering was a little lighter than expected

Really, maybe you have not put it into a few corners. I find that BMW steering has good feel: it loads up when cornering to give your feel and confidence.

Mid corner, if it lightens up suddenly is when you starting to lose grip.
MRacer77 said:
Oh yah... if and when you decide to the the Scobby, get a stick. Cheers!
Yeah man..

PI the Legacy GT B4 edition in...
it's a STI in a non-threatening, stealth , TP-friendly body...
ryan said:
MRacer77 said:
Oh yah... if and when you decide to the the Scobby, get a stick. Cheers!
Yeah man..

PI the Legacy GT B4 edition in...
it's a STI in a non-threatening, stealth , TP-friendly body...

Yeah man... even better get the B4 WRC spec. hahaha! Sleeper car to the max!
axl said:
Interesting that a couple of opinions from BMW owners are rooting for the GT. Hhm... :roll:

Alamak, if u can be swayed to thr dark side, so can he :lol:
TripleM said:
That is called genuine opinion mah...can't be biased..

But if one compares M3 n EvoMR then I will choose M3 hehehe.....

Wah..where hv u been matey ?....hvent seen u for years :laughlik:

:shoot: I WANNA DRAG YOU!!!

Where got "years"?? I think you too excited abt becoming a first-time father bro. :dance:
Soo bah Loo, Soo bah Loo, Soo bah Loo, Soo bah Loo........ It creamed me on the straight, there was minimum sound when closing the door (for frameless doors its pretty darn good) and it looks absolutely stunning with the chrome tail pipes.

Besides the ride was absolutely smooth! Amazing work of art from the Japanese...

for 115-120 budget and limitations of montly installments,
I would suggest getting a NA. cheaper maintainance better comsumption.

have you considered a CL7 Euro-R honda?
220 hp, 2L 4dr and looks sweet.

how about Volvo S40 T5?

Whats a NA?

I know the honda is about the same price, but never been a honda fan.

i test drove the S40 T5. it was okay, its fairly rapid but you dont get much sensation of speed. steering response was so so, but better than other volvos . it looks good though and i like the interior. only problem wit the T5, as far as i know its about 145k now, which puts it out of my price range.

Oh yah... if and when you decide to the the Scobby, get a stick. Cheers!

forgive my ignorance, but whats a stick?

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