Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

Re: Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

his signature.......................................
Re: Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

j8833t;287955 said:
Maybe I could refer u to a workshop in Sin Min that can handle the claims involving M'sian Cars.
Don't know the exact name of the shop but I have know its location. Maybe need to drive there, recce and get a name card for u. Let u know soonest.

hey thanks a lot. just PM me and let me know the workshop's name and contact? thanks a lot.
Re: Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

Cabdriver;287984 said:
hey benji ben...glad u r ok...see u in our next meet up...

btw...ever thought of changing your signature quote?!?! hmmm...

hey thanks man. i'm alright. oh the quote is actually there to remind me not to speed and get into car crashes. hahaha it's meaningful. :lol2: :lol2:
Re: Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

iScoupe;287858 said:
Hope Ben is ok but also hope the other car involve is not a Picanto...

Hey Benji dun be sad ya..... Luckily is not a PICANTO who smashed your back.

Why is it a PICANTO? :furious: They are small and cute cars lor :angry: If involved in accident, they are the first to die lor!!!:( BMW so strong and hard, how can a small little PICANTO hurt him???? :furious: :furious: :furious:

Should blame the driver lor not the car!!!! :offtopic: :verysad: :verysad: :verysad:
Ben, hope you're well and no injuries, car is just secondary ya!!!! :smack:
Re: Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

jawzsg;287945 said:
Of course some are more decent, shy or haven't paired up..:chinese:

:( Hey I dun look good, :( still take my photo..... say dun post liao..... Look so fat..... :oops: :oops: must diet diet diet!!!! :laughlik: :laughlik: :laughlik: :laughlik:

Ahemm.. I'm not gay.. I very fast horsin or camel..whatever you fellas preferred..:D

Nice pic of you fast horsin, was a fun day, thanks for being so nice and friendly!!! :) :) :) :) :cloud9: :cloud9:
Re: Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

jin teck;288058 said:
Tell you to road hog don't listern. :nehnehhh:

teck ahh, i cannot road hog lahh. my TP test already kenna penalise for road hogging. almost couldn't get license because of that. hahaha. :)
Re: Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

balletbearcindy;288110 said:
Hey Benji dun be sad ya..... Luckily is not a PICANTO who smashed your back.

Why is it a PICANTO? :furious: They are small and cute cars lor :angry: If involved in accident, they are the first to die lor!!!:( BMW so strong and hard, how can a small little PICANTO hurt him???? :furious: :furious: :furious:

Should blame the driver lor not the car!!!! :offtopic: :verysad: :verysad: :verysad:
Ben, hope you're well and no injuries, car is just secondary ya!!!! :smack:

why am i considered lucky? i think i rather get hit by a picanto or cherry qq. so my damage will not be that bad. hahaha :lol2: :nehnehhh:

yeah i'm fine. thanks for the concern. but it hurts inside because it's my virgin accident. painful sia. :(
Re: Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

A speedy recovery of your E36 so that u can go see Sandy and forget about the bad incident
Re: Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

hahaha thanks lennon. sure will. can't wait to meet up the peeps of club sandy. you should also join up for the next meet up. drive down to s'pore in your cabrio E36. haha
Re: Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

milk15;287969 said:
Chairman........ you went to Man Exhaust weld off your rear doors??? :nehnehhh: :nehnehhh:

I welded some Guni Kong to hide them nia...kekekekekeek....:lol2:
Re: Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

This post is serious OT :offtopic: .. you may skip this post at your own preference..:nehnehhh:

Couple of my kaki have been urging me on this.. today it's completed and I'm pretty pleased with the results.. Thankz dudes.. you know who you are...:thumbsup:

The process is half done..for some comparison

This is what McDonald's always say.." like to upsize?"

Seriously, now my 1.6L car can hardly moves..:screwedu: ... kekekkeke..
All Hail Road Hogging.. All Hail Club Sandy. !!!
Re: Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

WOW, upsize front n rear ? Did you up szie your kaki tengah too?:lol2: :lol2: :lol2:

Jaws, I find Cindy look like your sister leh!
Re: Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

Upsize to 18"....................
hitmee & NyteMarE say 1..... :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
Re: Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

jin teck;288182 said:
WOW, upsize front n rear ? Did you up szie your kaki tengah too?:lol2: :lol2: :lol2:

Jaws, I find Cindy look like your sister leh!

KNN.. you trying to destroy my chances issit ??? ......:furious: :furious:

milk15;288185 said:
Upsize to 18"....................
hitmee & NyteMarE say 1..... :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:

They wan sponsor ah.. OK lor.. if yes then I put lor...:)

Mockngbrd;288196 said:
M3 rims !!!! WOOO!!!!!!

Ah.. same family also.. kekekeke...:laughlik:
Re: Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

jawzsg;287940 said:
I've driving behind this cute fella on the way to club sandy.. it's very refreshing

That was a lovely car and a very lovely owner as well...:cloud9: .. It's a pleasure to have you joined us.

Very CUTE car w/ piggy stickers......... :nehnehhh: btw is that owner of the PICANTO?? Robot face checking out her rear.....Hahahha

** Chairman say Club Sandy goin to have a new secretary.........:lol2: :lol2:
Re: Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

hmm... will I look as pretty if I get the latest PICANTO too?

when I was just a little ger... I ask my mudder, what will I bbbbbbb!!!!
will I be............... u know e rest!!
Re: Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

man u guys all going retro with the rims ah? jawsg, mock, bison.....hehe
jawsg's bbs still looks very swee....hopefully got some new owner who knows how to appreciate it.
Re: Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

dpointt;288212 said:
hmm... will I look as pretty if I get the latest PICANTO too?

when I was just a little ger... I ask my mudder, what will I bbbbbbb!!!!
will I be............... u know e rest!!

u know a vulgar word in Hunan, China....hehe
dun b so loud when u are there hor, wait u got mob going after u.....:yummie:

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