Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

Re: Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

SC_JC_0308;287371 said:
Date: 11 January 2008, Friday
Time: 9.00pm
Location: Blk 17, Upper Boon Keng Market & Food Centre, Kambing soup stall
Map: See first post

1. Jawzsg
2. C3P0
3. Butch3r
4. SC_JC_0308
5. sszone
6. Haikel
7. ezmobile (maybe)
8. Jin Teck meet at Damalu/Club Sandy
9. Collin -join at damalu/Club Sandy after Satay
10. Gweenray - Maybe......but will not be 9pm, earliest 10.30, if possible.
11. Benji ben
12. kai82
13. nytemare and sweetdreams (no mahjong this time)
14. jamesL
15. jinooi
16. balletbearcindy
17. cabdriver

thanks scjc0308...i forgot to add my name...
Re: Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

woah all those talking about blood and metal rods are damn scary lahh. i'm still a virgin lehh. can all of you guys go gentle on a first timer? all of those shit sounded damn wrong lahh. hahaha

from the way this thread is going, i think it's gonna be damn funny meet up tomorrow. can't wait sia. jin teck won't be there that early right? so would any kind souls give me their contact? so that i'll be able to contact him tomorrow. thanks a millon.
Re: Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

Dpointt, 2morrow got new members coming.
Guy and Gals also.............keke.
Lexi - remember to bring more blood. Chairman say one.
Butch3r, - remember to bring that thing.....Mata Kia say one.
All Hail Club Sandy. :cloud9:

Please note that only members can get the access code to
Re: Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

collin;287557 said:
Dpointt, 2morrow got new members coming.
Guy and Gals also.............keke.
Lexi - remember to bring more blood. Chairman say one.
Butch3r, - remember to bring that thing.....Mata Kia say one.
All Hail Club Sandy. :cloud9:

Please note that only members can get the access code to

bring wat thing sia?
Re: Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

me member for life liao...
wanna wait for chairman's approval of my membership resignation and Lexi's lap dance seems to be taking a long time now!!!

still cannot make it, as my client is here... need to entertain him elsewhere!!!
Re: Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

ask sandy entertain your client... lol
Re: Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

balletbearcindy;287377 said:
Anyway, jawzsg, Thanks for the invitation, call me tml and see how ya...
jawzsg, did you manage to get butch to fetch balletbear? He stays Bt Batok....

Roasty;287394 said:
if i come along, can u guys dun drive so fast..? :(
Bro, follow me la, I am famous for getting lost and driving slow.

But no worries everyone, i'm very very familiar with damalu (jinteck and jawzsg too) and the foot convoy will not have problems tomorrow. :)

providence29;287514 said:
Will try to be there, got nett meeting till 2200pm, Where will u bimmers bee.? By the time reach u abt 2225hrs, Dont know if kambing soup still available or only oily kambing soup.
Friend, call me when your meeting finish, just take note that damalu outing is not suitable for wife :lol2:

benji ben;287546 said:
woah all those talking about blood and metal rods are damn scary lahh. i'm still a virgin lehh. can all of you guys go gentle on a first timer?
Ok bro, Robot will be gentle on you.....i promise...
Anyway, will PM you my number.

balletbearcindy;287377 said:
wht do you guys do during meetup? Drink blood? PLay rod? :(
errr.... unfortunately my rod is not for playing, see its purpose below.:)

dpointt;287579 said:
wanna wait for chairman's approval of my membership resignation
dpointt, you dare to resign I will give you metal rod treatment. Chairman says one. :nehnehhh:
Re: Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

C3PO, me more interested in the LAP-DANCE!!! after that I will prob disowned the membership... kekekeke :D
Re: Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

dpointt;287604 said:
C3PO, me more interested in the LAP-DANCE!!! after that I will prob disowned the membership... kekekeke :D

Then you'll get more than Metal Rod treatment... Sandeez gang, stand-by all your strut bar & anti-row bar when that happens.......:furious:
Re: Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

4L also not enough for him.
Re: Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

jawzsg;287648 said:
Then you'll get more than Metal Rod treatment... Sandeez gang, stand-by all your strut bar & anti-row bar when that happens.......:furious:
Sharpened metal rod standing by boss, at your command I will poke dpointt from behind hard hard, wahahaha :lol2: :lol2:
Re: Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

hi all.....

1. i'm new here
2. i dun drive a beemer
3. can meet u guys at tomorrow night
4. will find frm street directory "Damalu Road"

will that do?
and which kind soul do i contact 'cos i dunno anyone of u guys.

thanks & cheers!

:juggle: :juggle: :juggle:
Re: Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

sgbb;287691 said:
hi all.....

1. i'm new here
2. i dun drive a beemer
3. can meet u guys at tomorrow night
4. will find frm street directory "Damalu Road"

and which kind soul do i contact 'cos i dunno anyone of u guys.

Hi sgbb, do join us even if you don't drive a beemer. We are actually meeting tonight (not tomorrow) at Upper Boon Keng food centre, see map below. Forget about damalu because it is not in the map :lol2: I'll PM you my contact number too.

Club Sandy 11th Jan 2008 Meetup
Kambing soup => 2) Photoshoot if got suitable place, if not damalu convoy on foot => Club Sandy

Date: 11 January 2008, Friday
Time: 9.00pm
Location: Blk 17, Upper Boon Keng Market & Food Centre, Kambing soup stall

Re: Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

ehhh i think i know what is damalu already lahh. wah lau are you guys just gonna look at the fishtank or go in visiting? scary lehh. hahahahaha
Re: Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

one of my classmate will also be joining us. hope you guys don't mind. he is into cars too but not rerally into damalu. hahahaha

ohh thanks C3P0 for your number. i've got it already. will contact you later at night. cheers!
Re: Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

All cars welcome :)

anybody want to convey down from serangoon, hougang, sengkang area?
Re: Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

jawzsg;287648 said:
Then you'll get more than Metal Rod treatment... Sandeez gang, stand-by all your strut bar & anti-row bar when that happens.......:furious:

NIN NABEH.... this is probably worst than getting out from the real gangsterism tt I know off!!!
Re: Club Sandy Meetup 11 Jan 2008

wow Lan.... one stupid Kambing soup meetup 120 posts!!!
think all of you forget me , is ok.. dun like this club anyway..
drink blood, play rod .. kns childish.... but give chairman face i join all of u Damalu more healthy..
go there buy some chicken then strip them mix with my huge ginseng root & steam it ..

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