MW;713031 said:PML's pricing is still damn high despite their "unrivalled" trade-in and overtrades.
Reputable PI ones are still more value for money comparing apples with apples.
MW;713051 said:I dunno whether this has been asked before but what the heck..
Say you bought your car from a PI and after 3 years waranty expire and wan to sell it.
Your fren has the exact same car as you but bought from PML, same thing..warranty also expired.
Both cars are on "equal footing"
Which one would people buy?
nicknick;713104 said:PML high over trade is just a camouflage, basic car cost = omv x 1.2 x 1.07 + 100% omv + coe, selling at 254!!! profit at least 70k!!! so when they take in ur car abt 10k + higher than any other dealer, really worth???
wt_know;713107 said:$70k profit for F10 is sup sup water in PML opinion
if you kaypoh kaypoh SE see you no up to drive F10 ... and immediately recommend 118/318 and say got promo
MW;713073 said:Ahwing, some PI's cars are higher in OMV than PML's cars. But assuming same OMV, why would one be biased against a PI car?
A typical dealer will always ask "agent or PI?" and then their offer will be adjusted from there.
PML or PI car..still a BMW, no warranty, same OMV.. how come got difference in pricing and treatment. PML cars have nicer smell?
Centurion9990;713112 said:Very good already... my friend who hard bargained, the SE see her off to the exit door... she got super insulted... haahaha
Centurion9990;713112 said:Very good already... my friend who hard bargained, the SE see her off to the exit door... she got super insulted... haahaha
st8800;713187 said:Sometimes I really wonder how these so call salespeople deserve to be selling BMWs....
I'm glad my SE is of much higher calibre. He just came to my place after 1 mth of sales to pass me a BMW long sleeve biker's T shirt and a nice black blouse for my wife.
st8800;713187 said:Sometimes I really wonder how these so call salespeople deserve to be selling BMWs....
I'm glad my SE is of much higher calibre. He just came to my place after 1 mth of sales to pass me a BMW long sleeve biker's T shirt and a nice black blouse for my wife.
spursburger;713195 said:bro did you buy and X6 and 7 series?