Ge 2011

Re: Ge 2011

I am refering to WP speeches from Low/Slyvia/Mao. For Tan Jaey Say he has outline his strategy/plan/vision if he is elected which give people enough info to make an informed decision but not hearing from WP yet.. Too much on rhetoric stuff..

For example if I am a candidate of WP, I will say this in my speeches..

1) Issues on Accountability - I would push Gov to release the detail of the Reserves and the status of the investment for the last 10 years.
2) Issues on Minister Salary - I would table in parliment to push for a formula change in minister salary to 300% above the medium income of Singaporeans.
3) Issue on GST - I would push gov to drop the GST for staple goods like rice, oil, sugar etc which form big bulk of spendings of the poor but not the rich.
4) On FT - Tighten the work permit on certain jobs that should be reserved for the Sporean/residents.
5) HDB - Why dont allocate the 2/3 rooms to sell it at heavily subsidized price and not peg at current market price to the poor and these buyers must sell it back to HDB if they wish to upgrade one day which means that their economic situation has improved and HDB can recycle these unit for other poorer buyers..

These are some broad strategy/plans that will not need much time to share with the audience but it will resonates with them and provide voters with enough info to make an informed decision..

whymehor;636996 said:
As far as rallies' limited time constraints concern, the hours are simply not enough to go in depth and to cover all issues for all listeners, coming from all walks of life.

Parliament should be the place.

Believe if Jee Say or Show Mao went on rambling chim economic or financial jargons, terms detailing the processes, plans or solutions, crickets sound would only be heard on those fields and stadiums...One thing is for sure, is, the crowds came voluntarily for Opps parties. be it real supporters or on the fences. While, on the another side...benefit of chicken rice for the true supporters or folks who may had to worry when is their next meal or just simply going for free food and free tour at Resort World?

Re: Ge 2011

zorro;637041 said:
I am refering to WP speeches from Low/Slyvia/Mao. For Tan Jaey Say he has outline his strategy/plan/vision if he is elected which give people enough info to make an informed decision but not hearing from WP yet.. Too much on rhetoric stuff..

For example if I am a candidate of WP, I will say this in my speeches..

1) Issues on Accountability - I would push Gov to release the detail of the Reserves and the status of the investment for the last 10 years.
2) Issues on Minister Salary - I would table in parliment to push for a formula change in minister salary to 300% above the medium income of Singaporeans.
3) Issue on GST - I would push gov to drop the GST for staple goods like rice, oil, sugar etc which form big bulk of spendings of the poor but not the rich.
4) On FT - Tighten the work permit on certain jobs that should be reserved for the Sporean/residents.
5) HDB - Why dont allocate the 2/3 rooms to sell it at heavily subsidized price and not peg at current market price to the poor and these buyers must sell it back to HDB if they wish to upgrade one day which means that their economic situation has improved and HDB can recycle these unit for other poorer buyers..

These are some broad strategy/plans that will not need much time to share with the audience but it will resonates with them and provide voters with enough info to make an informed decision..

ermm..okay..something like below? Believe more glimpses will surface bah

[ame=]YouTube - WP's Chen Show Mao at Moulmein-Kallang GRC rally, 2 May[/ame]
Re: Ge 2011

I have never been interested in politics but this year is different. I am seeing credible opposition candidates stepping up to the challenge. This is a good thing. Over the last few weeks, I have scoured the internet; youtube, FB, blogs, etc, to listen to views from ordinary citizens like you and me and must say I am the least surprised at what I have been hearing.

All I can say is;
1. The PAP has really lost touch with the people. People like LHL, WKS, VB, MBT and KBW (to name a few) have become too arrogant to understand basic issues. The opposition raised so many good points that I am pretty sure someone up there at the PAP camp is shitting bricks.
2. It is easy for the opposition to connect with the people. They can truly articulate the problems faced by ordinary Singaporeans. The PAP, in their ivory towers, are not able to echo the same feeling.
3. Opposition candidates are passionate in their speeches and topics they want to address. PAP candidates are just figures aka "yes men" put there to say something, most of the time cold, soulless and wayang. Go watch rally speeches of the PAP vs the oppositions.
4. The PAP has forgotten that they are supposed to serve the people, not the other way around. In the last 5 years, I see policies passed without debate and even if there were, they were conducted after the policies were passed. WTF!
5. The PAP justified their BIG pay packages by comparing with top CEOs of local and MNCs. Doesn't serving the people come with sacrifices and money matters should not matter? I cannot accept that they need $3 million a year for the work they were "hired" to do. I pay my taxes and this matters to me a lot. Yes, we need a clean government but $3 million?

I know exactly what to do come Saturday.
Re: Ge 2011

On the lighter joking side, we can laugh to ourselves and pat one another that we MIGHT be posts warriors behind screens happily typing away after all now, while GIC and Temasek, two of world largest wealth sovereign funds, had lost heavily on investments which are years of our national savings...with our blood and sweat..

Without the Gov having to tell us how much we lost, we already roughly know how much we had lost..imagine all these monies can help the poors now and further improve Singapore, whether on infrastructure or on Singaporeans...

Well, 52 man-days to compute how much our reserves have? Btw, eternal kudos to ex-President Ong.

Or simply shrug off by saying 'Wau lau, in biz is like that one, u either lose or win one, wat to do' hahahahahahhahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...
Re: Ge 2011

This issue is of special interest to me...see my post in other thread. Investment income of our reserve is of paramount importance...If done properly and effectively, the gov will have enough resources to help the people in many areas like subsidy in healthcare, education (university fees are not cheap nowadays), some allowances for the retrenched etc.

We have the so called top most brilliant people in the helm of TH/GIC and their pay is obscene to say the least....Where are they compared to Warren Buffet??? Let me tell you top scholar doesnt equate to top investor....

This area is purely commercial and if they dont perform dont hesitate to fire them just like any money making orgainzation...

whymehor;637056 said:
On the lighter joking side, we can laugh to ourselves and pat one another that we MIGHT be posts warriors behind screens happily typing away after all now, while GIC and Temasek, two of world largest wealth sovereign funds, had lost heavily on investments which are years of our national savings...with our blood and sweat..

Without the Gov having to tell us how much we lost, we already roughly know how much we had lost..imagine all these monies can help the poors now and further improve Singapore, whether on infrastructure or on Singaporeans...

Well, 52 man-days to compute how much our reserves have? Btw, eternal kudos to ex-President Ong.

Or simply shrug off by saying 'Wau lau, in biz is like that one, u either lose or win one, wat to do' hahahahahahhahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...
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Re: Ge 2011

whymehor;637056 said:
On the lighter joking side, we can laugh to ourselves and pat one another that we MIGHT be posts warriors behind screens happily typing away after all now, while GIC and Temasek, two of world largest wealth sovereign funds, had lost heavily on investments which are years of our national savings...with our blood and sweat..

Without the Gov having to tell us how much we lost, we already roughly know how much we had lost..imagine all these monies can help the poors now and further improve Singapore, whether on infrastructure or on Singaporeans...

Well, 52 man-days to compute how much our reserves have? Btw, eternal kudos to ex-President Ong.

Or simply shrug off by saying 'Wau lau, in biz is like that one, u either lose or win one, wat to do' hahahahahahhahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...

brudder, its 56 man YEARS :)
Re: Ge 2011

Benjamin Pwee, 43, was a former government scholar and senior civil servant with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Home Affairs. He was First Secretary in charge of political and economic affairs at the Singapore Embassy in Beijing, and handled many senior leaders’ trips to China, including President Ong Teng Cheong, then Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew, and then Foreign Minister Wong Kan Seng. He was also involved in key projects like the Singapore-Suzhou Industrial Park and the PSA-Dalian Port Development projects.

Benjamin grew up in Bishan and is the son of active PAP grassroots leader Robert Pwee. He was also former PAP Youth Wing (Thomson Branch) Chairman. He has lived and worked overseas in Beijing and Hong Kong.

Benjamin is currently Managing Director of his own regional business strategy consulting firm. He is married with three children, and lives in a 3-room HDB flat in Commonwealth. He speaks English, Mandarin and Cantonese. Benjamin obtained a BA (Hons) n MA in Literature and Music from Cambridge University, UK. He is married to a primary school teacher and has three children.


Jimmy Lee, 36, was a former government scholar and senior civil servant at the Ministry of Defence and the Defence Science & Technology Agency (DSTA). He held the positions of Project Manager, Business Analyst and Assistant Chief Information Officer. He currently runs his own business management consulting firm, serving clients in the private and public sectors in the areas of business strategy.

Jimmy has serviced many large clients (including Changi Airport Group), and SMEs and family businesses in Singapore and the region.

He obtained his BSc, MEng and MBA from Cornell University, USA. He is single and lives in a 3-room HDB flat in Ang Mo Kio with his parents. He speaks English, Mandarin and Hokkien.


Wah.. 3-Room HDB so hot ah? MD also wanna stay..
Re: Ge 2011

Humble man...............................


SpyVeilside;637468 said:
Benjamin Pwee, 43, was a former government scholar and senior civil servant with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Home Affairs. He was First Secretary in charge of political and economic affairs at the Singapore Embassy in Beijing, and handled many senior leaders’ trips to China, including President Ong Teng Cheong, then Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew, and then Foreign Minister Wong Kan Seng. He was also involved in key projects like the Singapore-Suzhou Industrial Park and the PSA-Dalian Port Development projects.

Benjamin grew up in Bishan and is the son of active PAP grassroots leader Robert Pwee. He was also former PAP Youth Wing (Thomson Branch) Chairman. He has lived and worked overseas in Beijing and Hong Kong.

Benjamin is currently Managing Director of his own regional business strategy consulting firm. He is married with three children, and lives in a 3-room HDB flat in Commonwealth. He speaks English, Mandarin and Cantonese. Benjamin obtained a BA (Hons) n MA in Literature and Music from Cambridge University, UK. He is married to a primary school teacher and has three children.


Jimmy Lee, 36, was a former government scholar and senior civil servant at the Ministry of Defence and the Defence Science & Technology Agency (DSTA). He held the positions of Project Manager, Business Analyst and Assistant Chief Information Officer. He currently runs his own business management consulting firm, serving clients in the private and public sectors in the areas of business strategy.

Jimmy has serviced many large clients (including Changi Airport Group), and SMEs and family businesses in Singapore and the region.

He obtained his BSc, MEng and MBA from Cornell University, USA. He is single and lives in a 3-room HDB flat in Ang Mo Kio with his parents. He speaks English, Mandarin and Hokkien.


Wah.. 3-Room HDB so hot ah? MD also wanna stay..
Re: Ge 2011

They stays in a 3rm doesnt mean they dont own private properties....maybe BMW and Porshe too....
Re: Ge 2011

End of the day, do we want Singapore to be run like a corporation, or do we want a nation that is uniquely Singaporean? Should the government be concerned with pursuing GDP growth and first-world status, or should they be building a nation that we can identify with as our home?

Many NSmen do not know what we are defending anymore. I think the latest statistic for local Singaporeans as a percentage of the total population was around the 55% mark.

Regarding the FT issue, it's not a question about survival of the fittest. Yes, there will always be competition, and there will always be a higher mountain. If we choose to dilute our heritage and culture with another 1 million merceneries, my personal opinion is that we would have failed as a nation and people. We have sold our souls to the devil. Do we want a place that we can recognise and call "home", something worth fighting and dying for, or do we want to live in just another generic metropolis run by people who are driven solely by monetary gains?

If we do not choose wisely now, we may never get another chance when these people "buy" over more supporters (1 million more, to be exact).
Re: Ge 2011

powersteer;635353 said:
hahs, thats something i'm pretty intimate with ... 50% of my classmates were foreigners!
try to ask ard .. wat kinda school fees they had to pay ... and wat kinda subsidies, .... etc they getting ;)

hmm .. so i'm not the only one to know
let the truth liberate you YOU are only worth this much - MyCarForum

"though i am very against the influx of FTs, i still treat them like a fellow being and have never look at them with a different perspective.

i was having lunch with a PRC colleague. shes a 24yr old gal who just graduated from NTU and now working in a MNC while waiting for PR approval.

just started a casual topic like, wad do u like about this country and how are u coping

so we get the standard reply. wad stuns me, was the answer to my next question.

me: " so wad makes u decide to come here"

PRC: " i didnt"

me: " wa, ur parents force u here or ur bf is here"

PRC: "neither, ur SG gahment invited us here"

me: " huh, wad do u mean"

PRC: " ur MOE went to our school in our village and told us they URGENTLY need students here, infact they were hardselling the whole scheme and many of us signed up"

me: " huh, wad did they offer"

PRC: " they offer us, ALL Expenses paid for our fees in NTU, including lodging and we even get pocket money"

me: *mouth open

PRC: "on top of that, they have send me the INVITATION letter to apply for PR after we grad"

i seriously begin to wonder the magitude of the FT problem has many more sides that many of us do not know,

i lose my pride as a sgporean after hearing this and i really wonder do they really care ?

if u give a PR who starts a business here and bring jobs to sgporeans, by all means.

BUT if u choose to so-call groom a FT and seemingly used up tax payers money to fund it, i totally do not understand the reason why.

my guess is, they bring in more FTs, give them the candy and they bring in more FTs, which i belive is working because she told her friends about this scheme and many of her friends are here now, at the expenses of home-grown sgporeans.

i myself was deprived the chance of studying in a local U.

but yet a villager from a faraway land with no visible society contributions gets the chance of studying here, all expenses PAID.

are we really worth this much to the gahment ?

is it really we got not enough pple here to study in NTU ? then why are they rejecting sgporeans who meet the pre-requisites ?
Re: Ge 2011

"I think it is viable to move some PRC citizens to Aljunied GRC before 2016, proportionately to the opposition vote counts in GE 2011....."
Re: Ge 2011

kenntona;637880 said:
"I think it is viable to move some PRC citizens to Aljunied GRC before 2016, proportionately to the opposition vote counts in GE 2011....."

Bishan Junction 8 alot PRC....
Re: Ge 2011

Some of the talents imported

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