Grudge Match - The Saga Continues......

Hymics said:

Spiderman will look nicer in..
Current Red with black webby suit
Black with white poker dots....

here u go, model with car! Sambal chilli with Nasi Lemak! :thumbsup:

Red lah, looks more fierce! :furious:


Japanese race queen or

Ang Moh race queen! :thinking:

Japanese race queen or

Ang Moh race queen!

Japanese...They look like the more submissive type! 8)

Which is more scary: Bungee jump or sky diving? :thinking:
"Japanese race queen or Ang Moh race queen!"

Japanese Japanese... I like when they scream "Dame Dame".... :drool:

BTW Is that MW behind the angmoh pic.. the one with the "Thigh size Arm"??

SL2 :

Prefer skydiving... The freefall part feeling basically same like bungee.. but Bungee when you reach the point when the rubber band pulls and shoots you back upwards... NB.. feeling like choke with 2 fishball in yr throat.... Shiok :naughty: :hmmidont:

Go to motorshow..
with all guy frends
With Wife / galfrend
Shaun,..make sure u read this...


Let me ask you, why are you so f**king anal bout getting the source of the info, verifying sources etc etc? For God sake u know more than anybody else bout technical aspects of car engine bla bla..
Why did u start picking on Kenn on something he quoted from other sources but he didnt disclose the source of info hence leading to the issue of plagiarism? There is this thing called World Wide Web that you can surf to match what he quoted..Stop pressing on people!

Fyi, many people cut and paste info everyday...what is new ? One of the bros recently typed alot of info on brakes...why didnt u go attack him? He is too senior old member, is that it? U want me to mention the name here?
If u wanna know, he told me that he took the quotes all from a book..

Seriously, your challenge on technical academia is not welcome here. Especially in the GM folder where we (other than u) have been having fun... Bear that in mind! You have been involved in so many arguments with people from all over the places and yet you havent learned a damn lesson bout changing the way you express your opinions..

U hv an attitude problem dude..Let's face it!

I strongly suggest you mind your own f**king biz, go back to study and graduate with a suma cum laude predicate. I am sick of seeing you arguing with people over and over again.
U have a bright future of building a super duper car with V12 engine, forged pistons and cams...go prove to the world that you can do it :)

If u want to stay alive in this forum, learn how to respect others. If somebody is asking for your opinion, you answer them. I know you dont know shits bout women, financial markets...Do u want to touch on those subjects and open the opportunity for those who know to start attacking you on those subjects you are hardly familiar with?

My advice to you and I do mean good,...this is a local forum... It's not like in the US or Europe where it's probably normal to whack or ridicule others. Try to blend in the local culture here. U know u hv been banned before and yet you havent learned enough. What's it that you want to prove? We all know you are already superior with regard to car engine and try to stay humble if u will..

Gd luck n hv a nice day.
Re: Shaun,..make sure u read this...

TripleM said:

Let me ask you, why are you so f**king anal bout getting the source of the info, verifying sources etc etc? For God sake u know more than anybody else bout technical aspects of car engine bla bla..
Why did start picking on Kenn on something he quoted from other sources but he didnt disclose the source of info hence leading to the issue of plagiarism? There is this thing called World Wide Web that you can surf to match what he quoted..Stop pressing on people!

Fyi, many people cut and paste info everyday...what is new ? One of the bros recently typed alot of info on brakes...why didnt u go attack him? He is too senior old member, is that it? U want me to mention the name here?
If u wanna know, he told me that he took the quotes all from a book..

Seriously, your challenge on technical academia is not welcome here. Especially in the GM folder where we (other than u) have been having fun... Bear that in mind! You have been involved in so many arguments with people from all over the places and yet you havent learned a damn lesson bout changing the way you express your opinions..

U hv an attitude problem dude..Let's face it!

I strongly suggest you mind your own f**king biz, go back to study and graduate with a suma cum laude predicate. I am sick of seeing you arguing with people over and over again.
U have a bright future of building a super duper car with V12 engine, forged pistons and cams...go prove to the world that you can do it :)

If u want to stay alive in this forum, learn how to respect others. If somebody is asking for your opinion, you answer them. I know you dont know shits bout women, financial markets...Do u want to touch on those subjects and open the opportunity for those who know to start attacking you on those subjects you are hardly familiar with?

My advice to you and I do mean good,...this is a local forum... It's not like in the US or Europe where it's probably normal to whack or ridicule others. Try to blend in the local culture here. U know u hv been banned before and yet you havent learned enough. What's it that you want to prove? We all know you are already superior with regard to car engine and try to stay humble if u will..

Gd luck n hv a nice day.

:thumbsup: Clap clap clap….. :thumbsup:
“Once a Lan Chiao Shark, Always a Lan Chiao shark” will never congragate a pack here .. ..locally… <Quoted.. Who Cares!!> :shoot: :shoot: :twisted:

u still hv nt answer my GM question yet.. Kekekekek… :silenced:
To add to Jack's comments: Stop setting double standards. I'm sure what you learnt and subsequently posted are from someone or somewhere. If you want to start stating that we need to acknowledge the source of information, I haven't seen you doing it for ALL of your postings. So get your act together before you start commenting on others, otherwise, go spin your web of unsolicited comments else where.

Above source "quoted" from SL2.
wah this forum so scary one ah....if not original will kena whack and must quote source ah,, to know source, chilli sauce i know lah
....this is bmw car forum or Mensa forum ah???

paiseh, stepped into wrong one liao.

i go back to polish car now.


tomato source or chilli source?
Re: Shaun,..make sure u read this...

TripleM said:
One of the bros recently typed alot of info on brakes...why didnt u go attack him? He is too senior old member, is that it? U want me to mention the name here? If u wanna know, he told me that he took the quotes all from a book..

who and where? didn't he acknowledge the source? really

Seriously, your challenge on technical academia is not welcome here.

there has been no tech since long ago along this issue of crediting. the tech was only to confirm or deny the suspected plagiarism, which has been found to be real. from that point on is has been non-tech. no need to get vulgar and no need to harp on tech.

I strongly suggest you mind your own f**king biz, go back to study and graduate with a suma cum laude predicate. I am sick of seeing you arguing with people over and over again.

two to tango, jack

If u want to stay alive in this forum, learn how to respect others. If somebody is asking for your opinion, you answer them. I know you dont know shits bout women, financial markets...Do u want to touch on those subjects and open the opportunity for those who know to start attacking you on those subjects you are hardly familiar with?

No I don't want to be attacked, but I sure would expect it, if I was taking chunks of information from a financial expert of somesort and pasting it without acknowledging.

My advice to you and I do mean good,...this is a local forum... It's not like in the US or Europe where it's probably normal to whack or ridicule others. Try to blend in the local culture here. U know u hv been banned before and yet you havent learned enough. What's it that you want to prove? We all know you are already superior with regard to car engine and try to stay humble if u will..

not trying to prove anything. I used to be outspoken about what I considered soft mods like bodykits and wheels... and very harsh about stupid little mods like ecotek, etc. I've stopped all that. I don't post much anywhere else besides tech or track related topics. I broke practice and posted here because it is about standards. just trying to urge the adherence to international ethical standards. It appears I've failed, but like I said, it was worth a shot.

Gd luck n hv a nice day.

SL2 said:
To add to Jack's comments: Stop setting double standards. I'm sure what you learnt and subsequently posted are from someone or somewhere. If you want to start stating that we need to acknowledge the source of information, I haven't seen you doing it for ALL of your postings. So get your act together before you start commenting on others, otherwise, go spin your web of unsolicited comments else where.

Above source "quoted" from SL2.

SL2, what differentiates is how much you have made the knowledge yours by truly consuming and understanding it. For example, a college student may give a presentation on logistics - explaining supply structures, different models, etc. The student will be required to come up with a Bibliography because everyone knows he/she is new to this and has taken it from sources. Student does not truly possess any of what has been presented - only has put the work in to go and find out, structure it, and present it.

8 years down the road, this same student having graduated and having worked for a large logistics/shipping company for 5 years, having risen quick through the ranks to arrive at a very senior position, is now a master of logistic theory and application. This student is invited back to college to give talks to students. In this new presentation, no credit is given because what is now being presented has truly been experienced, consumed, mastered. Own thoughts, own reasoning, own experiences - all based on what the student learnt a long time ago, BUT now equal to or beyond it.

So, what has happened here on this thread, is not remotely similar to what I have posted in other threads. I can assure you the tech principles I explain in all previous threads are low enough to be consumed. If you doubt it, you're welcome to test it. Now if you see me pasting chunks of fluid dynamics theory and math, you might be suspicious.
Chilli source..

Soccer team… one of yr team mate is an asshole with f**kin attitude problem..
Ask him to F**k off
Let him stay and remain an asshole..
Spidy wote:
“just trying to urge the adherence to international ethical standards. It appears I've failed, but like I said, it was worth a shot.”

Spidy… U are lowering yr standard day by day.. losing ground in this forum night by night…. Embarrassing yrself minutes by minutes…committing suicide seconds by seconds. Tis can be seen clearly from wat u hv posted last few days….

Nw.. u wan to talk abt international ethical standards… this is a freaking lousy joke you r driving… kid.

Are u aware that there are dozens and dozens of bros here that are reading tis thread and bros tat has been the last few days feeding you with “#$%^!#” are working class executives, managers, GM and even business owners that does nt need a pre graduate young punk like u to urge what is “International ethical Standards”!!… The question is … to whom.. to what… to where … we need to apply such standards.. but as far as present circumstances concerned…especially with you… ‘who cares”!! don’t be a smart alec… look at situation before you act Kid….. dun noe yr players well,.. give respect and be humble..

In life.. some things are nt worth taking a shot… yr lecturer didnt teach u huh..??
Evaluate the situation.. Evaluate the players, understand the culture…weigh yr confidence.. than only u decide to take the shot!! Spidey…. Like u said… u failed this time ….. so live with it… and like what Jack suggested and I strongly recommend…. SHUT UP… Proceed what you do best but in a proper situational manner and carry on with your lonely life and enjoy yr spidey good time in states….

Don’t bother to reply…. Cos it sucks now……….
I've been following this thread for the past 2 days and i hope both parties have managed to sort out their differences and opinions (whether right or wrong).

This is no doubt the Irrelevant topics folder, and i respect the both parties as who they are. However, my job as forum admin(as well as a few others) is to maintain the integrity of a forum. Tempers flared, anger has been shown, and the thread is brought off from its intended topic. I am quite late in providing damage control and i'm sorry for that.

I would strongly urge both Shaun and Kenntona, if possible, to resolve this matter as soon, and as quickly as possible, and not to nit-pick on each other (again, regardless of who is right or wrong). Failing that, i would lock this thread for 2 days and advise that both of you guys resolve it via email instead.

Chill guys :)

I'll bother to reply.

There is absolutely no correlation between your occupation and social status to whether a person possesses "International Ethical Standards" (whatever it is). Assuming this International Ethical Standard is reduced to "Ethics" then it is evident that my first statement is true by looking at all the corruption, CBT, cronism, etc that happen across all professions regardless of strata. Therefore it is irrelevant to the arguement that you should point out that forum users are "working class executives, managers, GM and even business owners".

What is worse, you are implying that "working class executives, managers, GM and even business owners" should naturally possess a certain admirable level of Ethics but then isn't it terrible that a "pre graduate young punk" (whom you think is a lower life form based on the condecending remark) should be the one alerting this fallacy to all?

Do not use "Kid" in the same sentence when advocating respect and humility. It is self-defeating.

Please grant me the excuse that reading 147 pages is a monumental undertaking, hence I am not doing so, therefore what I point out here is merely in relation to your most recent post and does not take into account what has been previously said or commited. I have kept what I have commented on independant of that which has been previously said or commited and is only poignant to your most recent post.

The reason why I choose to reply is not to condone or encourage Shaun's actions/behavior on this forum. Quite frankly, I no longer care, because like you, I too understand the futility in trying to change a person's action/attitude by smart words. The thing that caught my attention was your apparent intention to drop the feud, at least it seems like it, by returning to the original topic of this thread but revisiting it a day later to pick up the fight again. Please enlighten me out of my curiosity and your good will, as to the intentions and your goals of the most current rebuttal to Shaun. Are you really that magnanimous to correct a wayward youth?
Tanzy said:

I'll bother to reply.

There is absolutely no correlation between your occupation and social status to whether a person possesses "International Ethical Standards" (whatever it is). Assuming this International Ethical Standard is reduced to "Ethics" then it is evident that my first statement is true by looking at all the corruption, CBT, cronism, etc that happen across all professions regardless of strata. Therefore it is irrelevant to the arguement that you should point out that forum users are "working class executives, managers, GM and even business owners".

What is worse, you are implying that "working class executives, managers, GM and even business owners" should naturally possess a certain admirable level of Ethics but then isn't it terrible that a "pre graduate young punk" (whom you think is a lower life form based on the condecending remark) should be the one alerting this fallacy to all?

Do not use "Kid" in the same sentence when advocating respect and humility. It is self-defeating.

Please grant me the excuse that reading 147 pages is a monumental undertaking, hence I am not doing so, therefore what I point out here is merely in relation to your most recent post and does not take into account what has been previously said or commited. I have kept what I have commented on independant of that which has been previously said or commited and is only poignant to your most recent post.

The reason why I choose to reply is not to condone or encourage Shaun's actions/behavior on this forum. Quite frankly, I no longer care, because like you, I too understand the futility in trying to change a person's action/attitude by smart words. The thing that caught my attention was your apparent intention to drop the feud, at least it seems like it, by returning to the original topic of this thread but revisiting it a day later to pick up the fight again. Please enlighten me out of my curiosity and your good will, as to the intentions and your goals of the most current rebuttal to Shaun. Are you really that magnanimous to correct a wayward youth?


U wan me to reply your doubts.. can…. My e-mail [email protected]

Lets not let ryan lock the thread for 2 days……!!
Tanzy, you might have indigested his points on his replies:

I'll bother to reply.

There is absolutely no correlation between your occupation and social status to whether a person possesses "International Ethical Standards" (whatever it is). Assuming this International Ethical Standard is reduced to "Ethics" then it is evident that my first statement is true by looking at all the corruption, CBT, cronism, etc that happen across all professions regardless of strata. Therefore it is irrelevant to the arguement that you should point out that forum users are "working class executives, managers, GM and even business owners".

I don't think he was trying to link both International Ethical Standard and classification of status together. If you had bothered to read well like you have bothered to reply, there are actually two implications in his statement.

What is worse, you are implying that "working class executives, managers, GM and even business owners" should naturally possess a certain admirable level of Ethics but then isn't it terrible that a "pre graduate young punk" (whom you think is a lower life form based on the condecending remark) should be the one alerting this fallacy to all?

Do not use "Kid" in the same sentence when advocating respect and humility. It is self-defeating.

I don't think Hymics is wrong in advocating that. If you see Spiderman's reply to my initial debate with him, you will be able to notice the discerning gulf in which he seperates a college student and an achieved professional. So what's wrong with Hymics calling him a kid? After all, there IS a big age difference. I don't think there was any swipe taken here.

The reason why I choose to reply is not to condone or encourage Shaun's actions/behavior on this forum. Quite frankly, I no longer care, because like you, I too understand the futility in trying to change a person's action/attitude by smart words. The thing that caught my attention was your apparent intention to drop the feud, at least it seems like it, by returning to the original topic of this thread but revisiting it a day later to pick up the fight again. Please enlighten me out of my curiosity and your good will, as to the intentions and your goals of the most current rebuttal to Shaun. Are you really that magnanimous to correct a wayward youth?

Like you Tanzy, please enlighten me. You no longer care because you are aware of the futility blah blah blah so why should you care whether he's really magnimous to correct a wayward youth? After all, you did say...SIGHZ...nevermind. I can't be bothered to type further. Please refer to your first paragraph and figure out for yourself what I'm driving at.
Shaun said:
SL2 said:
To add to Jack's comments: Stop setting double standards. I'm sure what you learnt and subsequently posted are from someone or somewhere. If you want to start stating that we need to acknowledge the source of information, I haven't seen you doing it for ALL of your postings. So get your act together before you start commenting on others, otherwise, go spin your web of unsolicited comments else where.

Above source "quoted" from SL2.

SL2, what differentiates is how much you have made the knowledge yours by truly consuming and understanding it. For example, a college student may give a presentation on logistics - explaining supply structures, different models, etc. The student will be required to come up with a Bibliography because everyone knows he/she is new to this and has taken it from sources. Student does not truly possess any of what has been presented - only has put the work in to go and find out, structure it, and present it.

8 years down the road, this same student having graduated and having worked for a large logistics/shipping company for 5 years, having risen quick through the ranks to arrive at a very senior position, is now a master of logistic theory and application. This student is invited back to college to give talks to students. In this new presentation, no credit is given because what is now being presented has truly been experienced, consumed, mastered. Own thoughts, own reasoning, own experiences - all based on what the student learnt a long time ago, BUT now equal to or beyond it.

So, what has happened here on this thread, is not remotely similar to what I have posted in other threads. I can assure you the tech principles I explain in all previous threads are low enough to be consumed. If you doubt it, you're welcome to test it. Now if you see me pasting chunks of fluid dynamics theory and math, you might be suspicious.

Shaun.......Nevermind. I'll save the thread instead.
ryan said:
I've been following this thread for the past 2 days and i hope both parties have managed to sort out their differences and opinions (whether right or wrong).

This is no doubt the Irrelevant topics folder, and i respect the both parties as who they are. However, my job as forum admin(as well as a few others) is to maintain the integrity of a forum. Tempers flared, anger has been shown, and the thread is brought off from its intended topic. I am quite late in providing damage control and i'm sorry for that.

I would strongly urge both Shaun and Kenntona, if possible, to resolve this matter as soon, and as quickly as possible, and not to nit-pick on each other (again, regardless of who is right or wrong). Failing that, i would lock this thread for 2 days and advise that both of you guys resolve it via email instead.

Chill guys


Like you, I have been following the thread on the sidelines for the last 24 hours, refusing to respond to anything Shaun has posted. Our disparity in our attutitudes towards this forum have been dealt before, yet this witch-hunt has been recurring. And mind you, it did not just involve me. Before we have had drawn swords on one another, the same flaming has had happened to other BMW forumers before, even as early as the Delphi days.

Both of us, and many more, know what we are talking about here.

The only common underlying factor is obvious. Not an attempt on my part to smear someone's credibility or discredit someone’s credentials here, but truly, one ought to think twice about oneself if the confrontational approach has been a compulsive habitual trait. Had I been experiencing accidents on the road with an extremely high frequency, surely I would review my driving skills or check my car, instead of according the blame to the rest of the road users every time the accident happened.

I have rekindled this thread in this forum from the Delphi days with a lighthearted intention – to have fun with no holds barred. The thread has had a life on its own for almost 150 pages, and it is evidently that it has been self-sustaining in a sense. The ardent interest shown here thusfar is a credible testament of its attraction. Hereon, I’d hope that the thread will move on and stay within its prerogative. While what has happened here is not tragic - but nevertheless disturbing to some forumers as seen from the drawn responses from the participants - I would adhere to and respect your advice that our differences be taken elsewhere. I have made my point crystal clear to Shaun, if he wants to take the matter to a higher level to pursue his noble cause. However, the infestation of rhetorics and spellchecks continue to flood without any concrete cause in this thread. And it got worse, as these actions and the subsequent reactions between me and him had escalated into a real Grudge Match between him and some other forumers, and later between some other forumers and some other forumers.

I will give you my assurance that I will not respond to Shaun’s postings hereon. Likewise I need him to stay clear of my path. The agreement is bilateral. Like any other forumers, he is welcomed to join the Grudge Match, but if he is gonna do the same critical fault-finding in this thread again, then it would not be fair to me or the participants here for the admin to lock this thread if I respond. Doing that will surely tip the scale of rules to Shaun’s end, in my opinion.

Hope you will understand how we feel here.

Shaun, please discuss this issue further via my email ([email protected]).

If need be, you can call me at (65)9747 7817.

We can deal with this matter either way.

Cheers all.
Kenntona I didn't know you studied at least somewhat, engine design. wah you know everything from engines to women to plato. very impressive!!!

regarding the extra cams, gears, and drives on the V6, what are your thoughts on single cam V6s and how it would be implemented?

what levels of applicability of the cooling statements about the V6, do you see with regard to the two main cooling options. Do you not think it is lopsided?

been trying to figure out the balance/out of balance (primary and secondary, couples if any) for 72 vs 90 deg V10s. Can you help? A paint or freehand sketch will help... only takes 5 minutes for guys like you. Firing order suggestions assuming no space for crossovers? can?

For all intention and purposes of what have been going on, I refer to the first posting made. The question posted was on engine design but strangely molted be a disguised forum on plagiarism. There was no need for such underhandedness, and it is indeed reprehensible and inexpiable. This outlandish behavior both perplexes and perturbs. Culpability deserving, suggest we remain objective and stay focus to what ignited this barrage of discussion.
SL2, the differentiation in my example was knowledge and experience in that specific area - logistics. There are no real limitations to ethical uprightness. You can start from as young an age you begin to be able to reason somewhat well.

Winston, big words, but as I said before, I had to confirm whether the chunks of info on the V6/I6 came from mastery, or just parroting - starting of course on the assumption (extending to him the benefit of the doubt) that he really did know what he was talking about. If it had been found to be the former, then there would be nothing happening. Sadly, it turned out to be parroting/copying/plagiarism and still remains so.

Tanzy, by international ethical standards, I meant an ethical standard that AFAIK has no exceptions anywhere in the world - an ethical absolute of sorts (not taking and using what is not yours without credit) . There are other ethical standards that differ from country to country. I like your logic. :thumbsup:

Ken, ok.

I now exit this thread having never once resorted to vulgar anger. :wavey:

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