Grudge Match - The Saga Continues......

MW said:
NB..tonight watch movie ai mai? Gay bastard

Three Kings ?
Sex is Zero ?

I watched TAXI liau, so no movie in cinema worth watching. btw, i dun watch movie with gay or guy :laughing:
calvin said:
MW said:
NB..tonight watch movie ai mai? Gay bastard

Three Kings ?
Sex is Zero ?

I watched TAXI liau, so no movie in cinema worth watching. btw, i dun watch movie with gay or guy :laughing:
Or tonight back to the wine tasting session..ACS Cab3 itchy for plant visit...

Ok, back to grudge match...

Tonight how? or
How tonight?
MW said:
Or tonight back to the wine tasting session..ACS Cab3 itchy for plant visit...

Ok, back to grudge match...

Tonight how? or
How tonight?

ACS CAB3,,, :shoot: i called him last nite around 12. he wan to sleep.. duh !

i prefer tonight how. coz i just wait n go, not gog to give or plan any.

Teacher ?
Sales Girl ?
calvin said:
MW said:
Or tonight back to the wine tasting session..ACS Cab3 itchy for plant visit...

Ok, back to grudge match...

Tonight how? or
How tonight?

ACS CAB3,,, :shoot: i called him last nite around 12. he wan to sleep.. duh !

i prefer tonight how. coz i just wait n go, not gog to give or plan any.

Teacher ?
Sales Girl ?
Teacher..can teach me a thing or two..

So tonight how?..kopi at simpang again??? 9pm..see u there
MW said:
Teacher..can teach me a thing or two..

So tonight how?..kopi at simpang again??? 9pm..see u there

I let u know later. I might gog to KL tonite to celebrate Indian n Malay new year. :lol: call u later.

Choose to OT a bit ?
Stay in line always ?
Would you rather have quad pipes or one huge tip?


Choose to OT a bit ?
Stay in line always ?

choose to OT a bit but to be aware of other's feelings...

GM: to be a damn bastard and poke at people publicly or quietly tell someone that hey maybe you can do it another way?
Spidy wrote:
Where is my pack?
a pack of hyenas, a congregation of sharks.. hmmm

hmmmm... is tis a GM?? let me see... a pack of congregation cookiecutter sharks will fit u nicely...
Looks like Lan chiao shark hor...
Spidy wrote:
Where is my pack?
a pack of hyenas, a congregation of sharks.. hmmm

hmmmm... is tis a GM?? let me see... a pack of congregation cookiecutter sharks will fit u nicely...
Looks like Lan chiao shark hor...
"to be a damn bastard and poke at people publicly or quietly tell someone that hey maybe you can do it another way? "

Depends on player u wan to poke... if damn bastard player... I will invite all bros to poke him till his dingdong pops out!! :twisted: :twisted:

If want to poke someone,
Poke him face to face
Poke him by phone, sms, e-mail ,forum .....
Hymics said:
"to be a damn bastard and poke at people publicly or quietly tell someone that hey maybe you can do it another way? "

Depends on player u wan to poke... if damn bastard player... I will invite all bros to poke him till his dingdong pops out!! :twisted: :twisted:

If want to poke someone,
Poke him face to face
Poke him by phone, sms, e-mail ,forum .....
I prefer to poke a girl in the nether regions... 8)

Taxi the original French version or
Taxi the Hollywood version
Shaun said:
Mighty interesting, plus it suits this folder title in terms of being irrelevant :) I'm sorry you have to react this way just because you dislike having been caught not acknowledging the work of others.

I really do not and could not see your adamant point of biting my tail and locking your jaws on my part in failing to cite the sources.

I have, in the last few posts, conceded that I have not be able to match in parity that technical competence of yours. Hence I have to read, attempt to learn, and quote what I could to answer your questions. You posted those questions with a snare, and I will be damned either way - answering them or ignoring them. Answering them was perhaps a mistake on my part in playing this game in your hand, but what is the stake - your pride? Cheap thrill? Upholding justice for intellectual originality? Come on, give me a break.

You can champion your noble cause here, but I do not quite buy your incoherent story. What's the big deal if I have quoted another source? I am not born to be a smart snob like you, nor was I born to be as fortunate as you to be able to inherit all these knowledge at birth. I have managed to learn along the way. A tad at a time. Now, if that very act of quoting a source has been too disturbing for you, I'd suggest that you take a sterner action against me. You can issue a letter of demand from your lawyers. I will be waiting, with all due respect. No point talking about a issue too trivial for me, too serious for you. We live in two different worlds.

I'd strongly suggest that you take a bolder move hereon after your self-policing enforcement on plagiarism. Don't just sit on it and blabber about it with a self-proclaimed worthy cause, my hero.

Shaun said:
BTW, the word you are looking for is honing, not 'horning'.

Thank you for your spell check. I have been working hard on my level of written communication. I have been fortunate enough to struggle through with my PSLE education. If that is also a major concern for you, in that I lack the necessary aristocratic qualifications to be a forum member here, I'd guess I will be hearing from the admin. Not from you.

Shaun said:
I could not deliver truth in such a way that people who claim to do something but who do not do it, can accept. Same goes for people who are weak and insecure, or people who do not like being corrected despite being wrong - like this attempted kickback from you just because you have been caught quoting someone else's hard work without giving him/her credit for it.

Whatever. You seemed to be oblivious to the perceptions on your own actions. I have time and time again conceded on my failure to cite that source, but your recurring annoyance in picking up a small fight over that same old issue has created somewhat a storm in a teacup. What exactly are you looking for? Compensation? Get a life, my hero.

Shaun said:
The truth is the truth, how it is delivered might or might not be liked.. depending on who is listening, but like I said I don't care. The hateful and jealous count the failures. Those hungry for progress count the successes. Despite all the gossip you hear and speak, you do not know me. You do not know my successes. You do not know my true friends.

Same goes for you. And I will tell you the truth. You do not know a single trait about me. You know nuts about my character, my personality, and my life. Sure, you can choose to infer all these from a few postings, and if you choose to do so, by all means do so. I do not give a shit what you think about me. You can judge all you want within your narrow framework of yours within that tiny skull of yours. Like yours, all my true friends - whom you do not know - could well testify on my behalf my integrity.

Shaun said:
We can sit here and you can say perhaps this, perhaps that. I can reply with a "ah! but perhaps THIS.. or perhaps THAT!" Who really though? What we know HAS happened (no uncertainty, no perhaps, nothing) is that you have been discovered to be taking someone else's work and using it without giving credit to the person. Right here, right now, the proof is before us - undeleted, unhidden, unedited.

If you are to further propose this or that about ME, who you do not know except though the gossip of weak minds and characters, then I invite you to post the evidence. Post the links to the threads so we can discuss the specifics. No specifics, no talk. All this lack of specificity is weak and I believe, a big smokescreen.

Grammar and spelling police could spot some errors here, but I will be magnanimous about your mistakes. Life is about forgiving, not leaving broken glasses along the way to inflicting pains on those who might have to walk barefooted. Live and let live, and you will be sleeping better.

You can reiterate the proof here and there, again and again. But I am tired of this crap of witch hunting. Keep whining in that well of yours. Until some actions are taken. Else, you are also committing in empty talk.

I need not mention names of forums which had sanctioned you. Whether it is a fact that warrant specific proof is not up to you to decide. You play your game your way, I play mine.

Your conscience knows better if that is a fact.

Shaun said:
This folder is open, not closed. Even among just friends, why risk having them believe that you know something that you actually don't? It's just all about honesty and transparent. Some people like that in friends.

That damned CD player is repeating the same song again and again. Irritating machine. Oh, back to your friendship thesis. Your friends are different from mine. Very much so. The code of honesty and transparency is different amongst different groups. Keep your friends for goodness sake. I am sure they love and adore you.

Shaun said:
If they did not realize the depth of the subject you spoke of, they would not suspect plagiarism. Now that I have asked you about it and this has gotten less than pleasant, they are reluctant to say anything because it may be seen as taking sides. Things like these almost inevitably get personal. No one wants part of this mess. As it is right now, you cannot rightly say that they are fine with it. You may ask them and they may tell you something that will keep the peace.

What "depth of the subject?" Sounds oxymoronic here, when I was supposed to be the shallow one, much humbled by your many of experience. So you are saying that they will not be seen as objective if they take action on my act of "plagiarism"? Hmm. I wonder if that is a speculative move on your part, or should I be demanding for the proof, as you did?

Shaun said:
There are so many productive technical threads I could point out to you. Logic and math/physics has been introduced to support the various ideas and the result has been good. Look at the recent ADSM Supercharger thread. Is there anything damning about it?

I don't see how SMG or DSG or TC or SC is a game. People really want to know, so why not give them something instead of just floundering around in a sea of misinformation and la-di-la jokes?

Compatibility of products and wants. If you want a burger, go get it at MacDonald's or Burger King. If you want the best steak, go get it at Lawry's. Simple reasoning, but you do not seem to understand that.

If all fellow forumers want to learn, they will search the relevant folder, not the Grudge Match. We came into this thread for fun, not to educate. We do not harness that noble cause of yours. Awareness. Education. Facts. Truth. We only want some fun here, among ourselves. Could you grant us the peace for our humble minds to play just a simple game? Mr Almighty?

Shaun said:
You may or may not have been trying, but I don't know which and don't claim to know. In any case, as mentioned in a previous paragraphwhy leave the option open? Just seal it and acknowledge. It take 10 seconds to type out a name.

Blah blah blah, the same story again. Yes, yes. I do not know anything. And that's a fact. Need I produce any evidence of sorts, Sir?

Shaun said:
No leh, I see it as your going all over the place and not simply sticking the point. Like I said, a simple "oh I forgot to mention who/where I got that from" would be all that was needed to avoid all this. Instead you chose to attempt to justify it and start your wonderful analysis about me, conjecture about history you do not know firsthand, and hilarious analogies.

Thank goodness you find it hilarious. We were having fun, aren't we? Or do you still insist on crucifying and torching me?

Shaun said:
There has been no one else that has plagiarized... or at least none that I've seen. No one has spoke of any concept as high up as your bank angles and primary/seconday shakes. I saw it, I called it, that is all. If you have any proof that I singled you out of a group, please show it. Plesae show someone else's potential plagiarism on this forum that I have left untouched.

Spell "Please." I've learnt that in PSLE.

Yep. You saw it, you called it. Now put me in jail. I would not wanna engulf myself in that same critical pin-pointing effort of yours. You are the police, so I'll make myself the thief. You caught me, hence I would be awaiting the judicial judgement, would I not? So, are you also the judge and the jury? Or do you wanna play God?

Shaun said:
Glad you acknowledged Adam's Rib :) It is absolutely true, but there is nothing wrong with spirit and camaraderie on a higher level. A level where accuracy, honesty, are held higher. This is not dealing with life and death, painful punishments, or taking years of a man's life. It is merely about taking the time to acknowledge someone's work. I still find it incredibly puzzling how worldwide, communities of such quality exist on a large bias towards tech, yet for some unknown reason, we SGers cannot work one out.

That's where we differ. By a huge margin. On the different ends of the spectrum. You champion the thoughts on accuracy and honesty in a Grudge Match thread, while we humble people only play simple game with binary options.

Oh, and the plagiarism thingy, it is getting stale.

Keep puzzling. I am all enlightened as of now.

Shaun said:
My best friends know that I know that. From years ago we have talked seriously about a lot of other things. You do not know it, but racing, while high on my priority list, is not number one.

If you notice, I acknowledge Tony Kanaan in bold for speaking those powerful words.

Clap clap. Full credit for citing bibliography as well. Well done, my son. You have scored a distinction for your Grudge Match course.

Shaun said:
eh, hyenas are weak and run around in packs no? Where is my pack?

a pack of hyenas, a congregation of sharks.. hmmm

I have never reckoned that human beings live in a pack.

As for me, I live in a social group.

BTW, sharks are fearless predators. Earned every respect to be feared and respected.

They do not take potshots. Or hit under the waistline. No evidence, just my thoughts.
kenntona said:
I have, in the last few posts, conceded that I have not be able to match in parity that technical competence of yours. Hence I have to read, attempt to learn, and quote what I could to answer your questions. You posted those questions with a snare, and I will be damned either way - answering them or ignoring them. Answering them was perhaps a mistake on my part in playing this game in your hand, but what is the stake - your pride? Cheap thrill? Upholding justice for intellectual originality? Come on, give me a break.

aiyah ken, surely by now you must have realized that I could give a you-know-what about your technical competence. Do you not see me harping on acknowledging the work of other people?

You can champion your noble cause here, but I do not quite buy your incoherent story. What's the big deal if I have quoted another source?

No problem at all! Just spend the 10 extra seconds to acknowledge it that's all.. like on the V10 thread in old Delphi.

I am not born to be a smart snob like you, nor was I born to be as fortunate as you to be able to inherit all these knowledge at birth. I have managed to learn along the way. A tad at a time. Now, if that very act of quoting a source has been too disturbing for you, I'd suggest that you take a sterner action against me. You can issue a letter of demand from your lawyers. I will be waiting, with all due respect. No point talking about a issue too trivial for me, too serious for you. We live in two different worlds.

Come now... no need to be sarcastic and dramatic all at the same time. :verysad:

Whatever. You seemed to be oblivious to the perceptions on your own actions. I have time and time again conceded on my failure to cite that source, but your recurring annoyance in picking up a small fight over that same old issue has created somewhat a storm in a teacup. What exactly are you looking for? Compensation? Get a life, my hero.

At the moment I'm not really looking for anything except to show how all your wild conjecture about me is so unsolid. You come back with all this conjecture in response to my statements about plagiarism, and call that a concession? I disagree leh.. Something like "oh yah I forgot" or "oh yah I will do that next time, anyway I got the info from.. [name]."

Shaun said:
Same goes for you. And I will tell you the truth. You do not know a single trait about me. You know nuts about my character, my personality, and my life. Sure, you can choose to infer all these from a few postings, and if you choose to do so, by all means do so.

I make no claim to know anything about you. I only say plagiarism has taken place whether intentional or not - and it HAS taken place. This is fact. I do not attempt to analyze your attitude and character, only the stuff that you put out in response to me.

I do not give a shit what you think about me. You can judge all you want within your narrow framework of yours within that tiny skull of yours. Like yours, all my true friends - whom you do not know - could well testify on my behalf my integrity.

You may have integrity. So assuming that you do, what was the problem with "oh I forgot" and the acknowledgement of the source... of which still no word has been heard about? Where's the integrity there? After all these minutes of typing has it not occured to you (without external prompting) to give the author credit ?

Shaun said:
Grammar and spelling police could spot some errors here, but I will be magnanimous about your mistakes.

Magnanimity would have been keeping quiet about it and not saying "ah I know, but I am magnanimous, so I won't say!" That is blowing the horn of your supposed magnanimity, which sadly, makes it cockiness :verysad:

Life is about forgiving, not leaving broken glasses along the way to inflicting pains on those who might have to walk barefooted. Live and let live, and you will be sleeping better.

There you go guessing again. I sleep very well. Quite the pig in terms of food, water, sleep. :oops:

You can reiterate the proof here and there, again and again. But I am tired of this crap of witch hunting. Keep whining in that well of yours. Until some actions are taken. Else, you are also committing in empty talk.

nah.. I like trying. BTW, one commits TO something, not IN something.

Your conscience knows better if that is a fact.

It knows very well. So do some of my best friends, who participate here.

What "depth of the subject?" Sounds oxymoronic here, when I was supposed to be the shallow one, much humbled by your many of experience.

You attempted to get into a subject that is truly out of your depth.

So you are saying that they will not be seen as objective if they take action on my act of "plagiarism"? Hmm. I wonder if that is a speculative move on your part, or should I be demanding for the proof, as you did?

No I am saying mods are reluctant to take action after things have turned less than pleasant between 2 persons that they know. Prior action could not have been taken because the depth of the subject was not sensed, so plagiarism was not suspected. When you do not suspect anything, you don't do anything.

If all fellow forumers want to learn, they will search the relevant folder, not the Grudge Match. We came into this thread for fun, not to educate. We do not harness that noble cause of yours. Awareness. Education. Facts. Truth. We only want some fun here, among ourselves. Could you grant us the peace for our humble minds to play just a simple game? Mr Almighty?

That is all great, seriously. The I6 vs V6 answer was a serious chunk and clearly not a fun and games reply. Even if it was, no matter what, someone's hard work has been used for free with not so much as a word of acknowledgement. Your intentions may have been pure, but why leave the option open for people to misunderstand and think that you know something you don't? 10 seconds would solve it.

Shaun said:
Need I produce any evidence of sorts, Sir?

Yes, if you value the work that others have put in. Work that you have used. If it was used in fun and games and you still refuse to acknowledge the author(s), then you are putting the fun and games of your little group, above their effort. If it was used seriously, it make it even worse.

Shaun said:
Thank goodness you find it hilarious. We were having fun, aren't we? Or do you still insist on crucifying and torching me?

No seriously let's stop all this. List the source in one sentence and I am gone.

Spell "Please." I've learnt that in PSLE.

Jia lat, I seriously need to horn my spelling skills.

Oh, and the plagiarism thingy, it is getting stale.

It will only get more stale the longer the author(s) go unacknowledged. I cannot believe you have not even acknowledged them of your own volition by now. My goodness. Too late for that now.

Clap clap. Full credit for citing bibliography as well. Well done, my son. You have scored a distinction for your Grudge Match course.

Thanks dude :thumbsup:
kenntona said:
Shaun said:
eh, hyenas are weak and run around in packs no? Where is my pack?

a pack of hyenas, a congregation of sharks.. hmmm

I have never reckoned that human beings live in a pack.

As for me, I live in a social group.

BTW, sharks are fearless predators. Earned every respect to be feared and respected.

They do not take potshots. Or hit under the waistline. No evidence, just my thoughts.

fine line between social group and pack. I guess it is the actions of the group that determine classification. ;)
Shaun said:
aiyah ken, surely by now you must have realized that I could give a you-know-what about your technical competence. Do you not see me harping on acknowledging the work of other people?

No problem at all! Just spend the 10 extra seconds to acknowledge it that's all.. like on the V10 thread in old Delphi.

My noble man, listen once and for all. Just to whom do you think I owe the obligation to acknowledge my source of knowledge? You? That's funny.

Man, your ego is disgustingly huge, and is writing cheques your body cannot possibly cash. If there is a regulatory body somewhere in this forum that governs and enforces on the act of plagiarism, I will gladly submit my concession to that governing body. Not to you. You are just another forumer who happens to have a good eye for errors, pounce on them and make a huge deal out of it. Not the kind of authority, which somehow you inherently self-profess, that I would respect.

Let me repeat myself. Issue your letter of demand and make this a civil suit against me, if in your critical eyes, this is such a big issue. I simply do not give a damn about your benchmark of forum ethics. You wanna practise a certain code, go ahead and start your own forum. I am pretty sure I can live well without visiting that site.

Else, I will only respect the decisions made by the admin body.

Please also respect Marvel Comics for the Spiderman avatar. Please be consistent with your actions if you wanna cast a judgement onto others.

Shaun said:
Come now... no need to be sarcastic and dramatic all at the same time.

Sarcasm was inherent in this discussion the moment you posted those questions to ensnare me. Be honest and exercise your integrity here - your cynical undertone in those topics is evidently present.

Dramatic as it can be, our confrontation has nevertheless exposed some of our traits to the rest of forumers. I will let them pass judgement on our characters.

Shaun said:
At the moment I'm not really looking for anything except to show how all your wild conjecture about me is so unsolid. You come back with all this conjecture in response to my statements about plagiarism, and call that a concession? I disagree leh.. Something like "oh yah I forgot" or "oh yah I will do that next time, anyway I got the info from.. [name]."

Nah. You are not worthy of it. That's not a fact, just my opinion. So you can try, but you cannot bite me.

Unless there is some delegated power from the admin for you to patrol, enforce on, and scrutinise my postings, your opinions - at most - carry as much weightage as mine. Of course, you are entitled to your opinion about my "wild conjecture" about you, but that nevertheless is my opinion. I do not require statistical numbers to back my impression of your petty nature. But that's just that. You can retain your disagreement, as I do mine. Still, there will be nothing you could do on your part to make me move in your favour. Why? Because it is your personal judgement. Not the judgement of all, or an elected body. Why should I concede to you? Just because you know more about cars?

Shaun said:
I make no claim to know anything about you. I only say plagiarism has taken place whether intentional or not - and it HAS taken place. This is fact. I do not attempt to analyze your attitude and character, only the stuff that you put out in response to me.

Please help me to locate a code of conduct in this forum with regards to my "plagiarism."

In the absence of it, that code is simply your self-imposed measurement of ethics or conduct. I do not need to abide by it.

Shaun said:
You may have integrity. So assuming that you do, what was the problem with "oh I forgot" and the acknowledgement of the source... of which still no word has been heard about? Where's the integrity there? After all these minutes of typing has it not occured to you (without external prompting) to give the author credit ?

Just how many times must I reiterate that you are not worthy of me exercising my utmost conscience and paying the highest form of respect?

If I do acknowledge anything, it is a favour to you, in that it satisfy your hunger for my blood.

If I don't, you could only label me as an unethical forumer without acknowledging the sources. Try getting the admin to sanction my "unethical" behaviour, and boot me out of the forum, if these grounds are truly sufficient. I challenge you to do that.

Shaun said:
Magnanimity would have been keeping quiet about it and not saying "ah I know, but I am magnanimous, so I won't say!" That is blowing the horn of your supposed magnanimity, which sadly, makes it cockiness

That's your intepretation, not mine. And cockiness might be my trait - but is in no absolute relevance here. Unless it is your personal conquest that I must bow to you to exhibit some degree of humility. Damn, that's sick.

Shaun said:
There you go guessing again. I sleep very well. Quite the pig in terms of food, water, sleep.

Nah, wrong again. I'd said "sleep better", not "sleep well." You might be sleeping well, but clearly I'd meant a vast improvement on that mental tranquility of yours. Again, just an advice, not a factual quotation. No need for numbers to back my statement. Good to hear that you are living well. Keep it that way. Life is short. For some, it is very short.

Shaun said:
BTW, one commits TO something, not IN something.

Good grace, your perfect command of the language. Queen's English? Wait, I have to enrol in some university courses to boost up my level of written English, do I not have to? Mind you, I am just a PSLE holder. So, just pardon my grammar.

Shaun said:
You attempted to get into a subject that is truly out of your depth.

Did I not say that? Sigh. Repetition seems to be your only premise.

Shaun said:
No I am saying mods are reluctant to take action after things have turned less than pleasant between 2 persons that they know. Prior action could not have been taken because the depth of the subject was not sensed, so plagiarism was not suspected. When you do not suspect anything, you don't do anything.

Again your speculation. Now that tenths, perhaps hundreds, of pairs of eyes have browsed this thread, some actions would have been taken when these supposedly "suspicions" have come to light. Especially after your vain attempt to crucify and torch me.

I am still waiting for actions to be taken against my "undesirable" behaviour.

Shaun said:
That is all great, seriously. The I6 vs V6 answer was a serious chunk and clearly not a fun and games reply. Even if it was, no matter what, someone's hard work has been used for free with not so much as a word of acknowledgement. Your intentions may have been pure, but why leave the option open for people to misunderstand and think that you know something you don't? 10 seconds would solve it.

Whether the I6 versus V6 answer was meant to be a casual answer to a GM question is to my knowledge, not yours. You can keep speculating for all I care about. This is a Grudge Match thread, and the answer was directed to Triple M, not the rest of the forum. No intention was made to show the entire forum that I know of something that I do not. Even if there was someone whom I was trying to impress, it was the GM originator Triple M. Not the entire forum. Unless he is offended by my behaviour, it will just be a simple and quick answer to a game topic. No academic credit to be earned, no money to be won, certainly no trophy, award, nor accredition to be given on my answer. So, are you not exaggerating the matter, and blowing it out of proportion?

Shaun said:
Yes, if you value the work that others have put in. Work that you have used. If it was used in fun and games and you still refuse to acknowledge the author(s), then you are putting the fun and games of your little group, above their effort. If it was used seriously, it make it even worse.

Did you design, acknowledge, and patent that Spiderman character? Do you value the work of the originator Marvel Comics, work that you have used as your avatar?

Is this all not ironic at all? Think. Think hard.

Shaun said:
No seriously let's stop all this. List the source in one sentence and I am gone.

Nope. You can keep biting my butt.

Your principles are to be applied in your life. Not mine. Call me forum-unethical if you wish.

Shaun said:
Jia lat, I seriously need to horn my spelling skills.

You have a lot more to learn in life.

Shaun said:
It will only get more stale the longer the author(s) go unacknowledged. I cannot believe you have not even acknowledged them of your own volition by now. My goodness. Too late for that now.

Anything new? Yawn. Same premise, same argument. No impact on me.

Not too late to learn something about the absurd idiosyncracies of some poor souls out there.
kenntona said:
My noble man, listen once and for all. Just to whom do you think I owe the obligation to acknowledge my source of knowledge? You? That's funny.

You see you still don't get it. You owe nothing to anyone except the person or people you took it from. It is not yours. Can you not understand that? The purpose of acknowledgement is to give credit to the author.

Let me repeat myself. Issue your letter of demand and make this a civil suit against me, if in your critical eyes, this is such a big issue. I simply do not give a damn about your benchmark of forum ethics. You wanna practise a certain code, go ahead and start your own forum. I am pretty sure I can live well without visiting that site.

Ok then, since you are making it very clear that you still think everything you have done is right, then you are in fact not just one who happened to plagiarize, but a purposeful plagiarizer.

Please also respect Marvel Comics for the Spiderman avatar. Please be consistent with your actions if you wanna cast a judgement onto others.

The very fact that almost everyone (including you) knows that Spiderman is a Marvel creation already defeats your suggestion. Have I explained how to create a .gif or how to draw spidey or told the story about how spidey came about in detail without acknowledging a source? No. Spiderman is so well known by now that people who see the avatar know the avatar is a spoof of a marvel creation.

Try asking people at random (excluding children younger than 10 years old and people older than 60 years old) and on the street about spiderman and see whether they know what color his suit is, what his insignia is, how he was created. next try asking people on the street how to calculate primary and secondary shake forces in V6s of different bank angles, the factors affecting them, and how to best manage them with suitably arranged counterweights and firing order.

My bet is more than 90% can answer the former, while 0.009% (very posibly less) know the answer to the latter.

When people talk about any four stroke spark ignition reciprocating engine, do they acknowledge Niklaus Otto? No because it is so well known and can be found in any encyclopedia that he is generally regarded as the inventor. It has become a given. 4 stroke SI engine being something so common and everyday that the acknowledgement is just no longer necessary. Now, how everyday are primary and secondary shake forces in V6s of different bank angles, the factors affecting them, and how to best manage them with suitably arranged counterweights and firing order?

Nah. You are not worthy of it. That's not a fact, just my opinion.

Don't you think the author is at least worthy of it?

Unless there is some delegated power from the admin for you to patrol, enforce on, and scrutinise my postings, your opinions - at most - carry as much weightage as mine. Of course, you are entitled to your opinion about my "wild conjecture" about you, but that nevertheless is my opinion. I do not require statistical numbers to back my impression of your petty nature. But that's just that. You can retain your disagreement, as I do mine. Still, there will be nothing you could do on your part to make me move in your favour. Why? Because it is your personal judgement. Not the judgement of all, or an elected body. Why should I concede to you? Just because you know more about cars?

Everyone should adhere to the standard or giving credit where credit is due. No matter what the subject, where it is discussed, or who points out the lack of it.

You seem to be viewing this strongly as a me vs you, tech knowledge thing. But it isn't. That is why I am repeating over and over again that it is about credit where credit is due.

Please help me to locate a code of conduct in this forum with regards to my "plagiarism." In the absence of it, that code is simply your self-imposed measurement of ethics or conduct. I do not need to abide by it.

It is not explicit in the forum rules, but is an international and far reaching principle at all levels.

If I do acknowledge anything, it is a favour to you, in that it satisfy your hunger for my blood.

If you see it that way, you will never acknowledge the author. ok then have it your way. if you can't see the bigger picture here nevermind. Perhaps in the future you or others will voluntarily acknowledge sources. Was worth the shot.

If I don't, you could only label me as an unethical forumer without acknowledging the sources. Try getting the admin to sanction my "unethical" behaviour, and boot me out of the forum, if these grounds are truly sufficient. I challenge you to do that.

The lack of acknowledgement is not disruptive to the function of the forum, so you getting booted isn't about to happen. Forum rules are with regard to forum function. Other implicit standards like acknowledging a source are not even listed because it is so basic.

Nah, wrong again. I'd said "sleep better", not "sleep well."

Why sleep better when one is already sleeping well? :)

Again your speculation. Now that tenths, perhaps hundreds, of pairs of eyes have browsed this thread, some actions would have been taken when these supposedly "suspicions" have come to light.

Here is some primary school math... tenths are fractions of 1, whilst tens refer to double digit multiples above the value of 9, or far above 1 for that matter.

I am still waiting for actions to be taken against my "undesirable" behaviour.

I can only urge you to do the ethical thing. If you don't want to, I'm not about to spend money and time taking anymore action than mentioning it.

No intention was made to show the entire forum that I know of something that I do not. Even if there was someone whom I was trying to impress, it was the GM originator Triple M. Not the entire forum. Unless he is offended by my behaviour, it will just be a simple and quick answer to a game topic. No academic credit to be earned, no money to be won, certainly no trophy, award, nor accredition to be given on my answer. So, are you not exaggerating the matter, and blowing it out of proportion?

Public folder, public forum. You have no idea of the scope of readers, so why risk it?

Did you design, acknowledge, and patent that Spiderman character? Do you value the work of the originator Marvel Comics, work that you have used as your avatar?

As in paragraph far above.

Call me forum-unethical if you wish.


You have a lot more to learn in life.

It is funny how those that have always offered that advice in a condescending way, always seem to be middle aged men who are not achieving much with their lives.

It is interesting how those that have offered that advice in a concerned way, always seem to be strong and wise, constructive and fair - achievers.

So far about 8 different people or so in my lifetime. 2 of which were sincere. :thumbsup:

hmmmmm... one dead one alive...
I like the one that masters "Hide and Seek"....


Spiderman will look nicer in..
Current Red with black webby suit
Black with white poker dots....

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