Grudge Match - The Saga Continues......

French Food
French cheese
French wine
French kiss...
Not French car tho

How bout these pair of cusine:
Thai or Malay?
Triple M
“Btw, look fwd to seeing your new mods...gonna be swee swee..”

Rumor spreading like fire tat there is a M3 owner in the forum, will be hving his ride’s 4 rims changed real soon…. Any idea who….. hmmmmm…. U? Cnt be u… u r saving $ for milk powder now… Kekekekekeke…..

Triple M
“When you are driving with wife sitting next to ya, u see a chio bu crossing at the pedestrian crossing....”

I will pretend not to c her……. b’cos my wife (Like yours) will alert me to see….. especially chio bus that like to show cleavage and wear sexy sexy ones….…….

French…. French wine my favorite

Triple M
Thai or Malay..

Has to be Thai… the huge variety of desserts enough to hv my vote… Good food must be prepared from Nice people.. Its from the heart that produce good food… jus love the people from Thailand…. They don’t call Thailand “ The land Of Smile” for nothing…. Sawadeekup…..

Japanese food
Korean food…
Hymics said:
Your 10th Wedding anniversary, cook yr wife a candle light dinner at home or dine out

Cook her a decent meal. She will appreciate the effort better.

TripleM said:
When you are driving with wife sitting next to ya, u see a chio bu crossing at the pedestrian crossing.... U pretend not seeing her or U try to tilt your eyes towards her but do it carefully so that wifey won't know?

Pretend not to see her.

In reality, I will just look at her with full attention, then turn to my wife and compliment her against that chio bu's "flaws." "See that woman crossing the road? Her legs are no where close to yours......"

SL2 said:
let's talk cuisine: French or Italian?

Italian. French cuisine "chiak buay pah."

TripleM said:
How bout these pair of cusine: Thai or Malay?

Thai. Tickle your taste buds.

Hymics said:
Japanese food or Korean food…

Japanese. Those sashimi...... Can we have a Japanese buffet nite?

Hmmmmm, let's see......

Which name sounds nicer - Jocelyn, or Joey?
Which name sounds nicer - Jocelyn, or Joey?

OT in…
Buahahahahaha…… Can I pass for jus tis time and leave it to Alvin666…. or maybe Winston to answer….. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
OT out…..
NB… cnt resist answering tis GM aft 2nd thot… Kekekekeke

Hmmmm… Joey…. tis name reminds me of durian.. cold and spiky on the outside … but once u open it up, sweet and tasty tat melts in yr mouth and hands… like tos w/o seed one….. :drool:

Jocelyn……. Arahhhhhhh…. Never mind…. :hmmidont:

GM: which name sounds nicer…

Buo Buo
CB, y must put me into the match!!!! Dun talk in front of screen. Come out n talk if u got the guts!! Cal on boh..... :argue:

I know. OT. keke...

Hymics said:
Which name sounds nicer - Jocelyn, or Joey?

OT in…
Buahahahahaha…… Can I pass for jus tis time and leave it to Alvin666…. or maybe Winston to answer….. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
OT out…..

U shldnt have ask which sound nicer!! U shld ask who is hotter,keke..
NB jocelyn can only see but canot touch(I tried). BUT.... Joey, i jus sit back n relax n she will do all the 'stunts'!

Prefer to help n remove her clothes or Sit back n let her remove her clothes herself?
For me i will opt for the 2nd cos i will b very busy removing my own clothes,hehe :twisted:
Hymics said:
which name sounds nicer… Irene Or Buo Buo

Buo Buo sounds so ...... cute...... and supple......

quilsilver said:
Motorshow pics with cars or Motorshow pics of models

The key word is Motorshow. So the cars must be the protagonists. As for the models, they are like your sambal chilli with nasi lemak. Without them, it just taste different.

Alvin666 said:
U shldnt have ask which sound nicer!! U shld ask who is hotter,keke..
NB jocelyn can only see but canot touch(I tried). BUT.... Joey, i jus sit back n relax n she will do all the 'stunts'!

Prefer to help n remove her clothes or Sit back n let her remove her clothes herself?
For me i will opt for the 2nd cos i will b very busy removing my own clothes,hehe

Bro, you doing a review of your ONS here? Interesting.

Please remember that you will have to experience the G-Force on your next ride...... kekeke ......

Outrageous cosmetic mod:

Carbon-fiber the entire car; or chrome the entire car?
"Motorshow pics with cars / Motorshow pics of models"

Please bro...... dun split the 2.... I want both... "cars and models jus cant stand alone w/o each other"..

"NB jocelyn can only see but canot touch(I tried). BUT.... Joey, i jus sit back n relax n she will do all the 'stunts'! "

U see..... I told U this year motorshow is going to be a "Bang".... with plenty of unexpected "Stunts".... kekekekekeke.... Anyhow, well done "Stuntman"... look fwd to yr nxt stunt......
"Buo Buo sounds so ...... cute...... and supple...... "

hw come I m not surprise tat u will go for "Buo Buo"...Hahahahahah.... but superb choice!.... better then that "Toilet bowl" ...kekekekekeke,,

"Outrageous cosmetic mod: "

Already cannot tahan figure prints on my current ride..if chrome entire car..... "Kee Siao"...

If U win a car (M3) in a lucky draw.... and U already own one....

You sell the lucky draw car
You keep the lucky draw car
TripleM said:
Personally, if I hv a vengeance against someone,...fight like a man..One to One be him the size of Rodders or Sean aint matter......hahahaha


KNN, u sure or not?...come, I challenge u one to one...winner takes the M3.
Shaun said:
I honestly do reflect but choose to be this way because the numbers mean little to me. Being true to my beliefs, or what I know is backed up by physics and experience is more important. If it wrong it is wrong. Call it out or get banned trying. It's all with good intention. Many don't believe it, but it is. My conscience is clear. Trade minimum time and tact to put out the raw facts, trade the favor of hundred for the respect of the few who value truth.. It's all a subjective balance. You don't like my balance?

fish - you wouldn't believe how big the fish here are that surround me. how big and objective they are and how much growth they support. yet the fact that I stop by here to suggest that credit be given to sources, does not make me an ikan biliis picker-on. A forum which gives credit.. just one of the characteristics of a quality forum. IMO

Last night I was watching an episode of safari wildlife on the Discovery Channel. A pack of hyenas was trailing their injured prey, waiting for the prey to slip or weaken. They pounced and feasted on the dying prey. Some younger hyenas hopped around with chunks of meat, apparently exhibiting their victory over what was a weak sure-hunt. For the young hyenas, this is crucial in building up their confidence in the harsh African environment. In fact, this act is part of their growing up process, especially in horning their hunting skills and establishing themselves within their groups. Perhaps that’s the reason why hyenas – even when they are fully grown - are never respected as a gutsy or fearless predator. They will never be reckoned or respected to be the king of the safari, unlike the mighty lion.

Back to your perspectives and beliefs. As I have said, there is absolutely no qualm about your technical foundation of “physics and experience.” Some might be even comforted with your “good intention” and “clear conscience” that you are not a snakeoil salesman. Yet frankly, I do not quite get the relevance of your self-acclaimed “subjective balance” here. “Trade the favour of hundred for the respect of the few who value truth” – are these alternatives binary and mutually exclusive? You’d mean to imply that those who desire favours from the majority do not value truth? Or is your individual paradigm structured as such that you could not deliver truth in such a way that the hundreds could respect? Quite a rigid frame of thought, in my opinion. Surely, if your deliverance of universal truth is valid, aligned and peppered with “good intention” and “clear conscience, ” it would not have resulted in your numerous failed attempts in enlightening other forumers. On the contrary, it should be welcomed. All these just do not make adequate sense at all. I could not quite believe that your noble efforts, to your credits, have resulted in those forum sanctions. Perhaps it is the channel of delivery that is causing the resounding resistance to your “subjective balance”? Something for you to ponder upon.

In my case, it is evident that you were making a mountain out of something that is not even a anthill let alone a molehill. What started out as a answer to a casual Grudge Match question “inline 6 or V6” - mind you, in the Irrelevant Folder – has enraged into a witch hunt for truth and its citation. I have answered TripleM’s question in my most enjoyable way, oblivious to some factual regulatory forces, and that has apparently attracted your policing attention. You went a long, long distance with all the supposedly entreaties to prove my technical inadequacies, and championed on the principle of crediting sources of information – which appalled me. Do not get me wrong here – there is nothing wrong in upholding the regard for research sanctity and rule of respecting intellectual property. But surely, a casual answer to a Grudge Match question between few regular players need not be intepreted as an exaggerated manipulation of that principle. Had there been any disrespect for any principle of sorts here, I’d believe I would have be banned by the moderators here.

So if that is fine with the moderators, I could not comprehend your admonishing enforcement on my answer. Certainly this is not warranted for, as it is the most effective approach to kill the fun and the party here. With this system of policing, who will dare to answer questions such as “SMG or DSG” or “TC or SC”? To a certain degree, your desire for factual validation is killing the game with that sharp attitude of truth seeker. For heaven’s sake, this is a Grudge Match – we are having fun here - hello? Not trying to make a point, prove ourselves, exchanging knowledge on modding, and certainly not trying to influence or mis-inform the rest of forumers, are we? (Again) Else I would have been gunned down by the moderators. Thank goodness, they do not behave like you. The forum would have been a blackhole for fun if your are running it.

Do you not think that this whole “inline 6 versus V6” thingy has been blown out of proportion by your adamant attitude in finding out the truth, giving credit to its source, and in the mean time try to justify your action when your intention and goodwill does not make any sense at all? It will be easier for the me to accept your actions if you are conceding a personal vendetta against me. It will then be a personal issue, which should not have been a taint in any part of the forum.

Just a last thought. Very often, human beings rationalise their actions in a way they seemed logical, fit, and justified. Yet the truth is often quite the opposite if the judgement of objectivity is casted on their actions. Even the legal system do not look at issues as black or white. So is life. Not everything is about black or white, right or wrong, and truth or lie. This is best summed up by a script in a 1949 movie "Adam's Rib":

“Law, like man, is composed of two parts. Just as man is body and soul, so is the law letter and spirit. The law says, 'Thou shalt not kill.' Yet men have killed and proved a reason and been set free. Self-defense - defense of others, of wife, of children and home. If a thief breaks into your house and you shoot him, the law will not deal harshly with you. Nor, indeed should it. So here you are asked to judge not whether or not these acts were committed, but to what extent they were justified.”

Learn to look at life and all the intricacies of life in a different tint of shade. Be firm and do not compromise when absolute truth is needed, but else stay merry and jovious. Take a path on the lighter side of life.
And remember that in any community – virtual or reality, it is not the judicial enforcement that makes quality living and healthy social interaction. It is the spirit and camaraderie. It is the human touch factor, not cold raw facts and data that distincts us – flesh and blood – from high-powered processing machines.

Just my 2 cents to end the episode.

And I am pretty impressed by your statement "Racing is my life. At the same time, I realize there is life beyond racing." At least, you do know that there is life beyond cars.
errr... Renault Megaine CC or Peugoet 307 CC ??
Hymics said:
If U win a car (M3) in a lucky draw.... and U already own one.... You sell the lucky draw car or you keep the lucky draw car

Sell the lucky draw car and buy a 320i, lup a 330 engine, a supercharger, widebody mod, then drive humbly on the road, waiting for people to jio......

MW said:
Renault Megaine CC or Peugoet 307 CC

I have made up my mind. I will not answer any question on cars anymore. Witch hunt going on here.

Better stick to what I am familiar with - women......

A super chio bu who looks like Michelle Reis, but only H7 lightbulbs and no xenons; or

A ordinary looking girl-next-door a la Evelyn Tan with full bodykit and 6,500 K xenons?
A super chio bu who looks like Michelle Reis, but only H7 lightbulbs and no xenons; or

A ordinary looking girl-next-door a la Evelyn Tan with full bodykit and 6,500 K xenons?

Ordinary looking girl also quite nice when fully modded.... once I saw this nissan sunny that was fully modded, the logo was removed, front grill, sticker that made the hood looks like carbon fiber, all very nicely done up and made you feel good about it.

In our lives no less than ordinary, sometimes we are the average joe, we may not possess the super chio factor, but we can brighten up our lives and others on the road with a 6500 xenon. Everyone's happy here. I see no reason to be Michelle Reis, super chio with all the factors but of no cheer to others. Certain things are best when shared amongst friends and others alike with goodwill.

get a degree in motor engine and be a CA with PML or work your way up learning the ropes each day by getting your hands dirty in other places than PML say BVO?
Winston said:
get a degree in motor engine and be a CA with PML or work your way up learning the ropes each day by getting your hands dirty in other places than PML say BVO?

The degree holder would be aspired to work in PML for a chance to bootlick his way up with his extensive technical knowhow. Working in BVO would not sound sweet for people like that.

Would you rather have quad pipes or one huge tip?
wah lan, this grudge match really turning into a GRUDGE match....very entertaining tho....apparently we are all very different beings with very differing talents and are acting out on our beliefs, be in ethnocentric, or plain stupidity amidst occasional perceived humility.

kudos to all who have participated and also to the moderators who didn't butt in, carry on ppl.
kenntona said:
Last night I was watching an episode of safari wildlife on the Discovery Channel. A pack of hyenas was trailing their injured prey, waiting for the prey to slip or weaken. They pounced and feasted on the dying prey. Some younger hyenas hopped around with chunks of meat, apparently exhibiting their victory over what was a weak sure-hunt. For the young hyenas, this is crucial in building up their confidence in the harsh African environment. In fact, this act is part of their growing up process, especially in horning their hunting skills and establishing themselves within their groups. Perhaps that’s the reason why hyenas – even when they are fully grown - are never respected as a gutsy or fearless predator. They will never be reckoned or respected to be the king of the safari, unlike the mighty lion.

Mighty interesting, plus it suits this folder title in terms of being irrelevant :) I'm sorry you have to react this way just because you dislike having been caught not acknowledging the work of others.

BTW, the word you are looking for is honing, not 'horning'.

“Trade the favour of hundred for the respect of the few who value truth” – are these alternatives binary and mutually exclusive? You’d mean to imply that those who desire favours from the majority do not value truth?

You infer too far lah. What is often the case, has not been claimed to be the only case. Read carefully!

Or is your individual paradigm structured as such that you could not deliver truth in such a way that the hundreds could respect?

I could not deliver truth in such a way that people who claim to do something but who do not do it, can accept. Same goes for people who are weak and insecure, or people who do not like being corrected despite being wrong - like this attempted kickback from you just because you have been caught quoting someone else's hard work without giving him/her credit for it.

Surely, if your deliverance of universal truth is valid, aligned and peppered with “good intention” and “clear conscience, ” it would not have resulted in your numerous failed attempts in enlightening other forumers.

The truth is the truth, how it is delivered might or might not be liked.. depending on who is listening, but like I said I don't care. The hateful and jealous count the failures. Those hungry for progress count the successes. Despite all the gossip you hear and speak, you do not know me. You do not know my successes. You do not know my true friends.

I could not quite believe that your noble efforts, to your credits, have resulted in those forum sanctions. Perhaps it is the channel of delivery that is causing the resounding resistance to your “subjective balance”? Something for you to ponder upon.

We can sit here and you can say perhaps this, perhaps that. I can reply with a "ah! but perhaps THIS.. or perhaps THAT!" Who really though? What we know HAS happened (no uncertainty, no perhaps, nothing) is that you have been discovered to be taking someone else's work and using it without giving credit to the person. Right here, right now, the proof is before us - undeleted, unhidden, unedited.

If you are to further propose this or that about ME, who you do not know except though the gossip of weak minds and characters, then I invite you to post the evidence. Post the links to the threads so we can discuss the specifics. No specifics, no talk. All this lack of specificity is weak and I believe, a big smokescreen.

But surely, a casual answer to a Grudge Match question between few regular players need not be intepreted as an exaggerated manipulation of that principle.

This folder is open, not closed. Even among just friends, why risk having them believe that you know something that you actually don't? It's just all about honesty and transparent. Some people like that in friends.

Had there been any disrespect for any principle of sorts here, I’d believe I would have be banned by the moderators here. So if that is fine with the moderators, I could not comprehend your admonishing enforcement on my answer.

If they did not realize the depth of the subject you spoke of, they would not suspect plagiarism. Now that I have asked you about it and this has gotten less than pleasant, they are reluctant to say anything because it may be seen as taking sides. Things like these almost inevitably get personal. No one wants part of this mess. As it is right now, you cannot rightly say that they are fine with it. You may ask them and they may tell you something that will keep the peace.

Certainly this is not warranted for, as it is the most effective approach to kill the fun and the party here. With this system of policing, who will dare to answer questions such as “SMG or DSG” or “TC or SC”? To a certain degree, your desire for factual validation is killing the game with that sharp attitude of truth seeker.

There are so many productive technical threads I could point out to you. Logic and math/physics has been introduced to support the various ideas and the result has been good. Look at the recent ADSM Supercharger thread. Is there anything damning about it?

I don't see how SMG or DSG or TC or SC is a game. People really want to know, so why not give them something instead of just floundering around in a sea of misinformation and la-di-la jokes?

For heaven’s sake, this is a Grudge Match – we are having fun here - hello? Not trying to make a point, prove ourselves, exchanging knowledge on modding, and certainly not trying to influence or mis-inform the rest of forumers, are we?

You may or may not have been trying, but I don't know which and don't claim to know. In any case, as mentioned in a previous paragraphwhy leave the option open? Just seal it and acknowledge. It take 10 seconds to type out a name.

The forum would have been a blackhole for fun if your are running it.

And if you were running it, a blackhole for proper, unplagiarized information. :oops:

Do you not think that this whole “inline 6 versus V6” thingy has been blown out of proportion by your adamant attitude in finding out the truth, giving credit to its source, and in the mean time try to justify your action when your intention and goodwill does not make any sense at all?

No leh, I see it as your going all over the place and not simply sticking the point. Like I said, a simple "oh I forgot to mention who/where I got that from" would be all that was needed to avoid all this. Instead you chose to attempt to justify it and start your wonderful analysis about me, conjecture about history you do not know firsthand, and hilarious analogies.

It will be easier for the me to accept your actions if you are conceding a personal vendetta against me. It will then be a personal issue, which should not have been a taint in any part of the forum.

There has been no one else that has plagiarized... or at least none that I've seen. No one has spoke of any concept as high up as your bank angles and primary/seconday shakes. I saw it, I called it, that is all. If you have any proof that I singled you out of a group, please show it. Plesae show someone else's potential plagiarism on this forum that I have left untouched.

BTW, I once spoke to a friend of mine on the subject of plagiarism about 3 months ago. There was example on another forum that was 100% clear (source and copy), but I was not able to comment because I did not have access to that forum. The friend I spoke to about this participates on this forum as well and I hope that if he sees this thread and if it is not too much trouble for him, he will post and verify that I did in fact mention to him how much I detest it - way before the incident on this thread began.

Just a last thought. Very often, human beings rationalise their actions in a way they seemed logical, fit, and justified. Yet the truth is often quite the opposite if the judgement of objectivity is casted on their actions. Even the legal system do not look at issues as black or white. So is life. Not everything is about black or white, right or wrong, and truth or lie. This is best summed up by a script in a 1949 movie "Adam's Rib":

“Law, like man, is composed of two parts. Just as man is body and soul, so is the law letter and spirit. The law says, 'Thou shalt not kill.' Yet men have killed and proved a reason and been set free. Self-defense - defense of others, of wife, of children and home. If a thief breaks into your house and you shoot him, the law will not deal harshly with you. Nor, indeed should it. So here you are asked to judge not whether or not these acts were committed, but to what extent they were justified.”

Learn to look at life and all the intricacies of life in a different tint of shade. Be firm and do not compromise when absolute truth is needed, but else stay merry and jovious. Take a path on the lighter side of life.
And remember that in any community – virtual or reality, it is not the judicial enforcement that makes quality living and healthy social interaction. It is the spirit and camaraderie. It is the human touch factor, not cold raw facts and data that distincts us – flesh and blood – from high-powered processing machines.

Glad you acknowledged Adam's Rib :) It is absolutely true, but there is nothing wrong with spirit and camaraderie on a higher level. A level where accuracy, honesty, are held higher. This is not dealing with life and death, painful punishments, or taking years of a man's life. It is merely about taking the time to acknowledge someone's work. I still find it incredibly puzzling how worldwide, communities of such quality exist on a large bias towards tech, yet for some unknown reason, we SGers cannot work one out.

And I am pretty impressed by your statement "Racing is my life. At the same time, I realize there is life beyond racing." At least, you do know that there is life beyond cars.

My best friends know that I know that. From years ago we have talked seriously about a lot of other things. You do not know it, but racing, while high on my priority list, is not number one.

If you notice, I acknowledge Tony Kanaan in bold for speaking those powerful words.
eh, hyenas are weak and run around in packs no? Where is my pack?

a pack of hyenas, a congregation of sharks.. hmmm :thinking:


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