Grudge Match - The Saga Continues......

Back to the Ah Beng days…If you are an Ah beng,

Will you prefer long shoulder length hair
Perm half head with a bit of dye red color here and there…..

Long hair... a bit like the F4... but I really dig the perm hair of past... a bit like the negro hairstyle type... curly and short.... that one is a classic... :laughing:

Ah Lian wearing demin shorts with butt cheaks revealing or wearing tight tops with the bi-xenon HID showing?
Winston said:
Back to the Ah Beng days…If you are an Ah beng,

Will you prefer long shoulder length hair
Perm half head with a bit of dye red color here and there…..

Long hair... a bit like the F4... but I really dig the perm hair of past... a bit like the negro hairstyle type... curly and short.... that one is a classic... :laughing:

Ah Lian wearing demin shorts with butt cheaks revealing or wearing tight tops with the bi-xenon HID showing?

Winston... ya hor... like the Bob Madley hair style..

Has to be wearing tight tops with the bi-xenon HID showing.... prefer white in color... bring her for a ride in my Ah beng's motorbike on a rainny day......

Common Ah Beng’s lingo… which u prefer to use to stir a fight....?

NNB… C what you
KNN…. U c Si mi lan
Has to be wearing tight tops with the bi-xenon HID showing.... prefer white in color... bring her for a ride in my Ah beng's motorbike on a rainny day......

if you sit in motorbike you are missing the view lah... best go sembawang hot spring there to wash your feet, dan you splash water at each other, sprinkling her all wet in her white tight crop top, dan both of you run around the coconut trees laughing wildly with hands in the air, dan it rain, dan both of you hide under the coconut tree facing each other, dan....

NNB… C what you

KNN…. U c Si mi lan

NNB version is for picking a fight outside fire.... Kentona can attest to that.... u c ci mi lan is to scold your friend when they get distracted in your deep conversation as a chio bu walk past... kentona can attest to that as well....

Ah lian meet you for hot date in fantasy play role, dressed up as nurse in white uniform or in black leather gear with motorbike helmet?
Common Ah Beng’s lingo… which u prefer to use to stir a fight....?

NNB… C what you
KNN…. U c Si mi lan

I think Ah Beng would normally speak hokkien, so, I'm going for the latter.

Which is more disgusting?

Ah Lian farting in front of you or Ah Lian digging nose in front of you?
Winston :
Dressed up as nurse in white uniform... provided the uniform front zip type... ah lian mus hv sizable boobs so to expose cleavage.... than my role will be 5 yr old sick boy seeking attention....

farting in front of me and especially sound effect..... I will give her the Ah beng KNN, NNB and #$%... than dump her and look for Ah Huay.....
I m ok with the digging nose since we Ah Bengs also dig nose in public.. thats why we Ah Bengs keep long finger nails....

Still Ah Beng..

Prefer yr Ah Lian galfred to hv a colorful butterfly Tattoo on her back
Your name “curl with a dragon tattoo” on her arm
" Ah Lian farting in front of you or Ah Lian digging nose in front of you? "...

I can accept people farting coz that is natural but digging nose,..hmm...can be postponed's a horrible scene..

Re the 30k question....
I would go upgrade the ride anytime unless I already hv a sixpotter then I would mod.

Shipping in stuff from overseas
1) Pay a qtr of the shipping cost but by sea and takes 1mth
2) Pay a full price but by air and it takes 4-5days?
Shaun said:
Kenntona I didn't know you studied at least somewhat, engine design. wah you know everything from engines to women to plato. very impressive!!!

Bro, my learning curve has just increased its gradient somewhat, after these many hours of surfing the BMW.SG forum. This follows some lifelong learning philosophy as advocated by some social aristocrats. And I do browse through some bimmer magazines while I am sitting on that toilet bowl of mine, contemplating on some aesthetic mods. When constipated, I will read those technical articles.

Still, all these would just be a minuscule effort in stark comparison to your depth and breadth of technical knowledge, probably acquired through extensive experience and intensive research on the academia of automobiles. A perfect analogy would be a pre-school starter versus a postgraduate candidate. Hence I would not dare to accept your compliment (“wah you know everything from engines to women to plato”) with grace. I would not even dare to think I know anything more than selecting the octane level of gasoline to pump at the cheapest petrol station within a 5-km radius around my place. In fact, quite the contrary, I know nuts about automobiles.

But on women and philosophy, perhaps I could give you a run for your money. Will share with you when you are back.

Shaun said:
regarding the extra cams, gears, and drives on the V6, what are your thoughts on single cam V6s and how it would be implemented?

I’m raw on this, but I’d supposed you are talking about single-cam pushrod in a V-configuration? You’d probably know this better than me, since you have a VR6 engine to toy with…… Please enlighten if I’ve shamed myself in sharing my humble thoughts……

The main reason to use twin cams is to allow for more intake and exhaust valves. Intuitively, more valves means that intake and exhaust gases can flow more freely because there are more openings for them to flow through. This increases the power of the engine. But those DOHC heads are so large that you will need a wider engine bay to fit the engine. Yes, they can rev to higher speeds, and those higher revs produce a higher peak power output. But I’ll bet you will prefer a low revving high torque engine that can run down to idle in top gear and still accelerate away in that same top gear. That will be the engine that most people want.

Back to the single cam. How does it work in comparison to double cam? Take the pushrod single cam, which has overall less valve surface and smaller lift and shorter duration. There is going to be relatively low power made at high revolutions because eventually little air/fuel mixture will be getting into the cylinders with the speed the engine is going. Also, the longer stroke does not bode well for high revving. So to compensate for this, a pushrod engine will have smaller bores and longer strokes to allow for more air/fuel mixture at low rpms which means more low end power, especially torque. The twin cam engine on the otherhand with its higher lift and longer duration is bad for torque production mainly due to too much overlap, and does not get peak performance till higher revs because then the crank is already rotating and the longer duration allows more air/fuel mixture to enter the cylinders at the high revs. The theory is that more valves = more air = more power. Don’t flame me if I sounded ignorant on this.

To be fair, a multi-valve engine with a single cam arrangement is just as efficient as a double cam one, although the trend is to use multi-valve engines with individual camshafts controlling the inlet and exhaust valves. There is also a concern on the space constraints with the cam-in-block design of the pushrod. But on a financial note, there is a cost factor against the twin cam – it is more costly to produce a twin-cam engine since there are more moving parts and more material is used.

On implementation, you should know the VR6 engine, constructed like an in-line engine. The two banks are merged into a single cylinder block with a single cylinder head housing the valve gears for all 6 cylinders. In contrast, a conventional V6 consists of 2 blocks and 2 heads. Thus the VR6 is not only smaller, but also lighter and cheaper to be built. First G VR6 has 2 valves per cylinder, single overhead cam serving each bank just like any conventional 2-valve V6, although the 2 camshafts are so close that they look as if a twin-cam design.

Shaun said:
what levels of applicability of the cooling statements about the V6, do you see with regard to the two main cooling options. Do you not think it is lopsided?

Not sure what you are getting at, but the V6 engine has one bank of cylinders mirroring another bank. As far as cooling is concerned, the air intake has to be from the center of the V and exhaust pumps out from outside of the V, since the inside of V cannot accommodate very hot exhaust pipes. Because of the closely-packed adjacent cylinders, there is no space for induction / exhaust pipes running to the same side. Induction manifolds take place at the top of the engine thus waste no space, but the hot exhaust pipes engage a lot of space (or length) of the car, especially is a certain clearance should be provided to avoid overheating to surrounding components. In a design sense, it is lopsided.

Shaun said:
been trying to figure out the balance/out of balance (primary and secondary, couples if any) for 72 vs 90 deg V10s. Can you help? A paint or freehand sketch will help... only takes 5 minutes for guys like you. Firing order suggestions assuming no space for crossovers? can?

Wah, bro, give an inch you wanna take a foot? Just kidding. But this takes an engineer. Me? Just a forumer who loves my car, make friends here, and enjoy playing Grudge Match or sharing interesting stuff with my fellow brothers. Just a PSLE graduate with an interest and enthusiasm to learn more about my car. Not really having an ambition to take my Ph.D in Automobile Design. Not a car saleman, nor a promoter of any particular brand of products or services either. So, save up your bullets, and shoot someone else instead. No point testing me on Ph.D stuff. No holds barred. Cheers.

Back to the Grudge Match:

Be a Big Fish in a Small Pond - thus pushing your weight around; or

Be a Small Fish in the Ocean - with more opportunities abound?
The word opportunity sounds good so will go for small fish in the ocean, but will stay away from those killer whales, blue whales coz their gulp is huge..hahahaha...

Thanks for the nice write-up above..was ur boss around when u were doin it? :silenced:

Now which one looks worse:
Being banned from one group for offensive remarks and behaviour , moves to another, banned again but finally mellows down and "gets accepted" in another group.
Being an idiot in a group but humorous and liked by the people in the group ?
thanks for the treatise, though I'm afraid it only has further exposed to original cut and paste, stitch, etc. whether intentional or not (I'm not saying it or the second post was intentional). both may well be unintentional.

in short, the advantage to individual cams is not for valve number or valve area, but for individual shifting of the phases on both int/exh valves to find best power for desired range.

on cooling, the reference was to water vs air cooled. the poor mass to surface area ratios of V6 are largely irrelevant unless aircooled - which almost all modern cars aren't.


Bottom line is.. i think we should all be responsible and give credit to sources we quote. The only exception is if we truly have consumed the same piece of information from different sources over time, and truly possess it and understand it.

IMO It is impossible to find someone who understands bank angles, primary and secondary inertia forces, firing orders (they are all closely related), without understanding what comes far before it - the absolute fundamentals.

It is no shame to quote a source and give credit as was given to CAW of RCE in the previous discussion of V10s on Delphi.

Sharing is wonderful, but let's do it the right way ok guys?


GM... Jack.. I think the banned option is much worse though a group of weaklings will say whatever they have to justify what they do. :)

Gossip over proper meal? Or gossip over just a drink (kopi)?
thehhe not phd stuff lah ken.. there are textile engineers, yes textile! fabrics and stuff... who understand this stuff. there are wood and stone carving ornament makers who understand this stuff and put actual automotive engineers to shame. really not joking at all. these same fellows engage in wonderful discussions with 50 year old automotive engineers who've worked for Ford, Lotus, Jaguar, so far, as well as some fine tech automotive journalists. the diversity is wonderful and truly shows that interest is the largest drive.

GM - better to be small fish in big pond for growth

Tulips or roses :dance:
Shaun said:
Bottom line is.. i think we should all be responsible and give credit to sources we quote. The only exception is if we truly have consumed the same piece of information from different sources over time, and truly possess it and understand it.

IMO It is impossible to find someone who understands bank angles, primary and secondary inertia forces, firing orders (they are all closely related), without understanding what comes far before it - the absolute fundamentals.

It is no shame to quote a source and give credit as was given to CAW of RCE in the previous discussion of V10s on Delphi.

Sharing is wonderful, but let's do it the right way ok guys?


(1) I'd think you have achieved your objective in exposing my inadequacies in technical know-how in contrast to your "almighty" I-know-more-than-you depth of knowledge. But seriously, is it a casual objective, or an intended embarrassment schemed for me to stumble upon? Posting a series of questions to entrap me - what are you ultimately up to?

(2) It is widely accepted in this forum that you are technically profound. But that aside, you will need to know when to say what you need to say. If my response to a GM question on V6 versus inline-6 posted by Jack is unacceptable, flame me. I am not denying that I am quoting, but was I posting an advice? Or was I simply answering a game question? Need that be supervised by you - the BMW guru - or verified as far as the source of answer, such as my justification for not picking Fiona Xie over Cheril Fox? Come on, get a life. It is a Grudge Match folder, and leave out your Ph.D thesis. We wanna have fun here in an irrelevant folder, so either you join in, or back-off.

(3) Like I have said, I have never wanted to prove a point in this forum. Always wanted to help. Those who know me could testify to this. This is a forum for people to share common interests - and it is not just about cars. It is about people. Fine, there is no stopping those who desire to learn everything about cars, but one has gotta accord respect to the rest of the forumers as far as sensitivity is concerned. One minute you are a critic of tasteless postings, next minute you condone a posting on half-naked race queen. Now, that's what I meant by consistency in moral judgement.

(4) Your quoted figures on virtually every cars and technical specs were never doubted. Now, if that's from your own car, I will be surprised. So, should I say that you obtained those figures somewhere, from which we are not aware of? Credits, you were saying?

(5) Live and let live. If you adopted this antagonising attitude, you will not be respected - solely based on your knowledge. You could be the best professor in the BMW University, but few will attend your courses, if you go on making enemies by proving a point.
Gossip over drink is the way to go hence the simpang bedok... :silenced:
"Shipping in stuff from overseas"

If its a MOD for my ride... I shall take option 2.... cnt wait to see my ride with a new dress....
Going by sea freight meaning stuff in container... the container is stuff with different cargo since you dont book the whole container... sometimes they mix with food.. my MOD will be at risk of maybe pest attack...

Big fish in a small pond live longer... Small fish sure kana bully by big fish...

Triple M
Nothing looks worse than being a idiot... especially the group knows u r one and accepted u... very fake kind of fredship....
Rather be ownself... and find a group where u belongs....

GM :
Your New Mod hasnt arrive... will arrive after this end mth meetup...

Still go to the meetup without yr mod
Skip this meetup and wait till next mth so to show off yr new mod?
Of course still go to the meet up..after all, it is the gathering where the people catch up..

So when is ur tailor made dress arriving bro?

Which one was first:
Egg came from chicken
Chicken came from egg ?
kenntona said:
Shaun said:
Kenntona I didn't know you studied at least somewhat, engine design. wah you know everything from engines to women to plato. very impressive!!!

Bro, my learning curve has just increased its gradient somewhat, after these many hours of surfing the BMW.SG forum. This follows some lifelong learning philosophy as advocated by some social aristocrats. And I do browse through some bimmer magazines while I am sitting on that toilet bowl of mine, contemplating on some aesthetic mods. When constipated, I will read those technical articles.

Still, all these would just be a minuscule effort in stark comparison to your depth and breadth of technical knowledge, probably acquired through extensive experience and intensive research on the academia of automobiles. A perfect analogy would be a pre-school starter versus a postgraduate candidate. Hence I would not dare to accept your compliment (“wah you know everything from engines to women to plato”) with grace. I would not even dare to think I know anything more than selecting the octane level of gasoline to pump at the cheapest petrol station within a 5-km radius around my place. In fact, quite the contrary, I know nuts about automobiles.

But on women and philosophy, perhaps I could give you a run for your money. Will share with you when you are back.

Shaun said:
regarding the extra cams, gears, and drives on the V6, what are your thoughts on single cam V6s and how it would be implemented?

I’m raw on this, but I’d supposed you are talking about single-cam pushrod in a V-configuration? You’d probably know this better than me, since you have a VR6 engine to toy with…… Please enlighten if I’ve shamed myself in sharing my humble thoughts……

The main reason to use twin cams is to allow for more intake and exhaust valves. Intuitively, more valves means that intake and exhaust gases can flow more freely because there are more openings for them to flow through. This increases the power of the engine. But those DOHC heads are so large that you will need a wider engine bay to fit the engine. Yes, they can rev to higher speeds, and those higher revs produce a higher peak power output. But I’ll bet you will prefer a low revving high torque engine that can run down to idle in top gear and still accelerate away in that same top gear. That will be the engine that most people want.

Back to the single cam. How does it work in comparison to double cam? Take the pushrod single cam, which has overall less valve surface and smaller lift and shorter duration. There is going to be relatively low power made at high revolutions because eventually little air/fuel mixture will be getting into the cylinders with the speed the engine is going. Also, the longer stroke does not bode well for high revving. So to compensate for this, a pushrod engine will have smaller bores and longer strokes to allow for more air/fuel mixture at low rpms which means more low end power, especially torque. The twin cam engine on the otherhand with its higher lift and longer duration is bad for torque production mainly due to too much overlap, and does not get peak performance till higher revs because then the crank is already rotating and the longer duration allows more air/fuel mixture to enter the cylinders at the high revs. The theory is that more valves = more air = more power. Don’t flame me if I sounded ignorant on this.

To be fair, a multi-valve engine with a single cam arrangement is just as efficient as a double cam one, although the trend is to use multi-valve engines with individual camshafts controlling the inlet and exhaust valves. There is also a concern on the space constraints with the cam-in-block design of the pushrod. But on a financial note, there is a cost factor against the twin cam – it is more costly to produce a twin-cam engine since there are more moving parts and more material is used.

On implementation, you should know the VR6 engine, constructed like an in-line engine. The two banks are merged into a single cylinder block with a single cylinder head housing the valve gears for all 6 cylinders. In contrast, a conventional V6 consists of 2 blocks and 2 heads. Thus the VR6 is not only smaller, but also lighter and cheaper to be built. First G VR6 has 2 valves per cylinder, single overhead cam serving each bank just like any conventional 2-valve V6, although the 2 camshafts are so close that they look as if a twin-cam design.

Shaun said:
what levels of applicability of the cooling statements about the V6, do you see with regard to the two main cooling options. Do you not think it is lopsided?

Not sure what you are getting at, but the V6 engine has one bank of cylinders mirroring another bank. As far as cooling is concerned, the air intake has to be from the center of the V and exhaust pumps out from outside of the V, since the inside of V cannot accommodate very hot exhaust pipes. Because of the closely-packed adjacent cylinders, there is no space for induction / exhaust pipes running to the same side. Induction manifolds take place at the top of the engine thus waste no space, but the hot exhaust pipes engage a lot of space (or length) of the car, especially is a certain clearance should be provided to avoid overheating to surrounding components. In a design sense, it is lopsided.

Shaun said:
been trying to figure out the balance/out of balance (primary and secondary, couples if any) for 72 vs 90 deg V10s. Can you help? A paint or freehand sketch will help... only takes 5 minutes for guys like you. Firing order suggestions assuming no space for crossovers? can?

Wah, bro, give an inch you wanna take a foot? Just kidding. But this takes an engineer. Me? Just a forumer who loves my car, make friends here, and enjoy playing Grudge Match or sharing interesting stuff with my fellow brothers. Just a PSLE graduate with an interest and enthusiasm to learn more about my car. Not really having an ambition to take my Ph.D in Automobile Design. Not a car saleman, nor a promoter of any particular brand of products or services either. So, save up your bullets, and shoot someone else instead. No point testing me on Ph.D stuff. No holds barred. Cheers.

Back to the Grudge Match:

Be a Big Fish in a Small Pond - thus pushing your weight around; or

Be a Small Fish in the Ocean - with more opportunities abound?
yawn...this is GM (Grudge Match), not GENERAL MECHANICS..please don't OT an OT thread..

Answer... Be a Big Fish in a Small Pond..I am a power freak.

Which is more productive?

Attending a Christmas Eve function with a new girfriend; or
Going to "The Club" with friends on Xmas eve?
Ken, no really.. knowledge is nothing. Knowledge is everywhere to collect. Put 1 hour into collecting on something, lose 1 hour on collecting on another. We are all just balanced differently and that is great. Sharing is wonderful. When it gets down to specifics that you talk about which are not low level specifics yet the low-ER level specifics are not known, it plainly shows a lack of acknowledging sources. Like I said this can be purely unintentional.

My objective was to check if it was true mental possession of the material posted because if it was I would have been happy to talk to you a lot more. Someone who is into this stuff who is from the same place. If not, then point out that we should acknowledge sources. that's really all. just to be fair to sources.

perhaps I didn't know the game rules that quoting chunks of stuff and not acknowledging it is ok.. just unusual to see any public discussion that is free from the rule of giving credit where credit is due. okok kick me out of the playground :oops: on FX and all that woman picking stuff I odn't care. I just care about the author of the bank angle stuff that put effort into it and never got credit for it. That's why previously even when linking people to my privately hosted simple as they may have been.. I give credit.

If you take a joke about ryan's Pshopping skill to mean condoning your posting of nude pictures containing female gentalia, you have absolutely got me wrong. I don't think you should skip over to this moral thing. This acknowledging source issue is an ethical one.

Technical specs are specs given out by the guys who make them. When I say a 320 has say 170hp@5500rpm, everyone knows I am quoting official specs. Specs are different from concepts and understanding them. Anyone can quote the rough population of Singapore, but to quote chunks of a paper on the political climate in Singapore, and not give credit would be wrong. Specs vs conceptual understanding, insight, wit, etc.. very different.

i think I will stop here since we've both made our points. have a good day
Shaun said:
Ken, no really.. knowledge is nothing. Knowledge is everywhere to collect. Put 1 hour into collecting on something, lose 1 hour on collecting on another. We are all just balanced differently and that is great. Sharing is wonderful.

Shaun, if you truly believe knowledge is nothing, then sharpen your interpersonal skills. There is more to information in the communication process, not just cold hard facts. Sometimes it is the human factor that is critical. Remember, this is a social thingy. You need not join any meetup to earn the credits of a member, but if you could and would, you will make more friends than facing the 17" flatscreen arguing on technical specs. No point making my point again and again, but truly ask yourself - how many forumers must you antagonise? How many forums need to ban you?

Shaun said:
My objective was to check if it was true possession of the material posted because if it was I would have been happy to talk to you a lot more. Someone who is into this stuff who is from the same place. If not, then point out that we should acknowledge sources. that's really all. just to be fair to sources.

Let's just be mature enough and admit that you knew that right from the start. You know what I do not know. You know I will have a handicap trying to playing your game. And you proceed to prove it. So did you. Let's just conclude here that we will be walking in different directions. Guess we will not be talking the same stuff, given my technical adequacy. Apparently I have failed my qualification test.

Oh, that Spiderman avatar of yours, it's patented, is it not?

Shaun said:
If you take a joke about ryan's Pshopping skill to mean condoning your posting of nude pictures containing female gentalia, you have absolutely got me wrong. I don't think you should skip over to this moral thing. This acknowledging source issue is an ethical one.

Nope. I am talking about the race queen who exposed her nipples in the Members' Folder. Never mind. You will have a way justifying your actions no matter what.

But I have to say that I was surprised that you are a Grudge Match player. Welcome.
MW said:
Which is more productive?

Attending a Christmas Eve function with a new girfriend; or
Going to "The Club" with friends on Xmas eve?

Oh well... got options 3 ? (Stay home sucks thumbs and watching the DVD provide by MW on Xmas eve)
Attending a Christmas Eve function with a new girfriend which I don't have...
Going to "The Club" with friends on Xmas eve? emm... sound good...

if no options 3, i will just skip this.. :lol: :laughing:

Be a richie to drive fancy car ? or Be a mechanic to repair richie's fancy car ?
(very lame question.. :lol: )
calvin said:
MW said:
Which is more productive?

Attending a Christmas Eve function with a new girfriend; or
Going to "The Club" with friends on Xmas eve?

Oh well... got options 3 ? (Stay home sucks thumbs and watching the DVD provide by MW on Xmas eve)
Attending a Christmas Eve function with a new girfriend which I don't have...
Going to "The Club" with friends on Xmas eve? emm... sound good...

if no options 3, i will just skip this.. :lol: :laughing:

Be a richie to drive fancy car ? or Be a mechanic to repair richie's fancy car ?
(very lame question.. :lol: )
Be a mechanic and drive richie rich's car...cos can drive many different cars..

New year's eve to be spent in:

1. Simpang kopi or
2. CV kopi?... :laughlik:

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