Grudge Match - The Saga Continues......

MW said:
Be a mechanic and drive richie rich's car...cos can drive many different cars..

New year's eve to be spent in:

1. Simpang kopi or
2. CV kopi?... :laughlik:

wah lau, u sure u can drive out the car ? insurance not cover u know :laughing:

Ok, Simpang kopi. near to my house.

The most silence killer is :
Gay BMW Fancy Red Cabrio ? or u CB Stock silver 17" BMW with amber lights ?
Hymics said:
Back to the Ah Beng days…If you are an Ah beng, will you prefer long shoulder length hair or perm half head with a bit of dye red color here and there…..
Common Ah Beng’s lingo… which u prefer to use to stir a fight....? NNB… C what you or KNN…. U c Si mi lan
Still Ah Beng.. Prefer yr Ah Lian galfred to hv a colorful butterfly Tattoo on her back or your name “curl with a dragon tattoo” on her arm
Your New Mod hasnt arrive... will arrive after this end mth meetup... still go to the meetup without yr mod or skip this meetup and wait till next mth so to show off yr new mod?

Long hair, like Ekin Cheng.
KNN, kua si mi lan chiao.
Butterfly is a very familiar word.
Will go to the meetup. People here not snobbish one.

Winston said:
Ah Lian wearing demin shorts with butt cheaks revealing or wearing tight tops with the bi-xenon HID showing?
Ah lian meet you for hot date in fantasy play role, dressed up as nurse in white uniform or in black leather gear with motorbike helmet?

Bi-xenons, 6,000 k at least please. Must I quote the source for this?
Leather. Nurse I can see them now and then.

SL2 said:
Which is more disgusting? Ah Lian farting in front of you or Ah Lian digging nose in front of you?

Ah Lian digging nose is more disgusting. Shows that she is shameless. Farting will embarrass her, which weakens her defences.

TripleM said:
Shipping in stuff from overseas
1) Pay a qtr of the shipping cost but by sea and takes 1mth or
2) Pay a full price but by air and it takes 4-5days?
Now which one looks worse: Being banned from one group for offensive remarks and behaviour , moves to another, banned again but finally mellows down and "gets accepted" in another group or Being an idiot in a group but humorous and liked by the people in the group ?
Egg came from chicken or Chicken came from egg ?

Guess if you need to ship it in, it will be something that you desperately want. Just pay for it.
Learn to assimilate. Else don't bother joining a group. Be oneself, stay at home and watch DVDs. Makes sense?
Chicken came from egg (embryo).

MW said:
Which is more productive? Attending a Christmas Eve function with a new girfriend; or going to "The Club" with friends on Xmas eve?

The Club. Wanna celebrate with many Santas......

Calvin said:
Be a richie to drive fancy car ? or Be a mechanic to repair richie's fancy car ?

Rather be a driver to experience the drive, than to know all and drive nothing.

Some young punks making lots of noise in your block......

Keep quiet about the irritating noises and swallow your frustration; or

Confront the young punks and risk being whacked up?
calvin said:
MW said:
Be a mechanic and drive richie rich's car...cos can drive many different cars..

New year's eve to be spent in:

1. Simpang kopi or
2. CV kopi?... :laughlik:

wah lau, u sure u can drive out the car ? insurance not cover u know :laughing:

Ok, Simpang kopi. near to my house.

The most silence killer is :
Gay Marky ? or u CB Cliffy ?
Mark???..please lah, he is not a silent killer..he will tell everyone.

Cliff is the silent killer..everyday act blur and sleepy face but his pocktes full of condoms on standby for any phone call.

Who more hao lian?

MW said:
Mark???..please lah, he is not a silent killer..he will tell everyone.

Cliff is the silent killer..everyday act blur and sleepy face but his pocktes full of condoms on standby for any phone call.

Who more hao lian?


ACS CAB2... his hair getting lesser n lesser due to lian too much. :lol:

Dating to movie ? or to garden ?
MW said:
New year's eve to be spent in:
1. Simpang kopi or
2. CV kopi?...

Who more hao lian? ACS CAB2 or ACS CAB3

Simpang kopi.
ACS CAB2. But he is still loveable.

Calvin said:
The most silence killer is : Gay BMW Fancy Red Cabrio ? or u CB Stock silver 17" BMW with amber lights ?

Who looked silent to you?

Vivian or Eileen?
Calvin said:
Dating to movie ? or to garden ?

With the wet weather, will stick to movie, first.

Use tissue papers, or wet wipes?
"Who looked silent to you?

Vivian or Eileen?"

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA....its Vivian..,cos she quietly wanted a brand new cupboard..

Who is a better player?

Bao Bao or Gin???
kenntona said:
Calvin said:
Dating to movie ? or to garden ?

With the wet weather, will stick to movie, first.

Use tissue papers, or wet wipes?

Tissue paper..safer cos the liquid from the wet wipes may not agree with your skin..

Doing it in the cabin of a yatch or on top?
kenntona said:
Shaun said:
Ken, no really.. knowledge is nothing. Knowledge is everywhere to collect. Put 1 hour into collecting on something, lose 1 hour on collecting on another. We are all just balanced differently and that is great. Sharing is wonderful.

Shaun, if you truly believe knowledge is nothing, then sharpen your interpersonal skills. There is more to information in the communication process, not just cold hard facts. Sometimes it is the human factor that is critical. Remember, this is a social thingy. You need not join any meetup to earn the credits of a member, but if you could and would, you will make more friends than facing the 17" flatscreen arguing on technical specs. No point making my point again and again, but truly ask yourself - how many forumers must you antagonise? How many forums need to ban you?

Shaun said:
My objective was to check if it was true possession of the material posted because if it was I would have been happy to talk to you a lot more. Someone who is into this stuff who is from the same place. If not, then point out that we should acknowledge sources. that's really all. just to be fair to sources.

Let's just be mature enough and admit that you knew that right from the start. You know what I do not know. You know I will have a handicap trying to playing your game. And you proceed to prove it. So did you. Let's just conclude here that we will be walking in different directions. Guess we will not be talking the same stuff, given my technical adequacy. Apparently I have failed my qualification test.

Oh, that Spiderman avatar of yours, it's patented, is it not?

Shaun said:
If you take a joke about ryan's Pshopping skill to mean condoning your posting of nude pictures containing female gentalia, you have absolutely got me wrong. I don't think you should skip over to this moral thing. This acknowledging source issue is an ethical one.

Nope. I am talking about the race queen who exposed her nipples in the Members' Folder. Never mind. You will have a way justifying your actions no matter what.

But I have to say that I was surprised that you are a Grudge Match player. Welcome.

I had very strong suspicions from the start, but of course had to confirm. strong as suspicions are, always give someone a chance.. benefit of the doubt. So I confirmed and here we are. Confirmed in order to move onto giving credit. This is the first time anywhere I've seen exemption from giving credit.

if the asking for an acknowledgement of sources is considered antagonizing, then it is a sad state that local forums have dropped to. If not putting up with a member who cheats you and your best friend of thousands of dollars, who sulks about not getting to profit from a tech project, if telling people not to post dirty jokes on your forum, if clinging to a technical truth backed up by physics, if calling out an outrageous laptime... if all this is antagonistic then ok.

You can rag on my character, or color 'history' all you want, and I can defend myself. But why bother? Those who do not know us personally will be unable to make a remotely certain judgement for themselves. The best they will have to go by is how we shown ourselves to be by our actions and words. The difference here is you are trying to put my character down, whilst I am not trying to do that to you. I only pointed out that you do not have firm grasp of the quoted concepts and that credit should be given. I also maintain that what you did might or might not have been intentionally done. There is no attack on your character, just the explanation of the logic that I am basing the lack of grasp which you have now admitted to, and now the possible reasons for the lack of acknowledgement.

I have not labelled you plagiarizer, liar, or anything like that. I leave it free. You could have just said "oh yah I forgot to give credit" and we'd have been back to deciding between tulips and roses by now. ;)
Calvin said:
Xenon 3500K or Xenon 6500K ?

6,500 k please.

MW said:
Who is a better player? Bao Bao or Gin???
Doing it in the cabin of a yatch or on top?

Gin. You can testify to that.
On top. The sea breeze......

The pathetic Esti or the E60 Jackie?
"Cliff is the silent killer..everyday act blur and sleepy face but his pocktes full of condoms on standby for any phone call. "... one

new year's eve shud stay at home and party...avoid goin to town esp....night mare

Confront the young punks once and for all but I must hide my ride somewhere first..

Agree chicken came from egg, so u r saying God created egg first then it hatched itself into chicken?
Shaun said:
I had very strong suspicions from the start, but of course had to confirm. strong as suspicions are, always give someone a chance.. benefit of the doubt. So I confirmed and here we are. Confirmed in order to move onto giving credit. This is the first time anywhere I've seen exemption from giving credit.

Think we have gone through this. Don't bother giving me the benefit of doubt, or pretend to exhibit sympathy. You have dug what you need to, and my advice is - move on - unless you need to prove more to fulfil your ego. To which I feel, you pick the wrong person to prove. Go swim in the bigger ocean to prove yourself, not amongst the longkang ikan bilis like me.

Shaun said:
if the asking for an acknowledgement of sources is considered antagonizing, then it is a sad state that local forums have dropped to. If not putting up with a member who cheats you and your best friend of thousands of dollars, who sulks about not getting to profit from a tech project, if telling people not to post dirty jokes on your forum, if clinging to a technical truth backed up by physics, if calling out an outrageous laptime... if all this is antagonistic then ok.

So you have been patrolling all the local forums, or is that a sweeping statement? Both you and I know which are the forums which had banned your postings, and that's a FACT. In my firmest belief, it is neither your character nor your integrity that warrants such sanctions.

It is your attitude.

Noble as you think you can be, it is what the major body think about you. Perception is rampant and irrational at times, but if you truly belongs, then stick to it. Perhaps the local forums could not accommodate your tactless attitude?

An honest advice: why do you not wanna reflect upon yourself, but instead chose to point all those fingers on your two hands at others?

Shaun said:
You can rag on my character, or color 'history' all you want, and I can defend myself. But why bother? Those who do not know us personally will be unable to make a remotely certain judgement for themselves. The best they will have to go by is how we shown ourselves to be by our actions and words. The difference here is you are trying to put my character down, whilst I am not trying to do that to you. I only pointed out that you do not have firm grasp of the quoted concepts and that credit should be given. I also maintain that what you did might or might not have been intentionally done. There is no attack on your character, just the explanation of the logic that I am basing the lack of grasp which you have now admitted to, and now the possible reasons for the lack of acknowledgement.

I'd think everyone could see what you are trying to do here. The responses speak volume for themselves.

BTW, I am not tainting your character.

Just your attitude.

Drill that into your mind. It is your attitude.

Shaun said:
I have not labelled you plagiarizer, liar, or anything like that. I leave it free. You could have just said "oh yah I forgot to give credit" and we'd have been back to deciding between tulips and roses by now.

I have just given you the credit of exposing my technical shortcomings. You were successful in doing so, so why be so humble about it? You were short of labelling me one - which I am, but don't give a shit since I am not in academia.

Now, if I have misled with wrong info, I will be cruxified by you by virtue of your database within your skull. But I have (merely) plagiarised. Sorry, Professor, there goes my credit.

Lest you wanna run me over twice with your 400-bhp VW, or turn around and shoot my corpse again and again for cheap thrill, I'd suggest you rest the matter.

I am not entertaining your GM questions, but will leave it free for the rest of the participants to see for themselves if they think your ideas are original.

And the Spiderman thingy...... never mind.
TripleM said:
Confront the young punks once and for all but I must hide my ride somewhere first..

Perhaps that's why no one speak up? Hahaha......

TripleM said:
Agree chicken came from egg, so u r saying God created egg first then it hatched itself into chicken?

If I quote the Bible, must acknowledge source.

If I quote evolution, must quote Darwin.

So I will simply say that I am not God, therefore I do not know. Ask God, or ask someone who knows more than God......


Honour and Glory......

One-to-One victory a la David versus Goliath; or
Power-Rule a la Genghis Khan over China, Persia and Mongolia?
Both are glorious moments but the process was entirely different
In David vs Goliath, it is just a matter of dead or alive btwn the two contenders...
while in Genghis Khan scenario, the glory involves real war, bloodsheds u name it..

Personally, if I hv a vengeance against someone,...fight like a man..One to One be him the size of Rodders or Sean aint matter......hahahaha

Healthy diet :
TripleM said:
Personally, if I hv a vengeance against someone,...fight like a man..One to One be him the size of Rodders or Sean aint matter......hahahaha

Ya. But not when the other is a mere internet hero, reality zero......

TripleM said:
Now...Healthy diet : Sandwich or Salad?

Sandwich. I need some carbo to throw those punches.

Bush's immediate concern:

Social Security Reform; or

Tax Reform?
kenntona said:
So you have been patrolling all the local forums, or is that a sweeping statement? Both you and I know which are the forums which had banned your postings, and that's a FACT. In my firmest belief, it is neither your character nor your integrity that warrants such sanctions.

It is all personal experience. But why would you believe what I say right? The bans are fact.. sure. The reasons people feed you for the bans... wise to believe and make judgement with? Maybe not heheh

Noble as you think you can be, it is what the major body think about you. Perception is rampant and irrational at times, but if you truly belongs, then stick to it. Perhaps the local forums could not accommodate your tactless attitude?

Numbers mean next to nothing to me. I lose a lot, I win a few (you would be surprised). But I like the quality few that like and accept me. Peace loving and inert they are, sometimes even scared of public association, but that's cool. Quality not quantity ;)

An honest advice: why do you not wanna reflect upon yourself, but instead chose to point all those fingers on your two hands at others?

I honestly do reflect but choose to be this way because the numbers mean little to me. Being true to my beliefs, or what I know is backed up by physics and experience is more important. If it wrong it is wrong. Call it out or get banned trying. It's all with good intention. Many don't believe it, but it is. My conscience is clear. Trade minimum time and tact to put out the raw facts, trade the favor of hundred for the respect of the few who value truth.. It's all a subjective balance. You don't like my balance? ok :)

fish - you wouldn't believe how big the fish here are that surround me. how big and objective they are and how much growth they support. yet the fact that I stop by here to suggest that credit be given to sources, does not make me an ikan biliis picker-on. A forum which gives credit.. just one of the characteristics of a quality forum. IMO
NB… spidy.. u dun understand simple English huh… even me only understand little Angglishhh graduate from Hokkien unibersity understand this is grudge match… not General Mechanics ..”quoted by MW”…..!! so stop the OTOTOTOT….

TripleM, :

Heehee.. my cinderalla dress reaching end of this mth leh.. …. $$ big damage$$.. next yr one more Hymics Junior mus hold back liao…. cnt live firing excercise....

Your 10th Wedding anniversary,
Cook yr wife a candle light dinner at home
Dine out
" Cook yr wife a candle light dinner at home
Dine out "

If u can cook well, by all means cook at home then after that, bring her out in your fully kitted 7er for a coffee/dessert somewhere..

Btw, look fwd to seeing your new mods...gonna be swee swee..

When you are driving with wife sitting next to ya, u see a chio bu crossing at the pedestrian crossing....
U pretend not seeing her
U try to tilt your eyes towards her but do it carefully so that wifey won't know?
When you are driving with wife sitting next to ya, u see a chio bu crossing at the pedestrian crossing....
U pretend not seeing her
U try to tilt your eyes towards her but do it carefully so that wifey won't know?

This one got third option or not? I always look directly at the chio bu with my wife beside me lei..but if no third option, then I'll pretend not seeing the chio bu. 8)

let's talk cuisine: French or Italian?

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