Grudge Match - The Saga Continues......

drive faraway to watch; or
...... go to the nearest cinema?

Go to the nearest one, strolling and holding hands kekeke...


Buying a laptop: Toshiba or Dell?

Dell for its economical price...Toshiba is a rip-off

4*4 family room, what plasma tv size suits better:
37 or 42 in?
SL2 said:
GM questions are based on assumptions, you toot..In this case, it's mere window shopping.

Bro, have you not learn? Never set parameters of assumptions with women.

SL2 said:
Buying a laptop: Toshiba or Dell?


Promise brothers to attend a kopi session at 10 pm. Went to a chillout joint at 6 pm and met 2 chio bu's. Would you:

...... stick to your fun and stay happy until late; or

...... try to coerce them to the kopi session?
try to coerce them to the kopi session?

Depends who's at kopi session too hahahaha..

Internet connection:
Phone dial up
Internet connection:
Phone dial up

BroadBand :thumbsup:

Which festive occasion still retains it's original festive mood in Singapore:

X'mas or Chinese New Year
TripleM said:
Internet connection: Phone dial up or BroadBand?


SL2 said:
Which festive occasion still retains it's original festive mood in Singapore: X'mas or Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year. Go to China Town to experience the frustration of not finding parking lots......

quiksilver said:
Which MPV: Grandis OR Odyssey


Who do you think will be more disappointed for not being voted into the Top Ten Female Artists at the Star Awards:

Zoe Tay, or Fiona Xie?
Who do you think will be more disappointed for not being voted into the Top Ten Female Artists at the Star Awards:

Zoe Tay, or Fiona Xie?

Looks like Zoe, given Fann was selected unless both weren't then bit different story..
Fiona was hot last night, lady in red... :inlove:

The sexy night gowns some of those female awards winner wore, are they :
Too revealing and tasteless
Revealing but tasteful?
TripleM said:
The sexy night gowns some of those female awards winner wore, are they : Too revealing and tasteless or Revealing but tasteful?

Revealing? Not for most. Tasteful? For some. I like Jeanette Aw's angelic white dress and Huang Bi Ren's glamorous gown. Ivy's dress could not hold ...... xenons......

Most of the guys have a queer sense of dressing. Trying too hard to impress.

Upcoming movies with long title:

The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie; or

Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events?
definitely The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie;

Heavier group:
Damageplan or Nickleback?
Heavier group:
Damageplan or Nickleback?

Dunno Pak, but prob NickleBack...

Which channel will u stick to?
Program on car race queens
Program on swimsuit calendar?
"Program on car race queens or Program on swimsuit calendar"?

Watch car race queens..... Tape down swimsuit calendar watch later... :dance:

Swimsuit calendar of
Swimsuit calendar of

The Americans ones are too common already so would lv to see the Jap ones :) U hv a copy? ;)

Having a second kid, what age gap is more ideal?
2 years apart
4 years apart?
TripleM said:
Which channel will u stick to? Program on car race queens or Program on swimsuit calendar?

Race Queens. Car and women. Best combination.

Hymics said:
Swimsuit calendar of Japanese or Americans?

Errrrrr.... Should be Ang Mor lah. Japanese bi-xenons only 4,000 K only......

Joss Stone or Rachael Yamagata?
TripleM said:
Having a second kid, what age gap is more ideal? 2 years apart or 4 years apart?

4 years.

The Donnas or Brandy?
Jack :
"The Americans ones are too common already so would lv to see the Jap ones U hv a copy? "

Naughty Papa san... :hmmidont: :lol:

"2 years apart or 4 years apart?"

2 years lah bro!!.. unless something wrong down there.. kekekekke
Seriously..... Age is catching up so..... HURRY UP!! :thumbsup:

"Joss Stone or Rachael Yamagata?"

I dun listen to their work... but looks... JOSS STONE!! :drool:

Expose your kid at young age to
Hymics said:
Expose your kid at young age to Golf or Bowling


(1) They cannot learn the bowling technique properly until they could lift the balls;

(2) How much do you think Tiger Woods make a year from tournaments and sponsorships?

Chio Bu winked at you while at Newton, with your Minister of Home Affairs besides you. Do you:

......avoid eye contact. Peace at home later; or mischievous and flirt with her, taking the view that you can always push the blame on her "She started flirting with me first!"?
Chio Bu winked at you while at Newton, with your Minister of Home Affairs besides you. Do you:

......avoid eye contact. Peace at home later; or mischievous and flirt with her, taking the view that you can always push the blame on her "She started flirting with me first!"?

2nd option for me bro! 8)

Just polished your car and chio bu leans on it. Do you:

Tell her not to do that


Keep quiet and endure
"Just polished your car and chio bu leans on it. Do you:
Tell her not to do that OR Keep quiet and endure "

Tell her not to do that in a polite manner..... invite her to lean in the car instead..

SL2 said:
Just polished your car and chio bu leans on it. Do you: Tell her not to do that OR Keep quiet and endure

Do your maths. The downside is limited - she has leant on the car. Your mirror surface has been smeared.

Estimate your upside from here. Will you get lucky? You might? Then keep quiet and "lan lan" - but pretend to be gracious lah.

But if she is a bitch, then bark at her. You have nothing to lose.

Chio Bu standing at the bar counter, surrounded by a swarm of "flies." She looks intimidated. She turns her head and looks into your eyes. You:

...... cheong. Make your move into the swarm of "hor sin" and attack the queen bee; or

...... stay cool. Wait to see if her boyfriend is hidden in the swarm?

Kitchen..not public mah :thumbsup:

Chio Bu standing at the bar counter, surrounded by a swarm of "flies." She looks intimidated. She turns her head and looks into your eyes. You:

...... cheong. Make your move into the swarm of "hor sin" and attack the queen bee; or

...... stay cool. Wait to see if her boyfriend is hidden in the swarm?

Stay cool, after all, that's my middle name. 8) Dun want to look like an idiot if anyhow cheong in.

Finished the night and just told wifey you're going home. You're just leaving the pub when you see a chio bu smiling at you. Do you:

Approach her and stay on in the pub


Just leave

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