Seen any ghosts?

Re: Seen any ghosts?

...more ghost stories pls, getting interesting tis thread...;)!! The scarier the beta...
Re: Seen any ghosts?

Sorry for the cut and paste , but I guess most of us heard of this story

The red wristband

When you are admitted to a hospital, they place on your wrist a white wristband with your name on it. But there are other different colored wristbands which symbolizes other things. The red wristbands are placed on dead people.

There was one surgeon who worked on night shift in a school hospital. He had just finished an operation and was on his way down to the basement. He entered the elevator and there was just one other person there. He casually chatted with the woman while the elevator descended. When the elevator door opened another woman was about to enter when the doctor slammed the close button and punched the button to the highest floor. Surprised, the woman reprimanded the doctor for being rude and asked why he did not let the other woman in.

The doctor said “that was the woman i just operated on. She died while I was doing the operation. Didn’t you see the red wristband she was wearing?”

The woman smiled and raised her arm “something like this?”

Although in Singapore context , it would be instead a red tag..

Honestly speaking, I may have possibly experience ghostly encounters, but never seen a ghost (those hair standing ones , I'll try to recall some....)
Re: Seen any ghosts?

In tan tock seng
Red wrist band is to alert someone that the patient has drug allergy..

so, please dont freak out if you go to the ward and see so many patients with red wrist band..
Re: Seen any ghosts?

Real life experience 1....

One night I was driving near old Lim Chu Kang road after I dropped off a buddy in camp. I noticed the car directly in front of me has NO DRIVER !!! It steered and navigated on its own.

Next traffic light the car stopped.

One short uncle came down and walked towards me and questioned why I tailgated him......

Till this day I still wonder how he viewed the roads ahead....
Re: Seen any ghosts?

In the spirit of sharing,
I ll just share my encounter when I was a kid.

My grandpa died when I was about 9-10, and we flew back from the states to attend his funeral ( Dad went back first to ailing granpa then)
after the wake, funeral, burial ceremony.. we were quite worn out and also sad on the recent bereavement.
We checked in to one of the hotel in Ipoh the night we were heading back.
Everyone slept well and the next morning, when I head to the bathroom to wash up, as I look up the big mirror I saw the reflection that my grandpa was sitting on the toilet bowl, looking pale and smiling at me, then he raised his hands and wave at me calling my name. He was also wearing the traditional funeral chinese baju. Standing next to him were the pair of paper dolls that we have burnt for him as offering looking humanly with no expression.
I quickly stormed out from the bathroom and when my dad checked on it, everything was gone.

Dont know whether is real or my imagination but the images still lingers in my mind 20 years on..

Later on I was told the hotel was one of the most haunted building in Ipoh as it was the only high rise building built in the 70s.
Re: Seen any ghosts?

kenntona;879812 said:
Real life experience 1....

One night I was driving near old Lim Chu Kang road after I dropped off a buddy in camp. I noticed the car directly in front of me has NO DRIVER !!! It steered and navigated on its own.

Next traffic light the car stopped.

One short uncle came down and walked towards me and questioned why I tailgated him......

Till this day I still wonder how he viewed the roads ahead....

Sounds like a Doc friend of mine............ who currently is driving an EVO X...
No names mentioned.......... :silenced::silenced::silenced:
Re: Seen any ghosts?

...share share ...a bit dad's sister, my young aunt, was sadly ...brutally raped & murdered...I was only a small kid...dunno wad happened till I get older and dad told me her whole ordeal...those beasts...not only one .

...I remembered seeing a head by the corner of my grand parents's room window every night when we had to watch the coffin ...too scared to see properly...dunno if it's imagination...

...2 weeks grand father Oso passed away...i guess from broken heart? it was a very tiring time...for my dad ..He's eldest son.

...but what I can vividly remember r the worst ghosts existing in form of humans...remaining family arguing & fighting over $$$ left and donations from both funerals..

...Human ghosts in every forms...@ work or social settings....sucked big time...even present times...
Re: Seen any ghosts?

Sorry to hear that. Were the animals caught?
Re: Seen any ghosts?

Tq 4 asking MW.

...wad I remembered was..estimated time of brutal offence, before midnight. She was only found mid morning by passerby..samples were dried up though I'm not sure how long it takes b4 police or investigations would deemed sample invalid 4 test.

...Dad was an undercover ..they called "Um Bai" in the past. He was simply obsessed w finding out who the culprits were ...for a long time...years..sadly no captured till today. u knw Y I so tough sumtimes..under training by my father
Re: Seen any ghosts?

Well I hope they get raped by goldfishes
Re: Seen any ghosts?

Chocs;880311 said:

...share share ...a bit dad's sister, my young aunt, was sadly ...brutally raped & murdered...I was only a small kid...dunno wad happened till I get older and dad told me her whole ordeal...those beasts...not only one .

...I remembered seeing a head by the corner of my grand parents's room window every night when we had to watch the coffin ...too scared to see properly...dunno if it's imagination...

...2 weeks grand father Oso passed away...i guess from broken heart? it was a very tiring time...for my dad ..He's eldest son.

...but what I can vividly remember r the worst ghosts existing in form of humans...remaining family arguing & fighting over $$$ left and donations from both funerals..

...Human ghosts in every forms...@ work or social settings....sucked big time...even present times...

Like a movie.

First few days, the dead cannot believe hence soul hanging near own dead body.

Chocs;880318 said:

Tq 4 asking MW.

...wad I remembered was..estimated time of brutal offence, before midnight. She was only found mid morning by passerby..samples were dried up though I'm not sure how long it takes b4 police or investigations would deemed sample invalid 4 test.

...Dad was an undercover ..they called "Um Bai" in the past. He was simply obsessed w finding out who the culprits were ...for a long time...years..sadly no captured till today. u knw Y I so tough sumtimes..under training by my father

Um Bai chio bu.
Re: Seen any ghosts?

I always tell sister , no need to be scared of ghosts, because human is scarier.
Re: Seen any ghosts?

C3P0;880357 said:
I always tell sister , no need to be scared of ghosts, because human is scarier.
No wonder your sister so happy because u not human.
Re: Seen any ghosts?

iScoupe;880363 said:
No wonder your sister so happy because u not human.

No wonder... Got ppl faint after seeing him...... :shhhh:
Re: Seen any ghosts?

iScoupe;880363 said:
No wonder your sister so happy because u not human.
Ai play golf mai? :D
milk15;880531 said:
No wonder... Got ppl faint after seeing him...... :shhhh:
U half human half ghost , not scary.
What is scary is half man half woman!

* run away *
Re: Seen any ghosts?

i have many encounters with spirits, but i was not the one that harmed them, so i dun worry... once while driving along north south highway at 4plus in the morning, whilst testing the top speed of my evo..... i came to a stretch that was very misty n deserted, n all of a sudden, a "ghost" appeared beside me, like hanging at the driver's door, staring straight at me. i caught a glimpse n pretended not to see..... n as soon as it appeared, it disappeared.... at that time i was wide awake as i was travelling at extremely high speeds n hantus were the last thing on my mind.....
Re: Seen any ghosts?

Heard this from a fren, who said that he was driving company van along old Tampines road many years was about 2am in the morning, and while chatting with his passenger fren, he suddenly froze while checking his rear view mirror....

His fren felt surprised too, as my fren started to floor the throttle.
His fren was asking why suddenly drive so fast, we not in a rush.
My fren didn't answer him just sped off, and finally reached defu lane area, they stopped at their company gate, that my fren told him what happened.

While he was chatting and glanced at the rear view mirror, he saw an old lady, with messy hair and in tattered old clothes, clinging onto the rear windscreen of his van.
He got so scared that the only he could do was just to floor the pedal....
Dare not look at the rear windscreen until he reach his company gates....

Anyway, now I play PSY's Oppa Ganagnam Style and should be able to scare away any spirits while I travel along that road at nite.
Seen any ghosts?

relaxed;880542 said:
i have many encounters with spirits, but i was not the one that harmed them, so i dun worry... once while driving along north south highway at 4plus in the morning, whilst testing the top speed of my evo..... i came to a stretch that was very misty n deserted, n all of a sudden, a "ghost" appeared beside me, like hanging at the driver's door, staring straight at me. i caught a glimpse n pretended not to see..... n as soon as it appeared, it disappeared.... at that time i was wide awake as i was travelling at extremely high speeds n hantus were the last thing on my mind.....

you hantu laju! even the normal hantus sked of you.
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