Seen any ghosts?

Re: Seen any ghosts?

jasonmaxima;878072 said:
Did you manage to shit or the Urge gone??? Or was it crowning the whole night in your pants????

knocking wasn't continous... a few knocks 1st time and then quiet, allowing me pang sai finish..then 2-3 mins later knocking again..
Re: Seen any ghosts?

Glad you are fine..... Btw, is this the root cause of your Kleptomaniac tendencies for 5 ply toilet paper from kris flyer lounges......
Re: Seen any ghosts?

Thats the line I intend to use when I am caught
Re: Seen any ghosts?

was there some weird ghostly smell, or your sai smell too powerful?
serious post, i heard some say jasmine smell, some say dead body smell.
Re: Seen any ghosts?

i used to stay in a 4 room flat rented from an Uncle in Law, at 70 Telok Blangah Heights since demolished.

there was always a night light switched on but i will always cower in my blanket no matter how warm till i fell asleep.

apparently there was always a feminine presence that keeps watching me from the door, sometimes right by the bedside.

then it did not appear as I got older and went to Primary school, i mostly forgot about 'her' till the night before we moved to a new flat when I was in Pri 2/3?

by that time the night light was not necessary but I sure as hell felt and saw 'her' again at the door, watching me intently...even feeling sad and seeming to say good bye to me. I was so exhausted by the tension I fell asleep the moment she 'left'.

some years back my cousins started recounting the stories when we passed by the empty plot of land now, which got me thinking as I never told them what I experienced.

Apparently there was a lady whom was someone's mistress and lived in the flat, she committed suicide by hanging after a death threat to her lover whom did not make it back to see her in time. My mum was alerted when some neighbours remarked to my mum she might not have bought the flat if she knew what happened, but mum did nothing nor offered prayers as 'she' did not 'disturb' my mum.

but 'she' did disturb other members of the family whom lived in the house, and she only disturbed males like my father(had a few women that time), my uncles(still playing around) giving them a tap or two at the basin or kitchen. the master bedroom was always chilled and the bulbs never lasting even after they rewired it a few times so no one really occupied it but i always like to go in the afternoons as it was always so cool even without the fan. (those times in 80s i was a scaredy cat but still want to watch Jiang Shi Xian Sheng series of movies then after cower in blanket again lol)

Uncle-in-Law(had a few women that time) and Aunt with their 3 kids decided to move back to their HDB flat from their home office in Jalan Besar one day so asked my mum to start looking for her own place.

They moved back bringing all the stuff.....on the first night Uncle went to bed first in the master bedroom...the bed shooked so violently he was startled and went to the washroom hoping he was just imagining things...apparently washing his face he experienced more than taps and saw something he went pale from.

They moved out that very night back to Jalan Besar...went to one of those chinese mediums whom recounted to them there was a lingering spirit there whom had no peace...they performed some prayers...ceremony there but never moved back after and sold to a couple with a kid whom did not report any disturbances it seems.

70 Telok Blangah Heights was en-bloc with residents moving to 80+ now at the base of mount faber where Alkaff Mansion is, it was demolished after and remains an empty plot of land today.

apparently 'she' only disturbs men with multiple women in their
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Re: Seen any ghosts?

That means many of us in forum cannot buy that unit...especially kenntona
Re: Seen any ghosts?

i wonder how you survived those nights, esp so young.
you din wan to think much or accept it as a norm?
what if same thing happen now, under blanket again?
°°° so cold now °°°
Re: Seen any ghosts?

i wonder how you survived those nights, esp so young.
you din wan to think much or accept it as a norm?
what if same thing happen now, under blanket again?
°°° so cold now °°°
Re: Seen any ghosts?

golilok;878198 said:
i wonder how you survived those nights, esp so young.
you din wan to think much or accept it as a norm?
what if same thing happen now, under blanket again?
°°° so cold now °°°

i guess after my mum removed the mattress beside her bed...I had to go...with my favourite pillow...

can't go crying that i want to get back there and sleep leh...

maybe it did help that not long after I saw Maggie Cheung on TV in a scene where her mother pushed a tube of dunno what into her hand then pushed her into a hotel room where she was ... lalala...

a different awakening and I appreciated 'privacy' of my room and bed... thinking of it...wonder what "she" thought...must be going "boys will be boys...sigh..."
Re: Seen any ghosts?

My grandfather told me he has seen lots of these during the 7th month. One that I can recollect is really interesting.

He was living in Lor Ah Soo kampong during the Japanese Occupation (1940s) where the Japs were pretty active against the Communist rebels. There was a makeshift bathroom and a well nearby where he will go get his bath. One night while making his way to the bathroom, he heard some noises coming from the bathroom. The door was ajar and he could see a small child (7-8 yrs old) in there. He edged closer to open the door and saw the child tearing feathers from a dead bird and munching on it at the same time. My grandad told him to stop eating the raw bird. He cried and said he was hungry and not been eating for many days. My grandad said "Come with me and I will get you some sweet potatoes". As the kid came out of the bathroom, my grandad noticed that the kid has no legs...floated out....He bolted as fast as he could.
Re: Seen any ghosts?

i served NS in Seletar Camp year 2000-2002?

those whom served there will know the 2 main company barracks are opposite each other that time.

during my BMT day when training schedule is usually packed, there was 1 night where after dinner we were rushed for night snack and in bed by 8pm...

no matter how tired i can't really sleep at that time, then I noticed specialists were having incense sticks going around...some specs came over to tell us get our heads down and sleep.

further into the night I heard marching and Queen's English!

but knn...ang moh gui also like joss sticks meh...
Re: Seen any ghosts?

Back in NS, I wasn't afraid of doing OMO , or going to the office during wee hours to look for some documents.

And then my friend told me that at times, the place where I'd OMO , had a group of girls talking among themselves at the corner of the backroom. A lot have heard it , and if you were to open the door and hold it with a stopper , a few minutes later leaving it unattended, it'd slam! (the door had those slowing mechanism or so...)

And at the office, there's a whole series of window panel which spans about 10 - 15m , there were several instances where the windows would shake violently from one end to another. After my friend said that please don't disturb him, it shook in reverse direction :eek:

Knn now I scared , but ORD-oh lawl
Re: Seen any ghosts?

Thanks for sharing.

VolanteDB9;878206 said:
i guess after my mum removed the mattress beside her bed...I had to go...with my favourite pillow...

can't go crying that i want to get back there and sleep leh...

maybe it did help that not long after I saw Maggie Cheung on TV in a scene where her mother pushed a tube of dunno what into her hand then pushed her into a hotel room where she was ... lalala...

a different awakening and I appreciated 'privacy' of my room and bed... thinking of it...wonder what "she" thought...must be going "boys will be boys...sigh..."
Re: Seen any ghosts?

MW;878189 said:
That means many of us in forum cannot buy that unit...especially kenntona

but then he also has a few
Seen any ghosts?

VolanteDB9;878174 said:
i used to stay in a 4 room flat rented from an Uncle in Law, at 70 Telok Blangah Heights since demolished.

there was always a night light switched on but i will always cower in my blanket no matter how warm till i fell asleep.

apparently there was always a feminine presence that keeps watching me from the door, sometimes right by the bedside.

then it did not appear as I got older and went to Primary school, i mostly forgot about 'her' till the night before we moved to a new flat when I was in Pri 2/3?

by that time the night light was not necessary but I sure as hell felt and saw 'her' again at the door, watching me intently...even feeling sad and seeming to say good bye to me. I was so exhausted by the tension I fell asleep the moment she 'left'.

some years back my cousins started recounting the stories when we passed by the empty plot of land now, which got me thinking as I never told them what I experienced.

Apparently there was a lady whom was someone's mistress and lived in the flat, she committed suicide by hanging after a death threat to her lover whom did not make it back to see her in time. My mum was alerted when some neighbours remarked to my mum she might not have bought the flat if she knew what happened, but mum did nothing nor offered prayers as 'she' did not 'disturb' my mum.

but 'she' did disturb other members of the family whom lived in the house, and she only disturbed males like my father(had a few women that time), my uncles(still playing around) giving them a tap or two at the basin or kitchen. the master bedroom was always chilled and the bulbs never lasting even after they rewired it a few times so no one really occupied it but i always like to go in the afternoons as it was always so cool even without the fan. (those times in 80s i was a scaredy cat but still want to watch Jiang Shi Xian Sheng series of movies then after cower in blanket again lol)

Uncle-in-Law(had a few women that time) and Aunt with their 3 kids decided to move back to their HDB flat from their home office in Jalan Besar one day so asked my mum to start looking for her own place.

They moved back bringing all the stuff.....on the first night Uncle went to bed first in the master bedroom...the bed shooked so violently he was startled and went to the washroom hoping he was just imagining things...apparently washing his face he experienced more than taps and saw something he went pale from.

They moved out that very night back to Jalan Besar...went to one of those chinese mediums whom recounted to them there was a lingering spirit there whom had no peace...they performed some prayers...ceremony there but never moved back after and sold to a couple with a kid whom did not report any disturbances it seems.

70 Telok Blangah Heights was en-bloc with residents moving to 80+ now at the base of mount faber where Alkaff Mansion is, it was demolished after and remains an empty plot of land today.

apparently 'she' only disturbs men with multiple women in their

If Bobby was you.... he would ask to check her HiD....
Re: Seen any ghosts?

st8800;878680 said:
If Bobby was you.... he would ask to check her HiD....
And not forgetting the NRIC too.....

Re: Seen any ghosts?

having regular 'first thing in the morning' good bowel movements helps.... at least wun shit in pants in the evening if encountering apparitions....
Seen any ghosts?

Ok, since all in the mood... I also share my ghost tale.

After passing out from ITD in Tekong many years ago, I had to do a 2 weeks course at Gilman Barracks. During that time, I was asked to do guard duty over the weekend. Grudgingly, I booked back in camp early on Sat evening. My training barrack was those with shutter gates at the stairway landing. So there is no way to go upstairs unless the gates are opened.

When I tried to go upstairs to sign the book in booklet, I found the gates at staircase locked. It was around 6pm by then... which was about the time that I had started my patrol around the camp perimeter. After patrolling for around n hour, I was walking through the field and saw someone at the 2nd level. I was around 50 meters away so I quickly ran to below the bunk and called out, "Hello! Who is there? I need u to help me sign the book in booklet!" There was only silence.

I was anxious to sign in the booklet so I ran to the staircase thinking it should already been unlocked. However, gates at both sides of the staircase landings were locked. There was no way to go upstairs unless someone can fly up! Army barracks in those days day have very high floors, so 2nd storey is almost as high as a normal 3 storey HDB flat now.i felt goose pimples all over me and quickly resumed my petrol.

Til this day, I still cannot be sure if I really see someone there or not. Was really a ghost or just a fragment of my imagination?
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Re: Seen any ghosts?

Hi st8800.... Petrol sniffing similar to glue sniffing will give a good high.... Perhaps even cause one to hallucinate. Pls seek medical help to rid yourself of the habit.

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