TPL and the rest of her team should not have taken up office because of what she did during the cooling off period at the last general elections. There's no excuse to say she was still young and inexperienced then or that she has someone doing the postings on her FB. If she's young and experienced and can't even exercise some simple control on her personal matters like her FB account, how then can she be entrusted to carry out matters on a national scale? Her actions should have cost her entire team to be disqualified. Rules are rules. They should be fairly and evenly applied to all.
On the matter of the SPF, I really do think that they are a waste of time and will only take up cases selectively. Let me related this incident which happened to me and my wife. One evening as we were crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing with the green man in our favour, a car sped up from nowhere to beat the red light and in the process nearly ran us over. Imagine the trauma and shock my wife and I had. However, we got to see the make of the car and the VRN. Fortunately, as it was dusk, we could not clearly make out the colour of the car. We went to the Traffic Police at Kaki Bukit to lodge a police. However, the duty sergeant told us that they can't take any action on that driver of the car cos we could not give a colour confirmation of the car. We were like "WTF??!!" We provided every bit of details like the make of car, VRN, place and time of incident and it was still not good enough??!!! The sergeant advised us to seek a lawyer if we wanted to take up the matter. The way I looked at it, seems like the Traffic Police would only get involved if the car had hit us. That would be too late then wouldn't it? I said exactly that to the sergeant and he could not reply me but instead went on to say I can only seek legal recourse on a personal level. So much for our police force.