Two killed, 3 injured in Rochor Road accident

Re: Two killed, 3 injured in Rochor Road accident

They have no choice but to intervene to help as sentiments towards bad PRC r at a boiling point, it will indirectly contain e fire of unhappiness related to their open immigration policy.

Holistically, it is good they r putting together a package to assist :thumbsup:
Re: Two killed, 3 injured in Rochor Road accident

Hougang by-election coming... if PAP loses and loses MORE votes than last May's GE, sibeh sia suay one
Re: Two killed, 3 injured in Rochor Road accident

MW;815270 said:
Hougang by-election coming... if PAP loses and loses MORE votes than last May's GE, sibeh sia suay one
I already feel sibeh sia suay with this ruling party's open door concept at all cost.... ooops, OOT by a small percentage.
Re: Two killed, 3 injured in Rochor Road accident

just curious how come the airbag of both car not activated ?
Re: Two killed, 3 injured in Rochor Road accident

ehhh....the ferrari driver was cremated...but how come no TP report on whether he was:

1) above alchohol limit
2) high on drugs
3) what speed he was going
4) was the car functioning well? Maybe brakes spoil leh?
Re: Two killed, 3 injured in Rochor Road accident

MW;815283 said:
ehhh....the ferrari driver was cremated...but how come no TP report on whether he was:

1) above alchohol limit
2) high on drugs
3) what speed he was going
4) was the car functioning well? Maybe brakes spoil leh?

Slowly lah...just because it has not been reported in the press does not mean there's no report being done. Investigations would still be ongoing, so the police would not release the report. You'll probably have to wait for the Coroner's Inquiry.
Re: Two killed, 3 injured in Rochor Road accident

MW;815283 said:
ehhh....the ferrari driver was cremated...but how come no TP report on whether he was:

1) above alchohol limit
2) high on drugs
3) what speed he was going
4) was the car functioning well? Maybe brakes spoil leh?

For that matter post mortem wasn't done and the alcohol thing wasn't really touched on my media.
Re: Two killed, 3 injured in Rochor Road accident

Why I prefer Malaysian foreign talents to PRC ones (caveat: my simplistic views are in no way representative of the enlightened, embracing, forward-looking views of the FT lovers amongst us, and most definitely do not represent the final word on this matter) - I'm just exercising my (hopefully still valid) right to express my opinion in an open forum:

1. Malaysians do not kill their own babies, unlike PRCs

2. I have not read about Malaysians [ame=""]running over their kids on the streets[/ame] running over their kids on the streets (twice or three times) while no one else bothered to help rescue the poor girl, unlike PRCs.

3. Malaysians won't stage an illegal protest and claim Cisco officers were rude to them at Changi Aiprort, unlike the lawless PRCs.

4. Malaysian Peidu-Mamas won't entice their boyfriends to kill innocent kids, so that the funeral money can be used to build huge houses back in China, unlike some heartless, scheming PRCs.

5. Malaysians don't call Singaporeans Dogs, unlike some PRC 'scholars'.

6. Malaysian bus drivers don't get lost on Singaporean roads because they (a) can't read English signages, (b) can't speak English or Malay or dialect

And the list goes on.

I apologize if my Neanderthal understanding of the above events has in somewhat, tainted my impression of the PRC 'talents' that find their way in hordes over here. I further apologize if my recollection of those examples above have offended the more enlightened amongst us in the forum, but I don't think I will be making apologies for my personal feelings on this issue - it's my right to have a view that differs from that official bullshit that gets printed in the Shitty Times.

Just my very humble 2 cents worth, please, not baiting trolls or inviting flames.
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Re: Two killed, 3 injured in Rochor Road accident

i havent ate any made in PRC food stuff since 2009 after the tinted milk incident.
i am shameful of my china man roots.
Re: Two killed, 3 injured in Rochor Road accident

I think I need to clarify some misunderstanding of my identity in the universe.

- I disagree with people who bashed Star Trek by saying that every single Star Trek film is a lousy film. One or two films, most films, certain or most scenes in a single film, etc, or certain conversation, most conversation, etc, but I certainly cannot say all Star Trek films and every single script written is crap or lousy.

- But it doesn't mean I like Star Trek. In fact I don't like it. And I don't watch it if I can. Give me the DVD as a gift I also will donate to Salvation Army. But I won't throw it down the rubbish bin of course, it is not that bad.

- In my heart, I am still a Star Wars fan and a true Star Wars character. I love Tatoinne. It's where I was born and where I lived. When someone say bad things about Tatoinne I use my laser gun to shoot him out to Alderaan. Or Naboo. And I serve in the rebels army too.

Change Star Trek to Man U and Star Wars to Liverpool and it will be the same analogy.

May the Force be with everyone on this planet......

You'll Never Walk Alone!

MW;815202 said:
I am amazed the valets at the night club did not see a ferrari...haha
They are true professional !

Imagine I ask them and they straightaway tell me a white e60 driver now driving grey F10 has been there every Mon, Wed and Fri.
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Re: Two killed, 3 injured in Rochor Road accident

I also know that there'll be someone to point out that:

(a) Singaporeans have been known to be rude, discourteous, loud & uncouth
(b) None of those examples I quoted above are unique to PRCs (Singaporeans are also capable of horrifying acts of cruelty and evil)
(c) Singaporeans are no angels themselves

And I agree.

HOWEVER, we don't get to choose whether or not a Singaporean will be born a monster or a saviour - by virtue of his/her birthright, he/she has both the demands of that citizenship placed upon his shoulders (CPF, NS, Medisave etc) and, rightly so, the privileges (right of abode etc).

We CAN choose who we'd like to let through our already rather porous borders - and, of late, the "FT"s from a particular country have been found wanting in standards somewhat...

Again, just voicing my opinion. I'm not here to pick an argument - and I'd be happy to listen & consider an alternate point of view.
Re: Two killed, 3 injured in Rochor Road accident

C3P0;815364 said:
They are true professional !

Imagine I ask them and they straightaway tell me a white e60 driver now driving grey F10 has been there every Mon, Wed and Fri.

Silver. Not gray. Fact.

Silver with black grill, 356 20" rims & go faster stripes.
Re: Two killed, 3 injured in Rochor Road accident

wobbles said:
I also know that there'll be someone to point out that:

(a) Singaporeans have been known to be rude, discourteous, loud & uncouth
(b) None of those examples I quoted above are unique to PRCs (Singaporeans are also capable of horrifying acts of cruelty and evil)
(c) Singaporeans are no angels themselves

And I agree.

HOWEVER, we don't get to choose whether or not a Singaporean will be born a monster or a saviour - by virtue of his/her birthright, he/she has both the demands of that citizenship placed upon his shoulders (CPF, NS, Medisave etc) and, rightly so, the privileges (right of abode etc).

We CAN choose who we'd like to let through our already rather porous borders - and, of late, the "FT"s from a particular country have been found wanting in standards somewhat...

Again, just voicing my opinion. I'm not here to pick an argument - and I'd be happy to listen & consider an alternate point of view.

Hence the resentment is on FT (PRC)........

But why is this relevant in this case, where a reckless driving behaviour took 3 lives?

Are you saying only a PRC driver is capable of doing this and not others?

Or that PRC drivers are more reckless?
Re: Two killed, 3 injured in Rochor Road accident

kenntona;815378 said:
Hence the resentment is on FT (PRC)........

But why is this relevant in this case, where a reckless driving behaviour took 3 lives?

Are you saying only a PRC driver is capable of doing this and not others?

Or that PRC drivers are more reckless?

Same same as people OT or Up Lorry some serious threads mah :yummie:
Re: Two killed, 3 injured in Rochor Road accident

kenntona;815378 said:
Hence the resentment is on FT (PRC)........

But why is this relevant in this case, where a reckless driving behaviour took 3 lives?

Are you saying only a PRC driver is capable of doing this and not others?

Or that PRC drivers are more reckless?

No, it's just the match that lights the fire. The resentment, discomfort, displeasure with this PRC invasion has led many of us unenlightened ones to feel this way (I readily admit, I'm one of those unenlightened ones), but we do try to keep a lid on it, and keep it just below boil.

Then, of course, bad luck, a big accident like this happens, and a PRC happens to be the driver, and this PRC (rightly or wrongly or unfairly so) becomes a channel for us to focus our frustrations at the PRC infiltration/invasion that has engulfed our country - and *boom* next thing you know, the vitriol spills over & the venom is spat.

At least, that's my theory anyway.
Re: Two killed, 3 injured in Rochor Road accident

wobbles;815399 said:
No, it's just the match that lights the fire. The resentment, discomfort, displeasure with this PRC invasion has led many of us unenlightened ones to feel this way (I readily admit, I'm one of those unenlightened ones), but we do try to keep a lid on it, and keep it just below boil.

Then, of course, bad luck, a big accident like this happens, and a PRC happens to be the driver, and this PRC (rightly or wrongly or unfairly so) becomes a channel for us to focus our frustrations at the PRC infiltration/invasion that has engulfed our country - and *boom* next thing you know, the vitriol spills over & the venom is spat.

At least, that's my theory anyway.

That is actually a valid theory

And I am contemplating removing my go faster stripes. Irrelevant
Re: Two killed, 3 injured in Rochor Road accident

Actually, it's quite a human instinct/reflex. It's got nothing against a particular nationality or ethnicity, and everything to do with the perceived notion of unfairness.

If you replace the PRC word with the PAP word, you'll see why the last GE panned out the way it did.

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