Two killed, 3 injured in Rochor Road accident

Re: Two killed, 3 injured in Rochor Road accident

wobbles;815406 said:
Actually, it's quite a human instinct/reflex. It's got nothing against a particular nationality or ethnicity, and everything to do with the perceived notion of unfairness.

If you replace the PRC word with the PAP word, you'll see why the last GE panned out the way it did.


go WP!
Re: Two killed, 3 injured in Rochor Road accident

Let's call a spade a spade. The sentiments here IS about PRC FTs. It's emotional outburst. Emotions are spontaneous and personal. There is no right or wrong in either way you hold your opinion. What is more important is how to react after the initial reaction.

I am not against PRC or FT. I am just calling a spade a spade. Nationwide, the sentiments are widespread. Of course not 100%.

Hence there's nothing to hide. It IS about PRC FTs.

GREY is not SILVER, Yam or no Yam.
Re: Two killed, 3 injured in Rochor Road accident

Actually the other evident issue pertains to social gaps. If I own a Ferrari now, I will be feeling some negative light if I drive out......
Re: Two killed, 3 injured in Rochor Road accident

kenntona;815410 said:
Actually the other evident issue pertains to social gaps. If I own a Ferrari now, I will be feeling some negative light if I drive out......

Yeah, but you don't look like a PRC... hearsay, you look like a Spartan :)

With a 9" sword in your scabbard...
Re: Two killed, 3 injured in Rochor Road accident

kenntona;815410 said:
Actually the other evident issue pertains to social gaps. If I own a Ferrari now, I will be feeling some negative light if I drive out......

Coz everyone will be looking at whether the driver is a PRC...but dun worry, u look more like HK triad member
Re: Two killed, 3 injured in Rochor Road accident

kenntona, can you pls send me the picture you have in your signature? any other pictures? got link?

Re: Two killed, 3 injured in Rochor Road accident

[ame=]Lamborghini Crashes in Chicago Suburbs - YouTube[/ame]

all supercar drivers shud go for some form of advanced driving....and hv a seperate license.....n another license to test ego...
Re: Two killed, 3 injured in Rochor Road accident

wobbles said:
Yeah, but you don't look like a PRC... hearsay, you look like a Spartan :)

With a 9" sword in your scabbard...

Shhhhh..... I do have female customers on a global scale.....

MW said:
Coz everyone will be looking at whether the driver is a PRC...but dun worry, u look more like HK triad member

I dun think they are checking our for PRC...... you gun a bit, people will stare and think like a STOMPER..... "rich people kan hao lian" ... "hope you bang and die" kind of sentiment.....

jinooi said:
kenntona, can you pls send me the picture you have in your signature? any other pictures? got link?


PM you later. If you want hardcopies, check the trunk. Spare tyre compartment.
Re: Two killed, 3 injured in Rochor Road accident

ipoh-horfun;815228 said:

The dead PRC driver of the red Ferrari was the brother of Ma Yong, one of the big mafia bosses operating in Chongqing. During the crackdown initiated by Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun on the Chinese mafia, Ma Yong fled to Guangzhou in the south.

The Straits Times of May 14 described the deceased driver, Ma Chi, as a 31-year old private investor. The latter never graduated from college.

According to some sources, Ma Chi used to launder at least 1 million of USD per month in Hongkong

n his sister is a vegetable....very sad.

ma ling shu is her name. they hv another car at home. ma da chia.
Re: Two killed, 3 injured in Rochor Road accident

If i ever can afford to buy a supercar...... i'll drive it at 50km/hr........
Drive too fast..... nobody can see it's guni driving 1.... i da how lian......:nehnehhh:

Irrelevant post.........................:lol2:
Re: Two killed, 3 injured in Rochor Road accident

kenntona;815417 said:
Shhhhh..... I do have female customers on a global scale.....

I dun think they are checking our for PRC...... you gun a bit, people will stare and think like a STOMPER..... "rich people kan hao lian" ... "hope you bang and die" kind of sentiment.....

PM you later. If you want hardcopies, check the trunk. Spare tyre compartment.

I was reading your comments in my workplace when i realised my staff was giving me a dirty look. then i realized they were looking at your signature. However I DONT think you should change it.

Re: Two killed, 3 injured in Rochor Road accident

totoseow;815422 said:
n his sister is a vegetable....very sad.

ma ling shu is her name. they hv another car at home. ma da chia.

hearsay Ma-kio his god-sis
Re: Two killed, 3 injured in Rochor Road accident

At least these sounds like human being talking.........................................

Not i anyhow write 1 hor........... link is here....


Another PRC student from NUS Heng Bin attended the wake with a group of friends and donated some $500 to the family.

“I feel very sorry for the family. In China, he (Ma Chi) would be cruxified by the public and his family will have to attend the funeral of the victims and bow to them.”

PRC nationals are also appalled at the coverage of the accident by local media. One staff nurse Li Bei wrote in an email to us:

“In Guangzhou, the family would be on ‘Guangzhou Focus’ (current affairs talkshow) and publicly shamed. I am shocked your media is actually praising how rich and successful he is. We spit on such people in China.”

Some other responses from PRC nationals in Singapore on Lion City Forum:

“悲剧!一场车祸毁了几个家庭,为了自己和家人我们应惜福,对自己所做所为负责。最痛苦的是他们的亲人。” – desnow

“有钱人好练。害死无辜的几条人命,新加坡的马路就算晚上开车也是按交通灯走的,因为新加坡人就是这么呆板。无辜的德士司机死都放不下。家属在跟他讲这不是他的错,他才含泪而去。更可悲的事,肇事者家属,自顾自办后事,连个电话安慰都没有。无情无义。丢脸啊。” – cbj

“实际上事故的责任不会因为肇事者死亡而自动消失。两辆车的死者都是家里的经济支柱。善后如何得到妥善的处理,的士家庭如何获得合理的赔偿,肇事者家庭会不会出现人道主义灾难,这才是大家现在应该关注的。法拉利司机是要为自己的死负责,但他母亲,妻子和腹中的孩子还是值得同情的吧。” – nvm
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Re: Two killed, 3 injured in Rochor Road accident

quality milk!
got DHA plus

milk15;815433 said:
At least these sounds like human being talking.........................................

Another PRC student from NUS Heng Bin attended the wake with a group of friends and donated some $500 to the family.

“I feel very sorry for the family. In China, he (Ma Chi) would be cruxified by the public and his family will have to attend the funeral of the victims and bow to them.”

PRC nationals are also appalled at the coverage of the accident by local media. One staff nurse Li Bei wrote in an email to us:

“In Guangzhou, the family would be on ‘Guangzhou Focus’ (current affairs talkshow) and publicly shamed. I am shocked your media is actually praising how rich and successful he is. We spit on such people in China.”

Some other responses from PRC nationals in Singapore on Lion City Forum:

“悲剧!一场车祸毁了几个家庭,为了自己和家人我们应惜福,对自己所做所为负责。最痛苦的是他们的亲人。” – desnow

“有钱人好练。害死无辜的几条人命,新加坡的马路就算晚上开车也是按交通灯走的,因为新加坡人就是这么呆板。无辜的德士司机死都放不下。家属在跟他讲这不是他的错,他才含泪而去。更可悲的事,肇事者家属,自顾自办后事,连个电话安慰都没有。无情无义。丢脸啊。” – cbj

“实际上事故的责任不会因为肇事者死亡而自动消失。两辆车的死者都是家里的经济支柱。善后如何得到妥善的处理,的士家庭如何获得合理的赔偿,肇事者家庭会不会出现人道主义灾难,这才是大家现在应该关注的。法拉利司机是要为自己的死负责,但他母亲,妻子和腹中的孩子还是值得同情的吧。” – nvm
Re: Two killed, 3 injured in Rochor Road accident

milk15;815433 said:
At least these sounds like human being talking.........................................

PRC nationals are also appalled at the coverage of the accident by local media. One staff nurse Li Bei wrote in an email to us:

“In Guangzhou, the family would be on ‘Guangzhou Focus’ (current affairs talkshow) and publicly shamed. I am shocked your media is actually praising how rich and successful he is. We spit on such people in China.”

That's why I won't even use the Propaganda Times and its affiliated tabloids to wipe my dog's ass after she does a crap - I won't insult my pooch's backside with the paper.
Re: Two killed, 3 injured in Rochor Road accident

wobbles;815438 said:
That's why I won't even use the Propaganda Times and its affiliated tabloids to wipe my dog's ass after she does a crap - I won't insult my pooch's backside with the paper.

must read, so you know what to pui on them
Re: Two killed, 3 injured in Rochor Road accident

it seems that everyone condemning ma chi and everyone showing sympathy to the taxi driver ...

but no one gives a shit bout the jap girl?