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Volker Racing Spark Plugs

Re: Volker Racing Spark Plugs

Hmm, maybe he want to change only 4 out of the 6 plugs? ha ha.. anyway reserved 6 pcs for him already...

BTW, after the last plug fest, there are about 100pcs of 7ZX and 60pcs of 6ZX plugs left. Anybody still keen on the plugs?

Re: Volker Racing Spark Plugs

TripleM said:
Jaskin needs 4 pieces only? Zhoon boh?

Maybe his car is actually a 318 but he went to re-badge it to a 325 just like someone we know?....................kekeke
Re: Volker Racing Spark Plugs

That what I thot people might think I rebatch my actual E46-318 ride after intall the VR plug for two week already, really smooth and fast, evertime I accelerate I would see the car behind me getting further and further, ke ke ke,
Good stuff......

Re: Volker Racing Spark Plugs


I want one set of these for valvetronic. What model should I be getting?

BTW, anybody coming to Malaysia? hehe.....
Re: Volker Racing Spark Plugs

It has been 6 days since I installed mine. The performance of the plugs is the same as the first day I installed them. Shiok. Good stuff indeed!
Re: Volker Racing Spark Plugs

beem said:

I want one set of these for valvetronic. What model should I be getting?

BTW, anybody coming to Malaysia? hehe.....

Bro, is yours N42 or the new new valvetronic?
Re: Volker Racing Spark Plugs


Thank you for your kind and positive reports on the Volker Racing plugs. Presently, i have brought in a batch of 6ZX plugs for japanese cars and they are going at $90 for a set of 4 plugs. Is anybody keen on installing them for their 2nd car?

Re: Volker Racing Spark Plugs

beem said:
Mine is N42....not the new one..

Like that got plugs available for immediate install.

Re: Volker Racing Spark Plugs

yendor said:
Like that got plugs available for immediate install.


Is the price $90 for 4?
The model is 6ZX or 7ZX?
Re: Volker Racing Spark Plugs

Bro, for the 6ZX plugs it is $90 for the 4 pcs. For 7Zx they are $100 for 4 pcs. BMs i recommend 7ZX due to high revving engine.

Cheers man.
Re: Volker Racing Spark Plugs


So, the ppl in the forum with N42s are getting 7ZX from you?
Re: Volker Racing Spark Plugs

yep. all the 2nd batch of cars using the 7ZX plugs
Re: Volker Racing Spark Plugs

yendor said:
yep. all the 2nd batch of cars using the 7ZX plugs

Yo bro, just fyi... the below price other forums got ya... cheaper than BMW.SG

Spark Plugs : Volker Iridium
6ZX-11 (Normal Spark Plugs) - S$90
7ZX-11 (Performance Spark Plugs) - $90
8ZX-11 / 9ZX-11 / 10ZX-11 (Racing Spark Plugs) - $135
Gains : Strong engine pulling force, more complete combustion due to
stronger, stablized and power sparks.

Re: Volker Racing Spark Plugs


UM2 is the official singapore dealer for Volker plugs. You can try and get these plugs from another dealer and ask them to give you the same 1 yr warranty. If they can, then please let the guys in this forum know. The plugs are good, there is no doubt but the sources of the plugs are doubtful.

Anyway, if anybody is interested, the new Spec II plugs are gonna be available soon. The website for the new plugs are here.


Re: Volker Racing Spark Plugs

yendor said:

UM2 is the official singapore dealer for Volker plugs. You can try and get these plugs from another dealer and ask them to give you the same 1 yr warranty. If they can them please let the guys in this forum know. The plugs are good, there is no doubt but the sources of the plugs are doubtful.

Anyway, if anybody is interested, the new Spec II plugs are gonna be available soon. The website for the new plugs are here.



It just an info post in other forum.. also by UM2.

no worries... tot you can let other forumer get cheaper price for the next buy mah.
Re: Volker Racing Spark Plugs

calvin said:
Yo bro, just fyi... the below price other forums got ya... cheaper than BMW.SG

Spark Plugs : Volker Iridium
6ZX-11 (Normal Spark Plugs) - S$90
7ZX-11 (Performance Spark Plugs) - $90
8ZX-11 / 9ZX-11 / 10ZX-11 (Racing Spark Plugs) - $135
Gains : Strong engine pulling force, more complete combustion due to
stronger, stablized and power sparks.


Oh yeah sorry to add a little more.

7ZX-11 is not available. They come in 7ZX-8

8ZX, 9ZX and 10ZX are not race plugs cos the Spec II come in VR and ZR codes and race plugs don't come in 1.1mm gaps. They come in 0.8, 0.7 and 0.6mm gaps.

Just to clear the air.


Re: Volker Racing Spark Plugs

Calvin, I just called CP and he did not post such prices in any other forums. In fact this is the ONLY forum that he is subscribed to. Can you pls let me know which is the forum?

Re: Volker Racing Spark Plugs

yendor said:
Calvin, I just called CP and he did not post such prices in any other forums. In fact this is the ONLY forum that he is subscribed to. Can you pls let me know which is the forum?


OK, i sms u. :)

no worries lar.. just let u know only. infact, i just installed on sat... good stuff :)

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