CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members

Re: CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members


Then again, like I said, I wouldn't insult my pooch's backside by wiping it after a poo-poo with the Shitty Times or any other of it's Propaganda Paper cousins, so, I have always taken - and will continue to do so - things published with a whole damn sack of good old sodium chloride....
Re: CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members

Tanzy;843051 said:
I want to sue the producer, writer, choreographer, director, and all involved in that MTV for loss of use!

After watching it I haven't been able to partake in the act of feeding, procreation (as commanded but God) with my wife and productive work. My eyes and ears and senses have been violently assaulted.

Which lauyar want to take up this case?

The kill bill one even like Ru Hua. You go and watch at your own peril.
Re: CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members

taking for example.

if i have been contributing 10% of my monthly income to CHC for the past 10 years, mainly for the reason that CHC confirm can get a ticket to heaven and they double the pastor kena jailed and disgraced, my ticket still valid or not, if not can i sue them to claim my money back.
Re: CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members

Darth Vader said:
taking for example.

if i have been contributing 10% of my monthly income to CHC for the past 10 years, mainly for the reason that CHC confirm can get a ticket to heaven and they double the pastor kena jailed and disgraced, my ticket still valid or not, if not can i sue them to claim my money back.

Your ticket redemption will be done at Pearly Gate, with St Peter.
Re: CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members

.....humans emotions r best bet...

...anything tt evokes tears and results..

...have a look @ the likes of Anthony Robbins...Oprah Winfrey...Ellen..Etc etc....

...which ones r different..? Same formula..different settings...same goal.

...important to have own mind...99% of time..

...POV only... wonder Frds call me weirdo..cos prefer to believe my own limited but harmless judgement ....
Re: CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members

Darth Vader;843107 said:
taking for example.

if i have been contributing 10% of my monthly income to CHC for the past 10 years, mainly for the reason that CHC confirm can get a ticket to heaven and they double the pastor kena jailed and disgraced, my ticket still valid or not, if not can i sue them to claim my money back.

CHC is only acting as Agent for God. Ultimately, God, as the holder of the trasaction product, is responsible for delivering the goods.

You may have to sue God. Unfortunately, in Singapore, the Law is above God.
Re: CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members

Darth Vader;843107 said:
taking for example.

if i have been contributing 10% of my monthly income to CHC for the past 10 years, mainly for the reason that CHC confirm can get a ticket to heaven and they double the pastor kena jailed and disgraced, my ticket still valid or not, if not can i sue them to claim my money back.

It is understandly confusing for ppl who has nvr been to Church or read the Bible. It is better to understand the full content in a Bible before quoting out of context.

....contribute 100% will Oso not get anyone anywhere near the clouds...

...tithing is not for even for tt purpose anyway.....wad ticket to heaven ....

....same for ppl who believe in wad mystical LingZhi or long life pills or sadly extremes like raping newborns to cure aids ....etc etc etc...logic?

...buying a hope ? Why worry ...harm no @ peace w clear conscience ..beta.
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Re: CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members

MapleLeaf;843158 said:
CHC is only acting as Agent for God. Ultimately, God, as the holder of the trasaction product, is responsible for delivering the goods.

You may have to sue God. Unfortunately, in Singapore, the Law is above God.

under agency law ,the sith lord acted under apparent authority. so he is liable to be sue by me.
God is innocent and he will be answerable to God on his judgement day.
Re: CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members

Chocs;842782 said:
...I once was lost.....but now am found.....

....went from CCC to NCC...

You were from CCC? How long ago was that? :)
Re: CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members

maybe if you played Sun ho songs backwards there will be sublimal messages.

Anyway to quote a line from the movie italian job "I trust everyone. Its the devil inside them i dont trust"
Re: CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members

maybe if you played Sun ho songs backwards there will be sublimal messages.

Anyway to quote a line from the movie italian job "I trust everyone. Its the devil inside them i dont trust"
Re: CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members

turbocharged;843187 said:
You were from CCC? How long ago was that? :)

...Sexi comb blurr...not Central....but Calvary charismatic Ctre I went... tt time they used a defunct famous theater 2 house church goers.....

...remember the Old hotel that collapsed..?...opposite mustaffa centre...nearby lor.. days lor...follow frds...blindly...dunno what's gg on ....yet...:D.. can't remember much.....saves remembering.....figeting around all the time.:sleepy:...looking around @ ppl's clothes & Shoes / bags / hairdos...giggling @ others falling asleep.....skali...myself oso....falling :boring::boring::boring:.....

...but best memory of all....planning the nearest and fastest exit to cheong 2 eat the yummy Taiwan YouTiao porridge...cross the road, 1st minute after service...hehe..:D..

Re: CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members

Why are all these CHC goers so hardcore huh? Why are they not able to see the diff between right and wrong? What is the diff between them and the cult?
Re: CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members

it's hard to rethink once the brain has been washed

pengful;843230 said:
Why are all these CHC goers so hardcore huh? Why are they not able to see the diff between right and wrong? What is the diff between them and the cult?
Re: CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members

pengful;843230 said:
Why are all these CHC goers so hardcore huh? Why are they not able to see the diff between right and wrong? What is the diff between them and the cult?

....hmm....i was reading sum articles..nothing to do with CHC..or is it ..? ..hmmm...

...share share with u....

.Stanford Prisoner Experiment
. Philip Zimbardo's Stanford prisoner experiment took place in the 1970s. The psychiatrist took 24 undergraduates and assigned them roles as either prisoners or guards, in a mock prison on campus. After just a few days, 1/3 of the guards exhibited sadistic tendencies, two prisoners had to be removed early due to emotional trauma, and the whole experiment only lasted six of the planned 14 days. It showed just how easily normal individuals can become abusive, in situations where it is encouraged.
Source: Stanford University

Milgram Experiments
 The infamous "shock" experiments conducted by Stanley Milgram in the 1960s showed just how far people would go, when ordered to hurt somebody else by an authority figure. The well-known psychological study brought in volunteers who thought they were participating in an experiment where they would deliver shocks to another test subject. A doctor requested that they deliver greater and greater shocks, even when the "test subject" started to scream in pain and (in some cases) die. In reality, the experiment was to see how obedient people would be when a doctor told them to do something that was obviously horrific and possibly fatal. Many participants in the experiments were willing to shock the "test subjects" (actors hired by Milgram) until they believed those subjects were injured or dead. Later, many participants claimed they were traumatized for life after discovering that they were capable of such inhumane behavior.

Source: Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology

Hofling Hospital Experiment
In a similar vein is the Hofling hospital experiment, which involved nurses being told to administer a dangerous dose of a drug to a patient. In the Milgram experiment, it could be argued the participants didn't really know the danger of what they were doing. With Charles Hofling's work, the nurses knew exactly how toxic the dose would be, yet 21 of the 22 would still have performed the injection.
Source: Hofling CK et al. (1966) "An Experimental Study of Nurse-Physician Relationships". Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 141:171-180.

..Read Milgram Experiments...carefully...the link? it says...: 25 scariest experiments on human brains..
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Re: CAD arrests 5 City Harvest Church members

Ah I thought you were from Central....I escaped their zealotry 20yrs ago and am still searching for other survivors :p

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