Degrees are important in certain fields. I mean, I would never trust my blocked coronary arteries to some untrained guy or some faith healer. So, yeah, show me your MBChB, MRCP, FRCP before you shove your stent up my femoral.
Similarly, Brobot would never trust his guilty conscience to some untrained joe, so any aspiring laMWyer hoping to knock a few weeks off the judge's sentence will need to brandish his LLB, LLM, QC before he gets to represent Goldenrod in court.
Or, I bet you wouldn't dare live in a condo/house that's not designed by someone with a BA, BArch and drive on roads that are not certified structurally sound by someone trained with a BEng(Civil Eng), preferably with a MEng or MSc(Civil Eng).
But, on the flip side of the coin, I see what KBW is going on about. I don't need a BA flipping burgers for me at McDonalds, or a BSc waiting on tables (good to have, but don't expect a bigger tip). It's not politically correct, that's why he's drawn so much flak, but guess what, the truth hurts. Some degrees ARE worth more than others.
The best degree is of course, that tuition teacher that was report by TNP - MBBS(child psychology) and her associate teacher, MBBS(mathematics). Fcuktards.