Forum recently in war

Re: Forum recently in war

sandman369;991781 said:
Note to Admins:

There are more pertinent issues that need fixing in my view:
- monthly meetups
- events
- admins' / moderators' participation

I think they are doing something. Fix the problem here first, that is what indirectly affecting monthly meetups attendance.
Re: Forum recently in war

For all purpose and reason, admin must carry out their roles otherwise also chaos (bery luan!)
Then again new members must be a little smarter and skin a little thicker and see the humorous part.
example choose a nice nick and put a nice pix as your avatar, not need use your real rusty pix.
Example : call yourself Kitty and put a pix of Kitty Zhang:
View attachment 50499
like that won't get bombarded
Re: Forum recently in war

Lenovo ate IBM ? Really ?

jasonmaxima;991661 said:
as a seasoned banker yourself.... you jolly well know that statement is half truth....

the small can eat the big hor...

lenovo ate ibm, geely ate volvo...etc etc....
Re: Forum recently in war

early morning have some tua bao is good for health
Re: Forum recently in war

XXX;991787 said:
I think they are doing something. Fix the problem here first, that is what indirectly affecting monthly meetups attendance.
Over my years here, faces in meetup change all the time. What is left are the really old bird that don't drive BMW any more.

It could be there are a lot of "passer by".

It could also be that ppl buy BMW for the badge. Once found out that it is very expensive to sxxxw Supermodel, they give up. Nvr turn up at the meetup again.

By the way, i also haven't turn up for a long time. Next to go this mth, otherwise Meek will issue an APB.
Re: Forum recently in war

S2k;991790 said:
early morning have some tua bao is good for health
I thought tua bao got hi cholesterol?
Re: Forum recently in war

suggestion to admins, maybe each of u take up one role , the good ( always say everyone is good macham like Cao Cao) and the bad ( always tell people off admin) and the ugly ( always ban people admin but face & avatar not ugly)
Like go ask "sinn" , sometime tua ah pek, sometime gee ah pek and they also got mood one hor
Don't pray pray
Re: Forum recently in war

Maybe I can weigh in as well?

Well, I got a weird nick. Torhui = "Vomit blood" as one member pointed out. Of course I did not set out to have such a nick, but somehow that's what I got (long story which I shall not bore everyone here)

I really enjoy the forum though I am not a regular contributor.

I can still remember the zeal I have when I first joined and ask a few dumb questions of my own. Learned to do my own search, or to take my questions offline (PM those handsome seasoned members, having said that, I do not mean those who did not receive my PMs are not handsome! :p )

My point is this, a newbie is always excited and over zealous thus tons of questions to ask. Easier to ask than to search, which is the point seasoned members is trying to make. The wanting to be spoon fed mentality which they have to put up with everytime someone signs up to be a BMW.SG member. I can understand their frustration. But I can also imagine if from now on, during the first 10 days of a newbie in BMW.SG can only do 2 things, 1) Use the search function and 2) PM admins for whatever reasons, I can imagine admins tearing their hair out.

Of course, the seasoned members can also keep quiet when they do not want to answer. However, I am very appreciative that these are also the members who do the "policing" when they encounter fishy WTS threads by asking questions for the benefit of BMW.SG. I believe it is fair to say that these seasoned members have the interests of BMW.SG at heart.

While there are 2 sides to every story, the side with the "power" to affect change (allow members to cool off etc) will always be deemed to have gone overboard, I believe we are all trying to make the forum a better place.

May I also humbly suggest that my 10 days rule for newbie may just do the trick? :)

Please don't flame me. I don't wanna torhui again. :lol:
Re: Forum recently in war

serious question....
why Boobby cannot be admin har?...
if he can live up to his promise?...mmmmmmmm............why? WHY NOT?
Re: Forum recently in war

dun talk so much....give u...u want?

i chiong....1st!
Re: Forum recently in war

jasonmaxima;991661 said:
as a seasoned banker yourself.... you jolly well know that statement is half truth....

the small can eat the big hor...

lenovo ate ibm, geely ate volvo...etc etc....

Red_Bean_Bun;991789 said:
Lenovo ate IBM ? Really ?

aiya....the computing division from ibm was makan-ed by lenovo.
you see, me so friendly and accommodating.
Re: Forum recently in war

Ok, so here i am wondering if i should say my bit on this matter.

But first, my views do not reflect the views of Ryan or any of the other admins/moderators of this forum (But i do support Ryan's decisions). If anything i say riles you, let me know and do not quote anything here out of context.

It's sad how fast n furious things can get when a few key members are banned a couple of days with harsh words flying here and there.

I'd like to believe each of the admins/mods moderate the forums in their own way and capacity. You don't see us participating doesn't mean we are not working behind the scenes removing posts/threads.

Perhaps my relaxed way of moderating might have contributed to how things have degenerated and i guess it's partly my fault for not enforcing rules as strictly as "VAG-SG" or even "MCF" to a lesser extent. On good days, that means the atmosphere is pretty chilled and everyone can pretty much talk cock and just relax. On bad days, it becomes a cowboy town.

Do some of you hand on heart REALLY REALLY want us to moderate the forum by the book? I think as an admin/mod i've been pretty relaxed with the rules here. Maybe other admins (not just from here) might not like it and i think seasoned members will know i am pretty chilled with the rules. Sometimes they push it and i delete their posts without any warnings and i hope they do get the message after they see their posts removed. Sometimes when things do get really really too far, i will send PMs out instead of a straight ban. Sometimes we will miss posts too because at everyone one time there are so many threads out there, it's just not easy to keep up. That's where that "report" button comes in. Help us by using it.

Some might think what we did is sometimes right, some might think it is wrong. It isn't really a fun job (well, sometimes it is, zouk girls don't get impressed though.), we can't mouth off (as much), and we have to toe the very fine balance between what is right, what is fair, what is expected of us and what we don't want to do but have to.

I have had personal threats issues to me before when i ban ppl, some even somehow get a hold of my HP number. Unfortunately, non of those issuing threats were hentai ladies, but you get the point. It's extremely bothersome especially on a friday night when all you want is to have dinner after work.

You don't see us participating does not mean we are not behind the scenes quietly observing.

I do agree with some of you that, yes, noobs should use that search button (or google if your search is 3 letters or less). But also to an extent, everyone else should (yes, me included) chill and read our replies before hitting the "post reply" button. It takes a little bit more effort, but it does make for a better online experience for everyone.

If you srsly want us to go strictly by the book, a boatload of ppl can and would have been banned already. I personally don't like that as i believe it will make the forum too sterile (I prefer a more "Laissez-faire" style but that is my view), and tbh, internetz is internetz. Just take it easy. Don't like what you see, go ez141 or go wash your car. Life is bigger than some words on a screen. It took me a really long time to realize that when i first became an admin. But after all this, if you don't like how things are run here, you are welcome to visit other forums. If you think the admins are strict here, head over to mcf and vag and see what happens to you, if you think seniors' replies to newbie questions are too vile, go check out the US forums and see how quickly they will get eaten up. It's hard to keep the balance.

Stuff like:
- events

What's stopping non moderators/admins from getting together, organizing or suggesting events?
It's been done before...

OH wait! Here's an event, go sign up!

- monthly meetups
I personally do agree it's due for a revamp or to just cut down on the frequency of the meets (or gasps! change location). But that's just my view. If you have views on this, start a thread and start contributing.

Peace out. Back to work.
Last edited by a moderator:
Re: Forum recently in war

wah ozipo, that sight in the morning was just fantastic! Haha!

To all, have a brilliant day ahead and TGIF! Make love not war!

And I fully agree with sandman369...we shld try to work on some of the key areas highlighted such as meetups and activities that can really unite the forummers. Perhaps its the lack of such meetups and face to face engagements which doesnt allow the new and senior members to really interact. Perhaps by putting a face onto the nicks would also enhance the warmth towards each other. Of course if u had the look as hot as the girl ozipo posted, then good luck la..sure alot of horsins...including me. But really, some activities from the forum would also help - if need help with events, i am sure my shifu would help...i never say he is ac323.

anyway, the issue is really quite trivial and yes, perhaps seniors should also be more hospitable to such silly questions - like ignore the post or OT it with something funny. Its the internet..a free world (just dont go too overboard). But newbies should of course do some form of search and research before posting their silly questions here.

With that being said, I love being here at the forum and as a matter of fact, one of the first things I would do when at work, is to check out what new threads there are. It is a harmonious place and seniors or newbies are all generally nice people. I am quite new myself, almost going to a year now and to be honest, made a few new friends and bros here. Maybe I am lucky but I am very grateful that this platform allowed me to expand my circle of friends - even chancing upon my neighbour who drives a really sweet M3. Lol..

So let us all take things with a pinch of salt sometimes and not be stupid and get hostile, like comparing properties, etc (I wont say who). Let us all bury the hatchet and make a harmonious place to be in with exciting activities and month end meet ups to look forward to.


Re: Forum recently in war

Thanks Mok....good views there, yes and is def not easy being a MOD...i know cos yes, i manage the one that you say is DRACONIAN and COMMUNIST, aka

tough to find a balance as you can never please anyone. thus, I learnt to move on and let stupidity and ignorance prevail, if that is what the strawberries want......

Good day buddy!

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