Ge 2011

Re: Ge 2011

Local students are not hungry enough. Foreigner's results are better - look at the PSLE, 'O' and 'A' levels. The China students are really quite on in their studies.

Set a quota for locals in the Unis here ? That's very bad (like some neighnouring country's policies). Standards would drop ..........

Not sure which year you finished your education. Try to talk to kids doing their "O" level and "A" levels and you will see the kind of stress there are put through. Sure, there are always bright "tiongs" who have completed their higher education (many are older btw) who come here to "repeat" their education in English. Just go check out the Comp Science and Engineering faculty in NUS today and you will be in for real surprise.

Our kids are put through the paces from Pri 1. How many of your kids got to keep up by doing more tuition outside school? You think they enjoyed it? You think parents enjoyed paying for these?
We are told that exams are not the most important assessment of a child's potential but that's exactly what we have been using to stream our kids - Normal and Express streams. That's also the exact formula we use to decide which JCs they go to and which poly courses they can take. You need 2pts out of 6 subjects to get into RJC (go figure how u get 2pts from 6 subjects) and if you are not hungry, how you get in there?

Check out the no. of JCs students who need to repeat JC1 because their grades not good enough and schools don't want to lose out in their ranking (based on "A" lvl results). And by the time you finished your "A" levels, after surviving all the streaming and thought you are cream of the crop after all the slogging? Now you need to compete with foreign students for a place too. Students who have a totally different education system. So is that fair?

Moreover, you are resign to go and do your "NS" for the next 2 yrs and then put on the rat race immediately to compete with the others (who has ZERO interuption). At the end, you still don't get the job that you want because someone prefer to hire an FT (who claim that they have more experience).
Re: Ge 2011

Red_Bean_Bun;635383 said:
Local students are not hungry enough. Foreigner's results are better - look at the PSLE, 'O' and 'A' levels. The China students are really quite on in their studies.

Set a quota for locals in the Unis here ? That's very bad (like some neighnouring country's policies). Standards would drop ..........

Singaporeans need campaigns. I remembered the old campaigns - courtesy lion to the productivity bee or speak chinese campaigns. Cheesy but it actually got people going in a certain direction. It was trying to introduce good values.

So what's the objectives of an education system in Singapore, funded by taxpayer/ local reserve? To discourage or nuture the young citizen? I hope you do some soul searching bro.
Re: Ge 2011

Well...... The foreigner that made an effort to come to Singapore are in my opinion hungier. E.g The foreigners finds the exams a challenge. The locals finds it a chore and thus of course find it stressful.

I quized the foreign students ('O' level) on some questions - they bother to check and investigate. Locals wants to watch TV. They say its "boring".

Went on a panel to judge some business case event (Poly) - Foreigner wants to win. Locals just want to get it over and done with - not serious. They say "pass can already - all these for show only"

And the older ones here - go for GMAT exam like going to buy 4D. Came out with 300-400 type scores and then complain that Chinamen who came out with a better score that they can't speak English - "wah lau something wrong with the GMAT - this type orso can 450 ah".

Remember locals and foreigners take the same SAT, GMAT etc.

At the end of the day - yes we have RJC and a couple of good schools. But your argument is warped because you chose RJC to represent the kids these days. The kids in those schools are more the exception than the norm. Those kids are the only ones hungry enough. And they are a very small minority.

And I think you missed the point about tuition - the hungry ones are the ones that do not need those extra classes - they REALLY study. The slackers have to go for extra classes and they loathe it - stress. Think about the nsf with his maid carrying his fullpack or the kids who can't make a sandwich by themselves - hungry but not hungry enough.

The point I am making is that unless we get our kids to be more independent and ambitious - we will then have some consolation that we tried (instead of whine).

The NS point - not sure where this is going but my thoughts are that -

NS argument can only be valid for males. And it's the same thing - girls graduate and start work while the guys for do 2 years of NS. So for the same batch of graduates going by your argument - there should be more lady bosses in general ? Don't think so.

Solidgold;635698 said:
Not sure which year you finished your education. Try to talk to kids doing their "O" level and "A" levels and you will see the kind of stress there are put through. Sure, there are always bright "tiongs" who have completed their higher education (many are older btw) who come here to "repeat" their education in English. Just go check out the Comp Science and Engineering faculty in NUS today and you will be in for real surprise.

Our kids are put through the paces from Pri 1. How many of your kids got to keep up by doing more tuition outside school? You think they enjoyed it? You think parents enjoyed paying for these?
We are told that exams are not the most important assessment of a child's potential but that's exactly what we have been using to stream our kids - Normal and Express streams. That's also the exact formula we use to decide which JCs they go to and which poly courses they can take. You need 2pts out of 6 subjects to get into RJC (go figure how u get 2pts from 6 subjects) and if you are not hungry, how you get in there?

Check out the no. of JCs students who need to repeat JC1 because their grades not good enough and schools don't want to lose out in their ranking (based on "A" lvl results). And by the time you finished your "A" levels, after surviving all the streaming and thought you are cream of the crop after all the slogging? Now you need to compete with foreign students for a place too. Students who have a totally different education system. So is that fair?

Moreover, you are resign to go and do your "NS" for the next 2 yrs and then put on the rat race immediately to compete with the others (who has ZERO interuption). At the end, you still don't get the job that you want because someone prefer to hire an FT (who claim that they have more experience).
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Re: Ge 2011

jawzsg;635729 said:
So what's the objectives of an education system in Singapore, funded by taxpayer/ local reserve? To discourage or nuture the young citizen? I hope you do some soul searching bro.

To nurture those who wants to learn. You can't shield them from competition. The best we can do is to get them hungry to compete.
Re: Ge 2011

Red_Bean_Bun;635733 said:
To nurture those who wants to learn. You can't shield them from competition. The best we can do is to get them hungry to compete.

sure .. great! so you think competition is good? then wat abt the Parliament? having competition from various parties ... erm ... now is not good anymore? :thumbsup:
Re: Ge 2011

powersteer;635751 said:
sure .. great! so you think competition is good? then wat abt the Parliament? having competition from various parties ... erm ... now is not good anymore? :thumbsup:

This year competition looks good .......... 82 / 87 contested.
Re: Ge 2011

So what's the objectives of an education system in Singapore, funded by taxpayer/ local reserve? To discourage or nuture the young citizen? I hope you do some soul searching bro.


Absolutely spot on!
Re: Ge 2011

I believe on polling day itwill be the same old story. In fact i think this there wil be no opposition n the pap will take it as endorsement of tbier policies. Look out for kicks inthe face. Pap are like manu dont perform well but can still can win the title.
Re: Ge 2011

diablo_728;636098 said:
I believe on polling day itwill be the same old story. In fact i think this there wil be no opposition n the pap will take it as endorsement of tbier policies. Look out for kicks inthe face. Pap are like manu dont perform well but can still can win the title.

I have my doubts. The grounds are not fertile as stated by the SM.
Re: Ge 2011

well most of the opposition parties also have a common agenda in reducing the astronomical salaries of PAP ministers.


Re: Ge 2011

:goodup: +1.. I believe when they present their case in parliament to increase the ministers' pay, I guessed no PAP MPs will voice their concerns, not to mention reject the proposal... :rolleyes:
Re: Ge 2011

Red_Bean_Bun;635731 said:
Well...... The foreigner that made an effort to come to Singapore are in my opinion hungier. E.g The foreigners finds the exams a challenge. The locals finds it a chore and thus of course find it stressful.

I quized the foreign students ('O' level) on some questions - they bother to check and investigate. Locals wants to watch TV. They say its "boring".

Went on a panel to judge some business case event (Poly) - Foreigner wants to win. Locals just want to get it over and done with - not serious. They say "pass can already - all these for show only"

And the older ones here - go for GMAT exam like going to buy 4D. Came out with 300-400 type scores and then complain that Chinamen who came out with a better score that they can't speak English - "wah lau something wrong with the GMAT - this type orso can 450 ah".

Remember locals and foreigners take the same SAT, GMAT etc.

At the end of the day - yes we have RJC and a couple of good schools. But your argument is warped because you chose RJC to represent the kids these days. The kids in those schools are more the exception than the norm. Those kids are the only ones hungry enough. And they are a very small minority.

And I think you missed the point about tuition - the hungry ones are the ones that do not need those extra classes - they REALLY study. The slackers have to go for extra classes and they loathe it - stress. Think about the nsf with his maid carrying his fullpack or the kids who can't make a sandwich by themselves - hungry but not hungry enough.

The point I am making is that unless we get our kids to be more independent and ambitious - we will then have some consolation that we tried (instead of whine).

The NS point - not sure where this is going but my thoughts are that -

NS argument can only be valid for males. And it's the same thing - girls graduate and start work while the guys for do 2 years of NS. So for the same batch of graduates going by your argument - there should be more lady bosses in general ? Don't think so.

Don't quite agreed with your point on tuition - take my daughter for example, she was one of the top student in the 2007 PSLE. She is now in her final year in RGS and I can see she has put up tremendous effort in both her studies and CCA in order to maintain her position in the "elite" class. She practically sleep about 4 hours a day. She spend her weekend attend various enhancement classes at different tuition centre. Do you mean that she is not "hungry" enough? or she is not good enough?

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Re: Ge 2011

fgchong;636233 said:
Don't quite agreed with your point on tuition - take my daughter for example, she was one of the top student in the 2007 PSLE. She is now in her final year in RGS and I can see she has put up tremendous effort in both her studies and CCA in order to maintain her position in the "elite" class. She practically sleep about 4 hours a day. She spend her weekend attend various enhancement classes at different tuition centre. Do you mean that she is not "hungry" enough? or she is not good enough?


And again I shall repeat myself - The elite class is an exception to the norm. How many girls are there in RGS, RI, RJC etc relative to the rest of Singapore. I have already mentioned that the ones in these schools are the hungry ones.

The rest WILL NOT sleep 4 hours a day for studies. And there's a vast majority of them.......
Re: Ge 2011

Red_Bean_Bun;636257 said:
And again I shall repeat myself - The elite class is an exception to the norm. How many girls are there in RGS, RI, RJC etc relative to the rest of Singapore. I have already mentioned that the ones in these schools are the hungry ones.

The rest WILL NOT sleep 4 hours a day for studies. And there's a vast majority of them.......

I am confused now. You mentioned the hungry one doesn't need tuition, only the slackers do. I do not agree with your statement. I have given an example of even the top of the elite has to attend extra classes and course in order to maintain their position there.

My youngest daughter, an above average student is also required to attend tuitions and additional classes on top of her own class work. She is definitely not a slacker!
Re: Ge 2011

[ame=]YouTube - CSJ refutes LKY on race, politics and immigration policy[/ame]
Re: Ge 2011

I am confused now. You mentioned the hungry one doesn't need tuition, only the slackers do. I do not agree with your statement. I have given an example of even the top of the elite has to attend extra classes and course in order to maintain their position there.


Spot on again! I have stop trying to explain in this thread after seeing MIW kind of response we get. Better go read the ST bullshit instead. No diff.
Re: Ge 2011

fgchong;636267 said:
I am confused now. You mentioned the hungry one doesn't need tuition, only the slackers do. I do not agree with your statement. I have given an example of even the top of the elite has to attend extra classes and course in order to maintain their position there.

My youngest daughter, an above average student is also required to attend tuitions and additional classes on top of her own class work. She is definitely not a slacker!

I am as confused too... "lean", "mean" and "hungry" are terms coined by mostly marketing company/consultants etc... the main emphasis is the "drive" that they merely wanted to preach, e.g. that desire to succeed, attain or achieve much to any lean mean and hungry animal would instinctively strive for food. It is all well as a motivational concept and all these marketing consultants have to come up with fresh ideas less their services becomes stale-mate.

I am really concerned when people take such motivation concepts too religiously as on the flip side, a lean mean and hungry animal is also a dangerous one too., one that would also resort to canibalism...a no no in our species... inhuman.

We just want to nuture our children into responsible adults and show/guide them towards attaining knowledge which will be necessary to their lives and society in future,.. and we like our local education system to be along the same line, to provide that opportunity for every young citizen.... all in all here, we seek improvement in the system but was sad to discover that our resources are strained by many non-citizen.

Public schools, funded by taxpayer and run by local governement should be for local young citizen as first priority. I am not interested in how good or hungry those others are in comparison to our local children. They can go to a private school and excel there. If we think our local children are not up to par comparatively, then re-look and re-fine our education system and all the more, a place have to be secured for each child to be given that chance to improve.... not to be displaced.

To say that foreign children are brighter than our local ones and therefore deserves the right to displaced them in our local public facilities is not only confusing... it's undoing....
Re: Ge 2011

I worry for my children because our education system is overemphasising too narrowly on academic results instead of overall development of the child. I was told that a Maths Olympiad winner will be highly sought after by the top schools. Don't other qualities matter? I have encountered a straight "As" student who has poor character. As a parent, I would rather my children have a decent character development anytime over straight "As".
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Re: Ge 2011

ktnpl;636367 said:
I worry for my children because our education system is overemphasising too narrowly on academic results instead of overall development of the child. I was told that a Maths Olympiad winner will be highly sought after by the top schools. Doesn't other qualities matter? I have encountered a straight "As" student who has poor character. As a parent, I would rather my children have a decent character development anytime over straight "As".

I do share your concern... +1

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