
Re: Hola!

Charlatan;756190 said:
Choc investigative skills rock...
Wobbles SE makes him hard.

Talk about being between a rock and a hard place. :)

..harlowww Char...u sound like yr profession...it's a hazard....:D:D
Re: Hola!

...wobbles ah...wobbles....when take car lor...we all neck long...not onli my giraffe...& stop staring at my neck...perverts..:D
Re: Hola!

Chocs;756214 said:
...wobbles ah...wobbles....when take car lor...we all neck long...not onli my giraffe...& stop staring at my neck...perverts..:D

But it's so delectable... :thumbsup:
Re: Hola!

chocs should take those pic with yourself in it ma

eye candy
Re: Hola!

S2k;756252 said:
chocs should take those pic with yourself in it ma

eye candy

..where u go..Y u MIA...:whipper:...who u date 2day..
Re: Hola!

aiyo i not like u leh have to go wash plate after pple finish their dinner else no $ pump petrol for QQ
Re: Hola!

S2k;756267 said:
aiyo i not like u leh have to go wash plate after pple finish their dinner else no $ pump petrol for QQ

....oorrr I knew it...u've been aft Tt Japanese Restaurant XMM...4 a long time...
...no wonder whole time toking abt Sashimi...:sneaky:
Re: Hola!

the real target is u.... aim east shoot west ma diversion :D
Re: Hola!

S2k;756272 said:
the real target is u.... aim east shoot west ma diversion :D

....Aiyo ..u hinting me again huh...:inlove:..I shy u knw...I bery bery shy person
One :D

...wait ppl reading all 吐 is Ur fault ha....:D
Re: Hola!

i also 吐 while typing :p even i cannot tahan myself how ah :D
Re: Hola!

S2k;756279 said:
i also 吐 while typing :p even i cannot tahan myself how ah :D

...,it's okie...I'm worst den u...I'm foaming at my mouth...Tink u send me in2 fits ... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Re: Hola!

S2k;756291 said:
my mouth sends u into fits? :lol2: solid hor :p

....yah..u Lady killer indeed ...

...shall we sleep now...wad say u...hehe...:D


...gd nite zzzz S2K...;)..
Re: Hola!

ya buay tahan liao wash alot of plates today...

gd nitezzzzz :D
Re: Hola!

..HOLA ...WELCOME...Y SO QUIET...:whipper:

..2day i shall drive aimlessly around...cos weather nice....:D
Re: Hola!

disclaimer : do not take my post seriously , they are for entertainment and informational purposes only , read at your own risk.

" im never off topic , by replying to the topic im trying to be part of it "

..generic post again...:D:D:D:D:D:D
Re: Hola!

Tired ... today, every single muscle in my body is aching... Bro Axl poisoned me... play badminton many many... now, living to regret it...

And Thursday, play again... whaliao... die ¢♂£k stand....
Re: Hola!

wobbles;756580 said:
Tired ... today, every single muscle in my body is aching... Bro Axl poisoned me... play badminton many many... now, living to regret it...

And Thursday, play again... whaliao... die ¢♂£k stand....

I suggest you for massage tomolo heh before thurs.

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