Unbiased write-up on the SMRT cock-ups

Re: Unbiased write-up on the SMRT cock-ups

I strongly think CEO Saw has to go. Like it or not. Swee or not. She has to go. Coming from DFS to SMRT since 2003, she learnt nothing about transportation network. She might be good in adding alot of underground shopping malls to SMRT stations to beautify the shopping experience but she got left behind in the real purpose of SMRT existence - fuss-free, efficient and affordable PUBLIC transport system. That said, it must be able to cope with the load of commuters on and off peak hours. It really can't be that difficult, can it? 8 years on the job and she learnt nothing about management? Just hire some good teams of transportation network specialists to plan, spend some real money to improve the equipments and signalling system, plan and simulate runs of train frequency and speed etc. What the f is so difficult about that? Instead she just swept all problems under the carpet, remain thick-faced in the limelight, drive a posh car that doesn't suit her auntie image, flaunt her wealth derived from public fares into her fat cheque salary and show zero ability to solve problems as CEO of a big corporation. Don't get me wrong. She is a very good professional - abolutely top-class civil servant quality who knows how to play the political game, but sub-zero CEO material.
Re: Unbiased write-up on the SMRT cock-ups

Ahem, sorry hor. Last week newspaper report underground MRT shopping business very bad..so Saw also failed in this regard...
Re: Unbiased write-up on the SMRT cock-ups

MW;718000 said:
Ahem, sorry hor. Last week newspaper report underground MRT shopping business very bad..so Saw also failed in this regard...

somemore they are sue-ing the poor ex-tenants who got no choice but to break lease cos dhoby ghaut shop biz is like ghost town.
Re: Unbiased write-up on the SMRT cock-ups

MW;718000 said:
Ahem, sorry hor. Last week newspaper report underground MRT shopping business very bad..so Saw also failed in this regard...

I only see Raffles Place one doing really well... Even Tanjong Pagar can't make it...
Re: Unbiased write-up on the SMRT cock-ups

well...i don't think they are the least affected....signed lease liao, its tenant's dai ji liao lor......my co also experienced the same thing renting from Singpost.
its the tenants' own pasa.....no biz, make loss, no $$$ pay rent....lawyer letter lai liao lor....keke
Re: Unbiased write-up on the SMRT cock-ups

Raffles place one is due to office crowd. Weekends and holidays is dead also
Re: Unbiased write-up on the SMRT cock-ups

if in japan, i think ppl already sent katanas..really badly handled aftermath

now frequency and speed of trains reduced..but fares still remain..

ok..now waiting for floods..
Re: Unbiased write-up on the SMRT cock-ups

This whole fcuking concept of 'shopping' @ the MRT is total bovine excrement - I will say it: BULL $hit, and spades of it. I mean, come on, the fcuking trains are packed like sardines in a can. You wanna carry shopping bags onboard?!?!?!? Where has your head been all this time? Rammed up some mini$tar's behind so high that you can almost see daylight? Stop what you're smoking and come OFF it, sista!

Let's get one thing clear - the MRT is for MASS TRANSIT. It's to get people from point A to point B in the fastest, safest, most economical and as humanely comfortably as possible - that's fcuking it. Not to line the damn place with shopping centres that contribute zip to the ride experience, but contribute ka-ching to the shareholders. And certainly not to keep breaking down day after fcuking day, while you still sit there with that "please, bitch-slap me" face on TV promising "it won't happen again" only for the goddesses of fate to thumb their collective noses at you and cause yet another breakdown 2 days after you so boldly proclaim "we can do better".

Sorry for the rant. In Lee Kuan Yew's time, alleged - alleged only hor - $80K corruption, the HDB minister was made to resign & somesay/hearsay, the way of the bushido in the face of defeat with a katana was the only honorable option. In this time, 2 breakdowns in 2 days, and she'll take home a paycheck way in excess of a million smackaroos. I hate to say it, but I miss Lee Kuan Yew.
Re: Unbiased write-up on the SMRT cock-ups

whats new??? they will probably go on to say how well she has managed SMRT.
these few days will probably show some more technical thing on why the train broke down, like we the passengers are interested in it.
probably show their ppl in action checking more trains again and what they will do to ensure it won't happen again.
garmen probably say will set up another team to monitor the condition of mrt and tracks regularly.....SMRT fails will get fined blah blah blah
welcome to Singapore!!!!
Re: Unbiased write-up on the SMRT cock-ups

SINGAPORE: SMRT CEO Saw Phaik Hwa has told Channel NewsAsia that she has no plans to step down over the disruptions.

She said she's truly sorry for the inconvenience and discomfort faced by commuters, and that as CEO she's naturally responsible.

But she said being responsible does not mean walking away, instead it means doing all she can to get the problem fixed.
She said she is staying put to make everything right.

Ms Saw also admitted there were several problems that surfaced during the disruptions.

These included detraining procedures, announcements to the public, and bus shuttling arrangements.

She acknowledged that SMRT could have done better.

1.) So the whole Singapore has to wait in frustration until she gets it right? If millions of commuters give her chances over and over again, who will give the commuters a chance for better transport? This is a clear case of mis-management. Why don't just suck it up and go. Trying to keep a tarnished reputation intact? Or can't bear to leave your million dollar pay? Or afraid that your uncredited CV now can't get you another CEO or president of some MNCs job? Or is this for your own ego and pride? Can't she see that these problems are beyond her ability to correct? We need fresh ideas, better brains and definitely a more competent leader in this company. What type of thick-skinned creature just cling on to the wall despite being stoned repeatedly?

2.) She still doesn't see it. Detraining procedures, announcements to the public, and bus shuttling arrangements are not the key problems. Stop using the trick of diversion on us! The crux of all problems is the disruption. The mother of all problems is her.
Re: Unbiased write-up on the SMRT cock-ups

Next time if I slack off in my job and head on chopping board, I will use this crap reason to keep my job
Re: Unbiased write-up on the SMRT cock-ups

Sunday, December 18, 2011

A rail security threat: SMRT's failure to heed wake-up call from London Bombings, learn lessons from Exercise Northstar V

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Six years after train and bus commuters were killed by terrorist bombs in the City of London, Singapore's largest train operator, SMRT Corporation, has yet to heed that wake-up call.

If SMRT's top management does not change its mindset, it may be time for a new broom to sweep clean because the stakes are too high and apologies are wearing thin.

The company's complacent attitude towards transportation security was laid bare in the most public manner imaginable during Thursday evening's train breakdown when rush hour commuters were stuck in trains for as long as 78 minutes.

All that while, hapless commuters were left - some literally in the dark - with no information and were running out of patience, time and fresh air. SMRT is lucky nobody died.

On Saturday morning, the SMRT train system in the heart of the Orchard Road shopping belt broke down again.

The impact on Singapore's economy through lost retail and food & beverage receipts is not insignificant, considering this is the holiday period for many heartlanders.

SMRT should consider itself lucky the system did not fail during the school examination period weeks ago as there would be hell to pay if students missed their papers.

In my view, the damage to public confidence from these breakdowns is more important than monetary losses from lost sales. It is also harder to quantify (hence the poll). Singaporeans must be wondering what more can be done to improve corporate governance in SMRT. Do we need to see people die on our trains before decisive action is taken?

We used to be so proud of our MRT system. People took trains from Toa Payoh to Yio Chu Kang for their first ever ride - when they had absolutely no agenda in the vicinity - just to ride the trains. Even as litter bugs defy government fines elsewhere, our trains were kept litter and graffiti-free years after they were commissioned into service. Train mishaps, like the two trains bumping one another at Clementi MRT station in August 1993, drew sympathy from heartlanders, not fury and spiteful comments we see today.

Even before SMRT opened for business, medals for bravery were won by engineers who were building MRT tunnels. The engineers used their construction know-how to bore into the debris of Hotel New World in March 1986, creating rescue shafts for our then-new Singapore Civil Defence Force.

That was the SMRT I grew up with.

Have complacency, avarice and sheer arrogance ("People can board the train, it is whether they choose to.") now become enshrined as corporate values for today's SMRT Corp?

This post will address the security aspects of the MRT breakdown and assess the information management during the episodes. There are already many sites in cyberspace railing against SMRT, so our assessment will focus on two themes:
1. Causal factors versus consequence management
2. Medium versus message for mass communications

Causal factors versus consequence management
Red flag: Failure to learn and internalise lessons from the Northstar series of public transportation exercises, particularly Northstar V on 8 January 2006 which involved four MRT stations.

Things do break down.

To use a Rumsfeldian phrase: "There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – there are things we do not know we don't know."

There are many reasons why a train network could fail.

Some causal factors are well known to the railway industry because rolling stock has been ferrying people underground for more than 100 years. Some factors, like terrorism, are new. Some are hideous like suicides. And some will catch us blindsided despite all the horizon scanning we may do. Live with that fact.

But there is a difference between being blindsided and failure to make the system more robust by dealing with any fallout, whatever the causal factor. The shambles we witnessed on Thursday evening emphasize how much more SMRT has to get its act together.

Whether due to mechanical fault or human error, the end result for a transport operator would be the same: A surge in the number of commuters, longer wait times and shorter tempers. In many respects, the surge can be estimated mathematically because passenger loads on typical days and the frequency of trains/buses can be guesstimated from passenger throughput statistics.

Mind you, SMRT had a dress rehearsal six years ago during Exercise Northstar V. This was Singapore's first civil emergency exercise that tested the readiness of train and bus operators, first responders and government authorities should terrorists mimic the playbook for the London/Madrid bombings.

Why was knowledge management so poor that lessons from that exercise could not be applied, tested and refined in the past six years?

Was Northstar V merely a wayang (Malay word for stage play)?

Looking at SMRT's December debacle, it worrisome to think that our transportation security apparatus has been taking us for a ride all these years.

Minister for Transport Lui Tuck Yew put it succinctly when he told the media: "You see, our exercises are perhaps very scripted - we know what the scenario is, we know what is happening from one time period to another, and therefore people are geared to respond in a certain way."

Anyone who has served National Service in Singapore would probably nod in agreement.

Mr Lui is well qualified to make such as statement. Before entering politics, he served the Singapore Armed Forces, leaving the military as Chief of Navy with the rank of Rear Admiral.

Even if Northstar was a public relations circus, a serious after-action review (AAR) would have exposed areas in which SMRT should pay close attention to.

Was a proper AAR done after Northstar V or was the exercise a waste of tax dollars?

At a minimum, it should have identified a need to put shuttle buses on short notice for bridging services between train stations that are taken out of service (whether due to known knowns or unknown unknowns). In the Singaporean military, standby units are assigned are assigned a NTM and have to be ready to move within a specified time.

To be sure, placing a shuttle bus operator on a 30 minute NTM seven days a week would cost a chunk of change.

But in a city state where citizens are discouraged from owning cars, isn't such an investment worthwhile? Is the profit motive for SMRT such an overriding concern that they are happy to bet against Murphy's Law?

SMRT's beleaguered chief executive, Saw Phaik Hwa, may not realise this but she has several high-ranking former SAF officers in her management team. These include SMRT's senior vice-president for communications and services, Goh Chee Kong, who retired from SAF service with the rank of Colonel. As an Armour officer, NTMs would not be alien to COL Goh.

When I interviewed SMRT officials several years ago, I met a combat engineer who retired as a Lieutenant Colonel prior to joining the company. Among other things, this officer had taken part in SAF operations in UNAVEM. I am not sure who writes his pay cheque these days, but the point is that SMRT has a number of former military personnel the company can count on during a crisis.

I worry for the SAF if the training these officers received was discarded the moment they stepped into civvie street.

Being Malaysian born, Ms Saw may not fully appreciate the value that SAF personnel bring to her boardroom.

Any inquiry into SMRT's December debacle must look into the management style in the company. In particular:
1. How many of the SMRT personnel who took part in Northstar V in 2006 are still with the company today? What has been done to preserve institutional memory?
2. Why is SMRT's knowledge management so piss poor? What lessons were internalised from Northstar V? Prove it through documentation.
3. How often are emergency procedures practised, whether on table top exercises or full-troop exercises involving mock passengers?

A Red Team, given the mandate and authority to ask difficult questions, would help SMRT protect its stakeholder interest with a more robust consequence management plan.

As things stand, we heard SMRT's Goh say they could not cope with outages at more than four stations - which, interestingly, matches the number of stations involved during the Northstar V practice. On Thursday, some 4,000 people were trapped in trains during the breakdown at 11 stations.

So SMRT only "fights current" and never practices "fighting future" by scaling up its SOPs to cope with larger and more complex scenarios for consequence management? No wonder Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong cut short his holiday...

Medium versus message
Red flag: Failure to provide accurate, relevant and timely updates on the situation. Failure to empower SMRT train drivers to speak to commuters. Lack of credibility in reporting the situation.

The company's failure to tackle crisis communications exacerbated the situation, fraying tempers and derailing the credibility of SMRT's corporate mouthpiece.

The seed of doubt was planted before Thursday's massive system failure when SMRT reported that some 1,400 commuters were affected by the fault on the Circle Line between Marymount and one-north stations from 6am and 11:45am. Why were so few commuters affected?

Second, the SMRT spokesman claimed lights and ventilation kicked in when trains lost power. But first person accounts and images of commuters standing in the dark paint a different picture. If there were no emergency lights, was there back-up ventilation? Even if ventilation was provided, would this be sufficient for a crush load of passengers? Was it prudent to keep passengers sealed in the train for up to 78 minutes?

Third, the picture of SMRT's vice president for rail operations playing the part of usher is unfortunate. Was this staged for the media to show that SMRT's management is hands on? After three outages in four days, shouldn't a VP's time and energy be better applied? Are there no reports to analyse, no engineers to interrogate, nothing in the back office to attend to? Will the system fix itself? If the system is so short of manpower they need a VP to play usher, SMRT is in deeper shit trouble than you and I can imagine.

If the events played out this past week were scripted for TV drama, the result would probably be rated as a black comedy or a B-grade farce.

That "Income opportunity" alert to taxis that went viral: Why are mass broadcast messages not read and rechecked before the send button is pressed? Can you imagine the furore if the breakdowns were caused by terrorists?

Going onto Twitter and Facebook will not innoculate SMRT against crisis communications woes. Instead of adding more tools to its tool box, it should focus not on the medium but the message it wants to convey to stakeholders.

The value of the content and timeliness of information dissemination is more important than boasting how many social media channels you maintain.

To be sure, it is easy being an armchair analyst with 20:20 hindsight spouting all sorts of gibberish on things that need fixing. So easy being wise after the fact.

This is precisely why we started a risk analysis and horizon scanning (RAHS) system some years ago. It helps identify problem areas and shows how upstream factors can impact elements downstream. In the case of SMRT, the RAHS would indicate how multiple outages reported at the 11 stations on Thursday would affect road and bus transport after the commuters are left stranded with no train services.

Is SMRT even aware we have such a system? It should now that Colonel Patrick Nathan has joined the company as its director of security and emergency planning. As an RSAF officer and one of the principal staff officers at the National Security Coordination Centre, he should know what resources SMRT can call into play.

The mainstream media should also do its part to help restore public confidence in Singapore's rail network. In doing so, trying too hard to manage public opinion would cause more harm than good.

A classic example would be Friday evening's story by ChannelNewsAsia, aired on its 9:30pm news bulletin. Its main premise was that not everyone felt the SMRT CEO should resign. Four commuters were interviewed and the standuppers for two of them were repeated twice, so we saw the two blokes appear four times. You can probably guess that the interviewees voiced the opinion that her resignation is not necessary.​

Such stories fuel ridicule in cyberspace because ground sentiments are very different from the Orwellian reportage presented on state television. Why bluff ourselves? If people are angry, so be it.

Check out the segment from 6:00 mins onwards. Compare and contrast this with comments you read elsewhere. Are we on the same planet?

To do better, the broadcast journalist should have reported results of a street poll involving a respectable sample set (say 100 commuters) and spliced footage from the interviewees to reflect results of this poll for a balanced story.

Former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew was famously quoted saying in 1992 that 99 per cent of Filipinos are waiting for a telephone and the remaining one per cent for a dial tone.

We make sympathetic noises when the Singaporean media reports on brownouts or mismanaged public infrastructure in regional countries.

Now, tables have been turned.

As Singaporeans watch SMRT swing into damage control mode, how do you think our neighbours are reacting to our woes?

Related post:
Security breach at SMRT Bishan depot: A rail security headache. Please click here.
Posted by David Boey at 12:30 PM

Senang Diri
Re: Unbiased write-up on the SMRT cock-ups

Former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew was famously quoted saying in 1992 that 99 per cent of Filipinos are waiting for a telephone and the remaining one per cent for a dial tone

Now, 99% of Singaporeans are waiting for an MRT to arrive on time with enough space for them to squeeze in every morning; and the remaining 1% for someone to rescue them from a train that's either been derailed by a suicide jumper, or stuck in a tunnel due to shoddy maintenance.

Come on - 'claws' falling off the train? Was there money mismanaged? How come we hardly hear about that in the old east/west line? And a budget blow out of billions in the construction? I thought Singapore was expert at managing costs and budgets? The youth Olympics was bad enough, but the budget blow out for the circle line construction was many times the magnitude! Surely, with all this extra money spent, we deserve better?

Surely with all the fiasco, we deserve a more competent CEO?
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Re: Unbiased write-up on the SMRT cock-ups

tepco president don't have the luxury to stay on to fix problem (now declare cold shutdown) and has to go right away
ok, the magnitude of the disaster is different but the logic of "accountability" is the same
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Re: Unbiased write-up on the SMRT cock-ups

Who say there is no army trained elements? "People can board the train, it is whether they choose to" sounds like "Ai jiak, jiak. Mai jiak hong kan."
Re: Unbiased write-up on the SMRT cock-ups

I believe that Saw actually offered to resign since the climate is such that if she stays, everyone including her own internal people will buay song but I also believe PM or govt told her to stay on and solve the problem 1st and be hailed as a heroine who did things right before stepping down. Then we will see her being appointed to LTA, which I hope ERP, COE bidding system, licence number bidding, car transfer, summon portal etc will have massive outage for a month and then I will petition for her to be Transport Minister
Re: Unbiased write-up on the SMRT cock-ups

yeah, better not set precedent. otherwise, anything cock up, minister has to step down 1-by-1 :shhhh:
just look at wks, raymond and mbt. step down (should i say ask to go) when the time is right.

MW;718230 said:
I believe that Saw actually offered to resign since the climate is such that if she stays, everyone including her own internal people will buay song but I also believe PM or govt told her to stay on and solve the problem 1st and be hailed as a heroine who did things right before stepping down. Then we will see her being appointed to LTA, which I hope ERP, COE bidding system, licence number bidding, car transfer, summon portal etc will have massive outage for a month and then I will petition for her to be Transport Minister

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