
Re: Wakeboarding

hitmee;252703 said:
u coma nd try then u know lor.....
Well... The gals aint stupid to do something so stupid like what you did so probably we will wan a demo from you... :nehnehhh:
Re: Wakeboarding

Haze;252707 said:
Well... The gals aint stupid to do something so stupid like what you did so probably we will wan a demo from you... :nehnehhh:

i will luv to c the demo too.
Re: Wakeboarding

dun worry...on sat someone will demo to u. :)
Re: Wakeboarding

hi Jas

really nice to see u organising this wakeboarding session.. me and another forummer Alex aka 33 did organise a few sessions last year.. must admit it was good fun, but i have given up the sport as its a bit tough for non-swimmer like me...

btw.. just curious.. ur pricing seems a bit too cheap.. usually it costs ard 100+ per hr and u have booked 3 hrs..usually it will cost around $80 per pax.. did the price drop recently?
Re: Wakeboarding

Haze;252702 said:
Probably someone just din know how wakeboard works... or rather he wakes with his face on the board... HA!!!

face on the board ... that a real stunt leh ... I wanna C
Re: Wakeboarding

Haze;252707 said:
Well... The gals aint stupid to do something so stupid like what you did so probably we will wan a demo from you... :nehnehhh:

u think i am joking? u should ask FP. is really a dangerous sport. give u advise u still laugh at me. :furious:
Re: Wakeboarding

Gals... just an advice.. this sport is indeed very intensive.. do play with care.. and better don't do it if u r not feeling fit at all ya..i almost drowned the first time i tried it because i didn't know how to turn over with the board on... u guys should rest well so as to enjoy the game instead... haha..
Re: Wakeboarding

I dont even know how to swim let alone wakeboard. But I really do envy and admire pple who can do this sport.
Re: Wakeboarding

babe;252714 said:
hi Jas

really nice to see u organising this wakeboarding session.. me and another forummer did organise a few sessions last year.. must admit it was good fun, but i have given up the sport as its a bit tough for non-swimmer like me...

btw.. just curious.. ur pricing seems a bit too cheap.. usually it costs ard 100+ per hr and u have booked 3 hrs..usually it will cost around $80 per pax.. did the price drop recently?

We go by per ride so if you take two rides then it's about 70+. It is 100+ an hour if you book by hours but this guy I always go out with that's the price I've been paying... I'm not absolutely sure about the pricing to be frank...

Anyway safety issues, there's life vest and I can't swim very well. Won't die one lah unless you try funny stunts... I stick to, slowly learn how to stand up properly first hahahah
Re: Wakeboarding

Hahahaha... Although I can swim but I doubt I can even stand on the board man... I probably b screaming my life out and falling into the water time and again
Re: Wakeboarding

haha, sorry, i have to laugh, why is it you gals dunno how to swim?

wakeboard is easy, as long as you have the strength to hang onto the handle, but girls, being lighter, should pop up quickly. Dont worry, just have fun. If you cant do it, no big deal.
Re: Wakeboarding

Yeah Phil

It's usually the Gals that get it up the first time round......Oops....I mean, get up....cos the ladies don't usually "fight" the boat and just hang on while being "pulled" up naturally. Men got ego lah...........kekeke!

Geez! All this talk really making me itchy for a ride with you guys.

Now as for payment, usually it goes by the hour of boat booking. So, 3 hours = $300 to split between usually 4 to 5 riders.

Every rider gets 36 min (based on 5 riders and 2 rides each). So that would equate to about 13 minutes per ride taking into account rider change over times.

Newbies will take longer for the first ride and thus second attempts will usually not be as long so that other riders get their fair share of water time...........

Now that you can ride just further left out of the Marina, it saves a lot more time for riding versus previously when we need to drive out to Seletar Channels or Sengkang "LongKang" hehehe!

Have fun!

It will be easier for me to join in if we start riding at 8am or 9am............water in the mornig is usually calmer. I used to start at 6.30am when the water is like "BUTTER!" waiting to be sliced by me! hahaha!

Re: Wakeboarding

Well... why is it so that all gals need to know how to swim??? Anyway, I'll juz try... But I am doubting my ability... Lazy+ no strength...
Re: Wakeboarding

Haze, dun be like that lah. Even if you cant do it, at elast you tried, then next time maybe will get better, no worries.

It is hard the first time, especially if you have zero sporting ability, but if you have balance, should be able to be taught.

I doubt anyone will last 35 minutes, i give you 5 minutes at most!!

The fact you all go OUTSIDE and try to do something sporting and enjoy each other company, should make for a good day i reckon
Re: Wakeboarding

Hahahaha... Will... Try la... Coz I know I wil b really tired on sat afternoon esp now tat I hav a habit of slping on every sat afternoon... And worse, clubbin on fri n working in the morning on sat... Doubly tired

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