BMWSG Sepang Track Day 6 March 2011

Re: BMWSG Sepang Track Day 6 March 2011

would prefer to cap it at 40 cars.

mainly for safety reasons. i noticed there's quite abit of newbies including myself who might not be familiar with the lines hence might be a bit messy.
too many cars will not be that enjoyable for the more experienced trackies too.

the other reason being, for those who have already signed up, they did so expecting max of 40 cars. wouldnt be fair to suddenly bump in anymore cars unless for a valid reason such as the final 4 cars who made payment at the same time when MA came by with their bulk booking.

while i share the view that this TD should be more for forummers rather than MA or even PML for that matter (they are big enough an organization to have the dollars, time and even a paid mkting/event dept to organize their own TD), we have to rem its a tough call for our organizers who are doing this for free and having to coordinate, see to admin matters, collection of monies, personally sending PM/emails/SMSes and even down to organizing the convoy up and down etc

this thread was started mid jan. we all have more than enough time to put our names down on the list and make payment. while i did not make payment as soon as i put my name down, i did once RB sent a PM/email to remind me to do so to secure my slot. I suppose everyone else did too.

I suppose the decision to include MA is a decision that has to be made too. there's a very real possibility that if we might not be able to have enough participants, the organizers might not even be able to break even. also note that the organizer(s) is/are doing this in a on purely volunteer basis. if anyone feels that they can do a better job, maybe you like to volunteer yourself for the next TD?

perhaps what can be done is to communicate to MA that in the future if they have customers who are interested, get them to join bmwsg and sign up as a forummer. or to have a cut off date say 2 weeks before TD, only then will the slots be thrown open to MA/PML for any bulk booking if they are interested.
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Re: BMWSG Sepang Track Day 6 March 2011

Heehee looks like we have enough numbers to have 2 separate trackdays. I wonder if it is possible to find a date closeby?
Re: BMWSG Sepang Track Day 6 March 2011

Just wondering if its possible to use my Go-Kart helmet for track? :)

Btw, thanks for organising this track day, absolutely looking forward to it!
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Re: BMWSG Sepang Track Day 6 March 2011

yes u can, u will see Totoseow in half cut coconut helmet as well, quite power...
Re: BMWSG Sepang Track Day 6 March 2011

i look like beetleman!

Re: BMWSG Sepang Track Day 6 March 2011

KWY91;613619 said:
Just wondering if its possible to use my Go-Kart helmet for track? :)

Btw, thanks for organising this track day, absolutely looking forward to it!
Hey mate, I will be heading down to Jalan Besar to get it. Have you gotten yours?
Re: BMWSG Sepang Track Day 6 March 2011

Helmet? Yeah I got mine already :) Thanks for asking!8)

cjc81;613984 said:
Hey mate, I will be heading down to Jalan Besar to get it. Have you gotten yours?
Re: BMWSG Sepang Track Day 6 March 2011

pdreams;613323 said:

I do feel that BMW.SG Admin has messed up on this registration. No flame intended.

Given what is happening, I think it is pretty pointless to have a list of interetested parties.

Better to just have forumers fill up a list of paid attendees. Those who paid gets to fill up their names and those who don't, no need to.

What is the initial intention of having the list? To know what cars are being driven and what sort of experience etc etc?

MA has come in via. the Admin and book 15 slots like that, no need for listing etc which implies that only paying is needed.

What is needed is a paid list, not a list of interest if this is how it is going to be.

I hope I am not being too straightforward here. It seems and feels wrong although I can only say, capitalism rules but somehow it goes against the mantra of a forum trackday. Perhaps Admin will like to come up with some clarifications. Personally, I am not attending this trackday and have for some time not attended BMW SG Forum trackdays. Big thanks to those who are organising these trackdays out of their free time. Hopefully, you are able to see this post as an iteration to help improve the registration process.

Can I say that I fully understand the sentiments of our members here. I do. To answer some specific points you have raised:

a) We still do need an "interested to attend" list. From an organiser's point of view, without this list, we cannot react accordingly if there is genuine under-attendance. If the numbers are appallingly low, I have to react by writing to SIC, get a waiver, change date, etc. If the numbers are a little low only, we as organisers start calling up all our contacts in our phone book and persuade them to come and support and make up the numbers. Now this latter scenario has been the norm for quite a while now, and it is the organiser's BIGGEST HEADACHE. (this March 6's reverse scenario problem is much rarer, and happened chiefly because of the unique 5 month gap between the last 2010 and the first 2011 track day.)

And you guys dont know this, but Jack has, through his own efforts, saved several of our TDs from losing money in the past by calling his contacts (mainly PCS members. thanks guys) and getting them to support us. And when numbers come out short, he topped up with his own money. Salute.

So, we definitely do need to maintain an "interest list". If not, we cannot react.

b) Following incidences of losses, I decided to implement a pre-payment method, chiefly to protect losses due to people simply not turning up and paying. This has been widely discussed in other threads. As a result of this procedure, it became apparent that from a procedural POV, pre-payment secures your slots. And because we have a 40 car cap, the first 40 pre-payments secures these slots. Theoretically, this logic makes sense.

so, for people who have paid up, I will simply come online and mark "paid". When 40 are marked "paid" we have a full house and the TD is a go.

Now, stay with me for a while here. The list is populated by the interested trackkies themselves, who come in and write their own name. Later on when they pay, I just update "paid" next to their names. Sometimes, they write for their friends too. And sometimes, they pay for/together with their friends, and sometimes their friends pay themselves. I just update. Sometimes, people pay me first, then they come online and list their names. Logically its fine too. Sometimes, people pay me first, never come online, and after I receive the payment, I have to come online and list for them. On the surface it seems as if I was the one inviting them coz the listing of their names came from my post, but in truth, I did that only because I was the one who received the money. Sometimes, I dont even know this guy. (I dont personally know every member here)

Next, you can see this pre-payment system is thus blind to bias. Whether you are an individual or a group (in this example, PCS or munich, or workshops, our most common group entries here) you pay the same rate, and are subject to the same chances and rules on participation. So, even if you are a group, to me an as organiser, it's completely transparent. My only concern is that you are vouched for by a known member and I will elaborate on this later. So if a group from a workshop comes and intends to secure 10 slots but there are only 4 left, they can only get 4. I am blind to groupings on this issue of registration. From this aspect, I only look at cars, and slots. And the time sequence of securing the slots, from who.

In this specific case of Munich, I actually see them as individual cars. Just like any member here. They dont book through me; they book the slots just like any BMWSG member here. The thing that they didnt do, is to come in and list their interest. 1 or 2 other track participants here also didnt list and paid. I also listed for them. Just that for Munich's side, 15 slots without listing interest first but paid first is glaringly substantial. With payment, I have to come online and update the thread. Hope you guys see the picture now. They have a list of drivers and cars, but I had not received it at that point in time, so I have to fill it up with just a generic name. To me, it's as if 15 drivers paid into my account at the same time (but they did not update the thread, leaving me to do it). That they all come from Munich, is transparent to me. And in all fairness, Munich did not do anything wrong as a participant.

There is one mistake that I have made as an organiser, after giving careful consideration to how things unfolded. And that is, I definitely should have come online to list munich's "interest" in the full list, instead of the participants doing it themselves. That, would have given a clearer demand-supply picture, and I endeavour to improve on this point subsequently. As an organiser, I knew that they were going to participate as a group, but as to their numbers and when they can confirm, I am not in the loop. Hence the reason why I urged everyone to pay up asap whenever I have the chance to communicate with them, but I couldnt give a definite time and number to the slots availability (and hence it didnt occur to me to come onto this thread to list down their interested numbers). I hope the picture is clearer to everyone now. This, I hope to improve from next track day onwards.

c) Our track day is a controlled attendance track day. We insist on an invite-only participation for only one reason: to have high safety standards.This is done through the exclusion of unknown hooligans (we had that on the track before. not good), and the rapid orientation of newbies to be up to par on safety awareness. This insistence, together with our 40 car cap, ensures the quality of our track day.

The BMWSG track day also has another purpose. To promote motorsports among our own community, and to introduce tracking to as many newbies as possible, so everyone can pick this hobby up.

You can see how these 2 points: increase safety + encourage newbies, actually chiong. But no choice as that's inherent to the original aims of our TD. That's why I have always placed special emphasis on additional safety briefings for the newbies. Many of you may not know, but for the last track day, I actually organised a separate safey brief a couple of days before the TD, at Munich, because I recognised that it was important to bring this group of newbies up to par in terms of our safety culture. So that the overall conduct of the TD itself can be smoother. And it did work well, as we did have a full field of gentlemen trackkies in the end. Hopefully this will address the concerns of some who feel that there are too many newbies in our coming TD. In any case, not all of Munich's participants are newbies. Some actually race in prominent regional races.

d) so yes, any verified party can participate in our track day, and they will be treated as individuals will, without bias, towards or away, subject to the same rules. Individual member's participation is just as important as group participation. In fact, for the past 7 years, very often the majority of the attendees are not from BMWSG. And they have been instrumental in maintaining the critical mass to make our TDs sensible. Now that as it seems, we are approaching participation majority from within BMWSG, it doesnt mean we should immediately restrict group participation, as thats where our roots came from. I am treating them as individual entries now. Any logical suggestions to further improve this system is greatly welcome.

e) There's feedback from another post about charging a premium for group participation, or to contribute more to our track day fund. If we are to continue with our present philosophy of running our TD, then this idea will not be in line. Furthermore, as I have explained in the other thread, we have achieved our objective of raising a TD fund for BMWSG. Which is to only have enough to pay for our rolling deposit, and to maintain a security buffer in case of very low attendance. And for no other reason.

Until 1) sepang changes its charging rates, 2) we encounter a big loss-making TD due to low numbers, for theforseeable future, the TDs will be charged cost to cost, and I see no meaning in increasing the size of the fund.

Feedback on these points, as well as on any other points associated with the running of our TD is greatly welcome. We should discuss this in the open forum for everyone's benefit. And as with every other endeavour we embark on, this is a project that we should all try to improve on and streamline over time. Let's all try to add positively to the running of our TD for everyone's enjoyment.
Re: BMWSG Sepang Track Day 6 March 2011

Lingus;613490 said:
Heehee looks like we have enough numbers to have 2 separate trackdays. I wonder if it is possible to find a date closeby?

Yup, I'm very happy this hobby is now finding a more widespread interest. But good dates in sepang are extremely hard to come by. In fact by Q3 2010, most of the weekend slots have already been booked. We as a club was quite lucky we acted early enough to secure our 2011 slots. So, chances of another SIC TD date, to secure now, is not high. UNLESS, we go for weekday slot. If there's enough demand for a weekday slot, I'll be glad to organise that.

In the meantime, we can think about going to PG? PG weekend slots are still bookable as of now. I can help to organise that also. comments?
Re: BMWSG Sepang Track Day 6 March 2011

dazza;613070 said:

Are friends allowed to come to watch from grandstand/pits etc. No driving. No track passenger?


Anyone can come to look see. Thats not a problem. Many come to take pictures (we all like this!). SIC is a place open to public. The only restricted area is the track itself. (And also no children in the pit areas)

Any adult can be a passenger in a tracking car too. The only thing is that if the passenger wants to share and drive a car, he must 1) complete the indemity form, 2) pay the extra driver fee and receive the driver tag, 3) attend our safety brief.
Re: BMWSG Sepang Track Day 6 March 2011

jwwu;612677 said:
Everyone was a newbie once and newbies are obviously welcome. :thumbsup:

But yes, more newbies = more cars driving too fast or too slow = more dangerous.

On paper, it may seem so. But in reality, there's no real, substantial danger when you have 1) big timing and speed differential, 2) difference in experience levels sharing the same track, as long as everyone a) remembers to be gentleman trackies, b) adheres to the same set of safety rules, which chiefly tells us not to give way, not to change track erratically, not to overtake in corners.

Additionally, you should watch out for other cars spinning out, and you have most of the major points covered. I am comfortable thus with mixing newbies with experienced drivers, slow cars with fast cars.

The possibility that is left, is the black swan event of running into each other at the straights. And you know in BMWSG it happens really really rarely, although not say dont have lah. But such cases are completely independent of organisational parameters. period.
Re: BMWSG Sepang Track Day 6 March 2011

totoseow;612684 said:
first of all bmwsg is not marque discriminatory. im sure munich is very welcome here. but it wud be good to see them coming in early rather than late. M cars r very much more part of the family here than any other makes. by coming in late n blocking so many slots, they r overcrowding the rest suddenly. whatever happened to first come first serve? whatever happend to the quota?

also MA shud put names of their drivers, or risk isolating themselves n being seen as atas by non M drivers.

thanks toto, for bringing this up. but you see, in our current iteration of organising our BMWSG TD, which we've been doing for a while now, it has always been first pay first secure, and not first come first served, for the first 40 paid cars. It hasnt changed for this one also.

I am trying to refine on this system though. I need some ideas.... guys, I welcome your ideas if you have any.
Re: BMWSG Sepang Track Day 6 March 2011


Can't agreed further......

List names w/o paying doesn't mean will show up on the day itself......

'The Great White'
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Re: BMWSG Sepang Track Day 6 March 2011

Racebred;614211 said:
as long as everyone a) remembers to be gentleman trackies, b) adheres to the same set of safety rules, which chiefly tells us not to give way, not to change track erratically, not to overtake in corners.

I think reality is that though a new driver may know what he's supposed to do, the chances of him forgetting, or getting carried away, making control errors, are higher. Older drivers also forget and also get carried away, make errors, etc. but on the whole, less. So all things considered, the higher the proportion of newbies, the higher the chance of chaos and exponentially not additively so. Of course the ratio where it really gets bad is arguable. I can't see how this could not be the case.

Just discussing the concept and not trying to dissuade newbies from joining. Everyone was a newbie at some point and everyone is still a newbie on a certain scale. The more that join the better and maybe securing more slots in 2012 is the way to do. More drivers having fun, learning, and keeping it off public roads.
Re: BMWSG Sepang Track Day 6 March 2011

Thanks for the response racebred.

Appears the short answer is money talks... Since you are one who volunteers your time to organise these events I guess we need to accept that or go somewhere else.

I take the view that we were all newbies once. Having a marking on the newbie cars should help identify to others to take caution when coming in close proximity. I think you implemented this at the last track day...

I think it is also important for experienced drivers to adhere to the rules and be considerate. The most dangerous encounters I have had at bmwsg track days have actually been with some non-newbies purposely blocking and executing dangerous maneuvers in corners. That being said, these were isolated incidents and in general bmwsg track days are amongst the safest around which reflects well on the enite bmwsg community.

Racebred;614208 said:
e) There's feedback from another post about charging a premium for group participation, or to contribute more to our track day fund. If we are to continue with our present philosophy of running our TD, then this idea will not be in line. Furthermore, as I have explained in the other thread, we have achieved our objective of raising a TD fund for BMWSG. Which is to only have enough to pay for our rolling deposit, and to maintain a security buffer in case of very low attendance. And for no other reason.

I think this reference is in relation to one of my earlier posts.

To clarify my point, bmwsg track days are non-profit. If they are being used for commercial purposes, the bmwsg community should benefit.

I was under the impression that Munich bought 15 slots for distribution to their existing and/or prospective customers. This would have been a marketing expense for them and done in an effort to generate more sales for themselves.

If this is the case, it does not seem consistent with the non-profit stance of the bmwsg track day.

Maybe I have been too quick in jumping to conclusions... possibly this is a just a group of 15 friends who drive Ms and managed to convince Munich to pay their track fee... but that's just like me saying i prefer my 335 to the m3
Re: BMWSG Sepang Track Day 6 March 2011

Actually since Munich as of now still has 5 slots with no named driver, maybe those who got left out and want to track badly enough can try and buy the slot off Munich hahah
Re: BMWSG Sepang Track Day 6 March 2011

Racebred;614209 said:
Yup, I'm very happy this hobby is now finding a more widespread interest. But good dates in sepang are extremely hard to come by. In fact by Q3 2010, most of the weekend slots have already been booked. We as a club was quite lucky we acted early enough to secure our 2011 slots. So, chances of another SIC TD date, to secure now, is not high. UNLESS, we go for weekday slot. If there's enough demand for a weekday slot, I'll be glad to organise that.

In the meantime, we can think about going to PG? PG weekend slots are still bookable as of now. I can help to organise that also. comments?

Ok... i guess a weekday trackday would have numbers problem.
Thanks Racebred and all who help to organise this, as a first timer i'm really looking forward to this trackday. I was advised by a friend not to do more than 5 rounds as a first timer, that should help to lower the count by 1 for most of the duration haha.

I have absolutely no clue what happens on a trackday but if my guess is right, there wouldn't be many participant who drive for the entire 3 hours would there? If that is the case, how about stagger the participation into 2 halves for those who do not plan to drive throughout? That should help to cope with this one-off unexpected demand.
Re: BMWSG Sepang Track Day 6 March 2011

Hi Racebred,

I have been following this thread and I felt like standing up for you in this scenario.......

Just to input my views, I feel that you as the organiser have done NOTHING wrong. You should put a deadline when to pay. No pay means NO slots. SIMPLE. From what I see, alot of ppl put down their names and dilly dally on paying. I mean, if you cannot confirm or whatsoever, then give it up or pay first, then sell the slot to someone else later if they cannot make it. The risk is not to be shouldered by you the organiser but rather the track day participant. Its not alot of money, Im sure everyone here can afford it. But I feel they should not have come down so hard on you as the organiser and I felt obliged to chip in my tots here.

Racebred;614208 said:
Can I say that I fully understand the sentiments of our members here. I do. To answer some specific points you have raised:

a) We still do need an "interested to attend" list. From an organiser's point of view, without this list, we cannot react accordingly if there is genuine under-attendance. If the numbers are appallingly low, I have to react by writing to SIC, get a waiver, change date, etc. If the numbers are a little low only, we as organisers start calling up all our contacts in our phone book and persuade them to come and support and make up the numbers. Now this latter scenario has been the norm for quite a while now, and it is the organiser's BIGGEST HEADACHE. (this March 6's reverse scenario problem is much rarer, and happened chiefly because of the unique 5 month gap between the last 2010 and the first 2011 track day.)

And you guys dont know this, but Jack has, through his own efforts, saved several of our TDs from losing money in the past by calling his contacts (mainly PCS members. thanks guys) and getting them to support us. And when numbers come out short, he topped up with his own money. Salute.

So, we definitely do need to maintain an "interest list". If not, we cannot react.

b) Following incidences of losses, I decided to implement a pre-payment method, chiefly to protect losses due to people simply not turning up and paying. This has been widely discussed in other threads. As a result of this procedure, it became apparent that from a procedural POV, pre-payment secures your slots. And because we have a 40 car cap, the first 40 pre-payments secures these slots. Theoretically, this logic makes sense.

so, for people who have paid up, I will simply come online and mark "paid". When 40 are marked "paid" we have a full house and the TD is a go.

Now, stay with me for a while here. The list is populated by the interested trackkies themselves, who come in and write their own name. Later on when they pay, I just update "paid" next to their names. Sometimes, they write for their friends too. And sometimes, they pay for/together with their friends, and sometimes their friends pay themselves. I just update. Sometimes, people pay me first, then they come online and list their names. Logically its fine too. Sometimes, people pay me first, never come online, and after I receive the payment, I have to come online and list for them. On the surface it seems as if I was the one inviting them coz the listing of their names came from my post, but in truth, I did that only because I was the one who received the money. Sometimes, I dont even know this guy. (I dont personally know every member here)

Next, you can see this pre-payment system is thus blind to bias. Whether you are an individual or a group (in this example, PCS or munich, or workshops, our most common group entries here) you pay the same rate, and are subject to the same chances and rules on participation. So, even if you are a group, to me an as organiser, it's completely transparent. My only concern is that you are vouched for by a known member and I will elaborate on this later. So if a group from a workshop comes and intends to secure 10 slots but there are only 4 left, they can only get 4. I am blind to groupings on this issue of registration. From this aspect, I only look at cars, and slots. And the time sequence of securing the slots, from who.

In this specific case of Munich, I actually see them as individual cars. Just like any member here. They dont book through me; they book the slots just like any BMWSG member here. The thing that they didnt do, is to come in and list their interest. 1 or 2 other track participants here also didnt list and paid. I also listed for them. Just that for Munich's side, 15 slots without listing interest first but paid first is glaringly substantial. With payment, I have to come online and update the thread. Hope you guys see the picture now. They have a list of drivers and cars, but I had not received it at that point in time, so I have to fill it up with just a generic name. To me, it's as if 15 drivers paid into my account at the same time (but they did not update the thread, leaving me to do it). That they all come from Munich, is transparent to me. And in all fairness, Munich did not do anything wrong as a participant.

There is one mistake that I have made as an organiser, after giving careful consideration to how things unfolded. And that is, I definitely should have come online to list munich's "interest" in the full list, instead of the participants doing it themselves. That, would have given a clearer demand-supply picture, and I endeavour to improve on this point subsequently. As an organiser, I knew that they were going to participate as a group, but as to their numbers and when they can confirm, I am not in the loop. Hence the reason why I urged everyone to pay up asap whenever I have the chance to communicate with them, but I couldnt give a definite time and number to the slots availability (and hence it didnt occur to me to come onto this thread to list down their interested numbers). I hope the picture is clearer to everyone now. This, I hope to improve from next track day onwards.

c) Our track day is a controlled attendance track day. We insist on an invite-only participation for only one reason: to have high safety standards.This is done through the exclusion of unknown hooligans (we had that on the track before. not good), and the rapid orientation of newbies to be up to par on safety awareness. This insistence, together with our 40 car cap, ensures the quality of our track day.

The BMWSG track day also has another purpose. To promote motorsports among our own community, and to introduce tracking to as many newbies as possible, so everyone can pick this hobby up.

You can see how these 2 points: increase safety + encourage newbies, actually chiong. But no choice as that's inherent to the original aims of our TD. That's why I have always placed special emphasis on additional safety briefings for the newbies. Many of you may not know, but for the last track day, I actually organised a separate safey brief a couple of days before the TD, at Munich, because I recognised that it was important to bring this group of newbies up to par in terms of our safety culture. So that the overall conduct of the TD itself can be smoother. And it did work well, as we did have a full field of gentlemen trackkies in the end. Hopefully this will address the concerns of some who feel that there are too many newbies in our coming TD. In any case, not all of Munich's participants are newbies. Some actually race in prominent regional races.

d) so yes, any verified party can participate in our track day, and they will be treated as individuals will, without bias, towards or away, subject to the same rules. Individual member's participation is just as important as group participation. In fact, for the past 7 years, very often the majority of the attendees are not from BMWSG. And they have been instrumental in maintaining the critical mass to make our TDs sensible. Now that as it seems, we are approaching participation majority from within BMWSG, it doesnt mean we should immediately restrict group participation, as thats where our roots came from. I am treating them as individual entries now. Any logical suggestions to further improve this system is greatly welcome.

e) There's feedback from another post about charging a premium for group participation, or to contribute more to our track day fund. If we are to continue with our present philosophy of running our TD, then this idea will not be in line. Furthermore, as I have explained in the other thread, we have achieved our objective of raising a TD fund for BMWSG. Which is to only have enough to pay for our rolling deposit, and to maintain a security buffer in case of very low attendance. And for no other reason.

Until 1) sepang changes its charging rates, 2) we encounter a big loss-making TD due to low numbers, for theforseeable future, the TDs will be charged cost to cost, and I see no meaning in increasing the size of the fund.

Feedback on these points, as well as on any other points associated with the running of our TD is greatly welcome. We should discuss this in the open forum for everyone's benefit. And as with every other endeavour we embark on, this is a project that we should all try to improve on and streamline over time. Let's all try to add positively to the running of our TD for everyone's enjoyment.
Re: BMWSG Sepang Track Day 6 March 2011

Shaun;614274 said:
Actually since Munich as of now still has 5 slots with no named driver, maybe those who got left out and want to track badly enough can try and buy the slot off Munich hahah

hmm but we're also 4 cars above 40. Anyways, let's see how things unfold and we can decide accordingly.
Re: BMWSG Sepang Track Day 6 March 2011

delrosa81;614288 said:
Hi Racebred,

I have been following this thread and I felt like standing up for you in this scenario.......

Just to input my views, I feel that you as the organiser have done NOTHING wrong. You should put a deadline when to pay. No pay means NO slots. SIMPLE. From what I see, alot of ppl put down their names and dilly dally on paying. I mean, if you cannot confirm or whatsoever, then give it up or pay first, then sell the slot to someone else later if they cannot make it. The risk is not to be shouldered by you the organiser but rather the track day participant. Its not alot of money, Im sure everyone here can afford it. But I feel they should not have come down so hard on you as the organiser and I felt obliged to chip in my tots here.

bro, :)

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