CBD floood (ST. Regis carpark flooood)

Re: Orchard Road flooded

WARNING, gruesome pictures!!

we have casualties :(







Re: Orchard Road flooded

Mockngbrd;551992 said:
flood damage usually hard to salvage.
all the electronics up lorry, interior totally gone, engine rebuild, etc etc etc

i'll take the rims.
Re: Orchard Road flooded

Ok this is the next sports car the Lambo owner should consider....

Re: Orchard Road flooded

I'll take the entire car if its free and put in my porch and put on Ebay "Lambo parts for sale"
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Re: Orchard Road flooded



Posted on Online Citizen:

The green field of Speaker's Corner at Hong Lim Park turned greener earlier this evening as a group of angry leaves gathered to protest the findings of the cause of the Orchard Road flood by Singapore's national water agency, PUB.

The leaves took issue with a portion of the report which said that the debris found choking the underground drain which resulted in rainwater spilling out onto the prime shopping district was mostly made up of vegetation.

Said a fuming leaf Mr Phil de Chloro, "For the past thirty years, my ancestors who grew on the trees along Orchard Road have been falling into the drains there and have been washed to sea without any problems. Why are we suddenly being singled out to be blamed for the millions of dollars lost in business?"

Another leaf who prefers to remain anonymous for fear of incineration disclosed that for the past six months, many of her green friends at Orchard Road had been complaining of the congestion in the narrow underground drain. The complainants have even approached the authorities with the problem but they have all been swept under the rug. They remained there till this day.

"Living under a rug is a terrible place for a leaf to be, " she wept.

The protesting leaves swore never to leave the park until the matter has been resolved, but within ten minutes of their gathering, police descended onto the park. A spokesperson for the police told this reporter that the leaves did not apply for a permit to protest at the park, and hence they are guilty of the offence of illegal assembly.

A brief but heated argument ensued when the leaves argued that their numbers are considerably less than the piles of leaves swept up daily by the town council cleaners and so can scarcely be considered an assembly.

The argument soon ended however when the police brought in a leaf blower and dispersed the crowd.

The unusual protest drew a sharp response from the Minister of Homeland Security who remarked that he would consider getting Parliament to pass a legislation to limit the number of leaves which make up a leaf litter to less than five.
Re: Orchard Road flooded

check with most insurer all cars involved in recent orchard tsunami can claim. Except ur wet underwear & the damage to ur kkj curly hair , brazilian will have no issue.
I think insurance company Bo pian, if not sure Kenna pressure!
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Re: Orchard Road flooded

zorro;551964 said:
From what I gather from the interview with PUB in the news, they blame it on the GOD (act of GOD)
whats new? they always come up wit that same reason..

sucks for the lambo..but can i have it now that is useless? :woottt:
Re: Orchard Road flooded

///M3;552151 said:
whats new? they always come up wit that same reason..

sucks for the lambo..but can i have it now that is useless? :woottt:
U wait long long, u got driving license bo?:blahblah:
Re: Orchard Road flooded

///M3;552156 said:
car cannot even start..need license for what?:whatthe:
HAhahaha....! Small boy i buy control car for u...:)
Re: Orchard Road flooded

the flood looked bad..is it ok now? im in brunei, heard the news from a friend who went to SG for a trip..
Re: Orchard Road flooded

I heard Rochor canal and Kallang river flooded. A few fishes were drown. Very sad.
Re: Orchard Road flooded

After the fateful day everytimes it rains, the PUB mgmt will get wet in the pants and believe many running around all over Spore monitoring the cannal and drains until they are confident enough to declare the system is working fine...

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