Siblings knocked down by cement mixer lorry at Tampines......


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Damn horrible accident.

Details of what happened sounds sketchy but seems like a pair of siblings from Dunman school got knocked down by a lorry/cement mixer.

This happened at Tampines St 45's T junction...

So sad.. RIP.. all drivers out there, be careful!

Cycling in Singapore reported -

Tampines, Singapore's first cycling town, appears to have witnessed a terrible accident.

Motorists passing the junction of Tampines Ave 9 and Tampines Street 45 at about 6.15pm today report at least one cyclist appears to have been knocked down by a cement mixer.

MrBrown is most connected, and he reports that both sibling, aged 8 and 13yr old, were killed in action.

Just saw on Mr Brown's twitter @mrbrown -
Re: Siblings knocked down by cement mixer lorry at Tampines......

Understand that pictures are circulating online. But pls do not post the pictures here. thnx. str8 ban.
Re: Siblings knocked down by cement mixer lorry at Tampines......

ac323;950638 said:
Damn horrible accident.

Details of what happened sounds sketchy but seems like a pair of siblings from Dunman school got knocked down by a lorry/cement mixer.

This happened at Tampines St 45's T junction...

So sad.. RIP.. all drivers out there, be careful!

Cycling in Singapore reported -

Tampines, Singapore's first cycling town, appears to have witnessed a terrible accident.

Motorists passing the junction of Tampines Ave 9 and Tampines Street 45 at about 6.15pm today report at least one cyclist appears to have been knocked down by a cement mixer.

MrBrown is most connected, and he reports that both sibling, aged 8 and 13yr old, were killed in action.

Just saw on Mr Brown's twitter @mrbrown -

its just beside my house... saw everything. damn sad la..
Re: Siblings knocked down by cement mixer lorry at Tampines......

both bodies werent claimed until just only. im guessing the parents just found out.
Re: Siblings knocked down by cement mixer lorry at Tampines......

Poor boys, RIP. There's a saying parents not suppose to bury their kids but should be kids burying their parents, pity the parents losing 2 kids, cannot imagine their grief :(
Re: Siblings knocked down by cement mixer lorry at Tampines......

Condolences to the parents. Heartbreaking
Re: Siblings knocked down by cement mixer lorry at Tampines......


You live around there?

Is there anything we can do for the family?
Re: Siblings knocked down by cement mixer lorry at Tampines......

O...m...g... :(:(:(
Re: Siblings knocked down by cement mixer lorry at Tampines......

Black Beauuuty;950683 said:

You live around there?

Is there anything we can do for the family?

yeah, i live just opposite dunman secondary school. The accident happened at the junction right outside the school. didnt see the family there. none of the neighbours seen the 2 boys in the area before, so we dont know if they live nearby.
Re: Siblings knocked down by cement mixer lorry at Tampines......

just heard from one of my neighbours. the boys lived just a few blocks away from me
Re: Siblings knocked down by cement mixer lorry at Tampines......

This is terrible. And who the heck went to take pics of them? That's damn bloody sickening. I cannot imagine the parents' grief to lose two boys at one go.

Singapore is seriously not fit for on-road cyclists due to our traffic pattern. In some rural area, fine. But in places like Tampines, Bugis... really dangerous.

I already exchanged several e-mails to MPs on this, and I hope they can speed up their decisions to allow bicycles on pavements. They can come up with cooling measures and smoking bans, I don't see why something like this takes so long to implement.

Whatever it is, an accident has happened. Regardless of who is right or wrong. The best thing to do is to prevent it. It is high time for a road safety campaign.

I just posted this on Facebook, thought I should post here:

"Kids, you do NOT take your iPhone out and take pictures of dead bodies when you see them. The ghosts will come after you since you keep a pic of them... if you didn't know that maybe I should tell you now."

Parents, please... teach your kids the right things.
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Re: Siblings knocked down by cement mixer lorry at Tampines......

Omg, sad to hear that. Rip.
Re: Siblings knocked down by cement mixer lorry at Tampines......

The root of the problem is not the cycling (though in this case it might or might not). Road users have to be educated on road safety and manners. Motorcyclists and cyclists are similar but for the motorized components. Does that mean motorbikes should stay off the road. I am all for penalizing cyclists that don't obey the rules or not bothered about having the basic safety essentials but lets not punish riders who respect the road.

Cycling on pavement is not necessarily safer cos its bikes against pedestrians now. You can possibly argue on the degree of "damage" but humans alike are going to get hurt. As a motoring community, lets push for road respect and safety awareness rather than taking the easy/lazy way out by eliminating the road cyclists.

detach8;950705 said:
Singapore is seriously not fit for on-road cyclists due to our traffic pattern. In some rural area, fine. But in places like Tampines, Bugis... really dangerous.

Parents, please... teach your kids the right thing.
Re: Siblings knocked down by cement mixer lorry at Tampines......

This is damn sad. I dont know what the hell parents are teaching their kids abt road safety these days......I hope there is video evidence to know what really happen then just all blasting the drivers.

Just 2 days ago while turning up a MSCP i got 2 kids on bicycles(shld be age 7-10 range) suddenly coming down the ramp at top speed while i am turning right upslope and force me to also jam brake. scare the shit out of me and the kids still think very fun and howling away....
Re: Siblings knocked down by cement mixer lorry at Tampines......

epong;950709 said:
The root of the problem is not the cycling (though in this case it might or might not). Road users have to be educated on road safety and manners. Motorcyclists and cyclists are similar but for the motorized components. Does that mean motorbikes should stay off the road. I am all for penalizing cyclists that don't obey the rules or not bothered about having the basic safety essentials but lets not punish riders who respect the road.

Cycling on pavement is not necessarily safer cos its bikes against pedestrians now. You can possibly argue on the degree of "damage" but humans alike are going to get hurt. As a motoring community, lets push for road respect and safety awareness rather than taking the easy/lazy way out by eliminating the road cyclists.

Well before any cyclists come in and say I have my selfish agenda, let me say this -- I cycled to school when I was young, and I still cycle (as a hobby). So I am not just a driver of a big ass selfish arrogant BMW.

So let me explain myself. My rationale is like this:

Motorbikes, cars, lorries, trucks, buses, etc. all require a license to drive. This sets a prerequisite to have basic knowledge of road rules before using a sophisticated traffic system -- traffic lights, junctions, right of way, blind spots, etc. On top of that, these vehicles are capable of traveling at speed to keep up with traffic flow. Keeping up with traffic flow is an aspect of safety that one should not ignore -- if a car traveling at 70kph hits a car traveling at 60kph, the impact is caused by a 10kph difference in speed. If a car at 50kph hits a cyclist at 5kph, the 45kph impact is likely fatal.

Bicycles or any other unlicensed or human powered vehicle for that matter, including Segways, skateboards, electric bicycles, etc. should all be kept off the road for the very reason because they are unregulated and do not require mandatory knowledge of traffic rules. On top of that they are unable to keep up with road speeds unless in severe traffic jams.

That said, if and when a human powered vehicle is involved in an accident with a pedestrian the chances of fatality are also lower. This is also a very important consideration and gives another merit point to my reasoning for allowing bicycles on pavements.

Note: I said to ALLOW bicycles on pavements. I did not say to BAN bicycles from the roads, but because they are banned FROM pavements, then it gives them a reason to go ON the road. Now, if bicycles were ALLOWED on the pavements (like in the good old days when nobody cared) then I am sure a lot of bicycles would go on the pavements instead.
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Re: Siblings knocked down by cement mixer lorry at Tampines......

Puffer;950711 said:
This is damn sad. I dont know what the hell parents are teaching their kids abt road safety these days......I hope there is video evidence to know what really happen then just all blasting the drivers.

Just 2 days ago while turning up a MSCP i got 2 kids on bicycles(shld be age 7-10 range) suddenly coming down the ramp at top speed while i am turning right upslope and force me to also jam brake. scare the shit out of me and the kids still think very fun and howling away....

Exactly. The same shit happened to me too. Not one, but three kids (2 on bikes, 1 on skateboard). In MSCP, going the WRONG direction down a slope (I was going up)
Re: Siblings knocked down by cement mixer lorry at Tampines......

my wife was attending to baby....then i jam brake, she also freak out and thought why i do that then saw the kids. seriously the slopes in MSCP very fun to cycle?

This morning while a row of cars turning in to enter carpark...then suddenly a family decides to just cross the road regardless of turning in the car in front LL got to brake. all the father did is to wave at the my heart is like...dont wave at the driver. if the car ram your family, you can wave at yourself for the gd job done.

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