Taste of IS250

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Re: Taste of IS250


nice ! the noteable difference between the 323 and 325 is that >4000rpm the rabbit still keeps going... the former is kind of loosing steam...

say, is your idrive with nav sluggish? like as in after you select an option it takes a while before the system repsonds?

ps: you dont by any chance wanna sell your car yet right? upgrade maybe? hahahah...
Re: Taste of IS250

ferd said:

nice ! the noteable difference between the 323 and 325 is that >4000rpm the rabbit still keeps going... the former is kind of loosing steam...

say, is your idrive with nav sluggish? like as in after you select an option it takes a while before the system repsonds?

ps: you dont by any chance wanna sell your car yet right? upgrade maybe? hahahah...

I would say at times it feels kind of "sluggish" but other time it is ok. (Funny) Anyway I heard that the new version with M'sia map is on the way and hopefully its response will be faster. I guess it is like our computer speed few years back which is slow compared to the newer ones today.
Re: Taste of IS250 and BMW 320

ferd said:
let me first say this "to each his own"...

323 & IS250 waste of $ and roadtax, more than half my test drive ..

IS250 with a 2.5 litre engine has significant hesitation (worst than my e46) and also body roll,

The 3 series still gives the "ultimate driving experience", the IS250 is still in "pursuit of perfection".

again, its "to each his own"...

Valid points Ferd, I totally see where you are coming from. For such criteria, 3 series is the #1choice, no question about it. The IS250 experience can offer little thrill for a driver who demands these ideals.

I suggest the "hesitation" and body roll you cited would be a factor of the silky-smooth quiet engine and the graceful ride of the IS.

You are right in qualifying: "to each his own." Different people will have their idea of what the "Ultimate Driving Experience" is.

If a person's idea of a dream car is one that ushers him on a magic carpet ride capable of gliding gracefully over the roughest roads, responding instantly to his slightest command, and surging forth effortlessly with a sense of authoritative power, then the IS250 WILL be his Ultimate Driving Experience.

Such a driver might reject the road feel of a 320 as too much of an unsettling trundle, its firm handling as too punishing to the bottom and its precise steering as too tiresome to keep under control.

For me, I appreciate the beauty of both types of driving experiences!
Re: Taste of IS250

Hi dsdfan,

Ok ok lah... we all know how good is the IS250 already... Seriously, most beemers here already know the strength of IS, but most of us buy a BMW for the "ultimate driving experience", the real strength of a BMW that IS could not provide. If an IS is giving the same experience as a BMW but cheaper by quite a bit, wonder who will buy a BMW?

Since you already bought the IS, just wait for your new car and tell us your ride when you collected your car!

By the way, from the way you describe the IS, I think you can help Lexus to do marketing liao.....:)
Re: Taste of IS250

IS250 is really coool!

Its specs is really fantastic than BMW.

But I still chose BMW because I just have a soft spot for BMW.

Maybe i also very cynical. I want BMW to "Bring More Wealth" and "Bring more woman".

Hahhaa.. (Shits.. some say "Bring More Worry". )

Anyway.. driving BMW, not comparing other cars, Gives you a sense of confidence. Ya. You feel like an executive who is not old, and yet successful. Thats where the woman comes. Hhehehe..
To compliment my not so good looking face. Hahhaha..

Cheers! Just my opinion!
Re: Taste of IS250


Agree with you that besides the sheer driving experience that you will get from a BMW, the "wow" effect of the BMW logo and the agressive shape and curve of the car styling does attract a 2nd look from people....

The image of a driving a BMW is really different and this alone commands a higher price!
Re: Taste of IS250

stanleyfu said:
IS250 is really coool!

Its specs is really fantastic than BMW.

But I still chose BMW because I just have a soft spot for BMW.

Maybe i also very cynical. I want BMW to "Bring More Wealth" and "Bring more woman".

Hahhaa.. (Shits.. some say "Bring More Worry". )

Anyway.. driving BMW, not comparing other cars, Gives you a sense of confidence. Ya. You feel like an executive who is not old, and yet successful. Thats where the woman comes. Hhehehe..
To compliment my not so good looking face. Hahhaha..

Cheers! Just my opinion!

Bring more women? tell that to PML to include in this saturday's advertisement :nehnehhh:
For me the woman the BMW brought is my wife, never before did she ever say to me...."hoii, nothing to do, lets take the car for a ride to Tuas n then back to geylang for supper! :yummie:

Aiya having said, the IS does offer very good gadgets, and a lot more than BMW, think thats where I hope BMW will improve. how can they not even provide electric folding mirrors in the e90 when cars like Nissan sunny selling ard $60k offer it, along with so many other cars :screwedu:
Re: Taste of IS250

Agree that IS throw more accessories in.....

Guess if they don't do that, can never fight with a BMW!

Let's hope that PML could do something about it. Such a great car with great engine but don't even have electric folding mirrors.....
Re: Taste of IS250

Mark_Twain said:
Agree that IS throw more accessories in.....

Guess if they don't do that, can never fight with a BMW!

Let's hope that PML could do something about it. Such a great car with great engine but don't even have electric folding mirrors.....

Side track a bit. Whenever face lifts BMW models surface from the ocean depths, are they sort of more gadget-ty than their pioneer models?
Re: Taste of IS250

wat a superb article dsdfan!

you've captured the exact essence of driving a beemer!
Re: Taste of IS250

Mark_Twain said:
Hi dsdfan,

Ok ok lah... we all know how good is the IS250 already... Seriously, most beemers here already know the strength of IS, but most of us buy a BMW for the "ultimate driving experience", the real strength of a BMW that IS could not provide.

Sorry but disagree. There is nothing "ultimate" about the BMW driving experience. Been there done that and owned a couple.
It is just a marketing fad, coined by the advertisers of BMW cars.
Don't take it too literally. The ultimate unreliability will kill you though. :nehnehhh:
Re: Taste of IS250

Mark_Twain said:

Agree with you that besides the sheer driving experience that you will get from a BMW, the "wow" effect of the BMW logo and the agressive shape and curve of the car styling does attract a 2nd look from people....

The image of a driving a BMW is really different and this alone commands a higher price!

Huh? Wow? Wow what? To me its a dime a dozen ... plenty on SG roads. No exclusivity.
Second look? Lots of people won't even give it a first look! :lol2:

BMW agressive? :screwedu: You've got to be kidding right - on Chris Bangle's designs?
I think even the new Volvo S40 is more agressive looking than an E90. And the IS250 of course.
Re: Taste of IS250

IS250 said:
Sorry but disagree. There is nothing "ultimate" about the BMW driving experience. Been there done that and owned a couple.
It is just a marketing fad, coined by the advertisers of BMW cars.
Don't take it too literally. The ultimate unreliability will kill you though. :nehnehhh:

Wah.....this thread is going round n round probably ending up longer than the yet uncompleted MRT Circular Line. Mr[or Ms. sorry if I swapped u :p] IS250, I am just wondering, how come yr car is pitched agst the BMW 3 series only from marketing perspective. There are so many other cars in same class, for eg. Merc C-class, Audi A4, Honda Accord, Alfa Romeo, just to name a few......

Oh BTW have you taken delievery of yr IS250? The other day I got a call to ask whether I fancy another test drive but was told if order now but delivery somewhere in May/June?
Re: Taste of IS250

IS250 said:
Huh? Wow? Wow what? To me its a dime a dozen ... plenty on SG roads. No exclusivity.
Second look? Lots of people won't even give it a first look! :lol2:

BMW agressive? :screwedu: You've got to be kidding right - on Chris Bangle's designs?
I think even the new Volvo S40 is more agressive looking than an E90. And the IS250 of course.

Oh...Am I sensing that you are getting abit agitated. relac lah....We are all matured audience here on a matured car forum. Whether BMW or Lexus, we are all silly car owners who pay rediculous prices for our cars. So unless u are selling LEXUS, Relac lah......can u drive your IS250 down to the macdonalds next to national stadium this sunday betw 4 to 6pm? I have a few Hia-Dee who would like to see its aggressive looks and who knows may end up buying one.
Re: Taste of IS250

Hi guys,

A stern reminder that we should not let fan-boyism turn this thread into a flaming one.
Do not name call or make provocations that will only invite senseless arguments.

Re: Taste of IS250

Hi Ah beng,

Seems like it. Bought my e60 6 months back.... my model seems to be better than the one before with better engine and accessories (I think). But the latest model from 2006 comes with more stuff like keyless entry.



[Side track a bit. Whenever face lifts BMW models surface from the ocean depths, are they sort of more gadget-ty than their pioneer models?]
Re: Taste of IS250

Hi Mark,
The e60 is a COOL car man. Problem is local BMWs are rather skimpy on std equipments, the optional list is longer than the std list. In Taiwan, some luxury cars[not sure for BMWs] are fitted with Traffic Camera warning.....see pay cool and funny.....the warning is audio. It will warn u when there is a camera like 300m ahead. Goes something like " Qian2 Mian4 You3 Jiao1 Tong1 Xiang4 Ji1, Qing3 Fang4 Man4 Che1 Su4 " ...Very funny. I would like to have one that can also tell me a TP is hidding in a bush near-by :)
Re: Taste of IS250

Puny said:
Hi guys,

A stern reminder that we should not let fan-boyism turn this thread into a flaming one.
Do not name call or make provocations that will only invite senseless arguments.


Aaa .... Referee, when Barcelona plays Real Madrid...its like that one lah. Dont issue, red card horr :) Bcos to watch these 2 teams fight it out, we have to pay a lot of $$ to get the ticket :yikess:
Re: Taste of IS250

Mark_Twain said:
The image of a driving a BMW is really different and this alone commands a higher price!

Thanks for those comments Mark Twain. Do note that I never disparaged the 320 but praised it as highly as the Lexus, perhaps even more so!

As mentioned, I have always dreamed of owning a BMW. It offers an unbeatable feeling of refined yet wild exhiliration, not to mention sitting behind a badge that proclaim's your cultured tastes, fine breeding, high accomplishment and prestige wherever you drive!

Had I managed to negotiate the 320 price down to January levels, I would probably have grabbed the 320 in a heartbeat (as it would have been the heart that decided) and let the horrifying prospect of breakdowns and costly repairs be damned. At 10k less, the IS250 was definitely the more attractive option. In the end, balancing all factors, real-world practicality issues won the day.

Of course we all understand that it is not practicality but extreme pleasure and indulgence that governs BMW engineering!

PS. It is interesting that this Lexus thread, within a BMW forum, has attracted more than 5,300 views and extended to 13 pages, exceeding the majority of threads about BMW's!
Re: Taste of IS250

dsdfan said:
Thanks for those comments Mark Twain. Do note that I never disparaged the 320 but praised it as much as the Lexus, perhaps even more!

As mentioned, I have always dreamed of owning a BMW. It offers an unbeatable feeling of refined yet wild exhiliration, not to mention sitting behind a badge that proclaim's your cultured tastes, fine breeding, high accomplishment and prestige wherever you drive.

Had I managed to negotiate the 320 price down to January levels, I would probably have grabbed the 320 in a heartbeat (as it would have been the heart that decided) and let the horrifying prospect of breakdowns and costly repairs be damned. As it stood, I would have had to pay nearly 10K more to for the 320. In the end, balancing all factors, real-world practicality issues won the day.

Of course we all understand that it is not practicality but extreme pleasure and indulgence that governs BMW engineering!

what was Jan price vs current price? Mind u there was an Aerospace 320[lower specs] in Jan, I suppose u r not referring to that one.
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