Ignition Upgrades

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Re: Ignition Upgrades

Shaun;636725 said:
You and your friends should take your advice.

So far I have called you, rodders, rodney, by name. In return I have been called witchhunter, keyboard warrior, etc.

and the insulting cartoon you posted, which has been taken down? explain that...

the fact that it has been removed does not mean you did not do it. and our responses came in thick and fast after the cartoon was discovered.

plus you are still calling us ignorant, directly and indirectly. so get off your high chair...

but at least now you have finally provided something we can work with, for a start.
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Re: Ignition Upgrades

whether the mod actually works is still yet to be proven (according to Shaun).

According to scientific standards, the mod as yet does not work because it has not been tested properly. Burden of proof - proof, not feel. Test, not just any test, but a proper test.

It's got nothing to do with me. I just point it out
Re: Ignition Upgrades

jinooi;636730 said:
and the insulting cartoon you posted, which has been taken down? explain that...

No names in that one.. it's a real life comic strip illustrating a hilarious situation. BTW, I allowed it to be taken down so Rodney could calm down lol. It did not break forum law.

plus you are still calling us ignorant, directly and indirectly. so get off your high chair...

That you certainly are. Your friends too. It's not a name, it's a quality. Just like I am stubborn, etc. You are ignorant of what a proper test is, and why it is important to run a proper test when claiming performance increases.
Re: Ignition Upgrades

Rod (R2D), if this works, have you ever thought of a patent?

You may be a small workshop (now), but it doesnt mean you cannot find something valuable to the automotive world. Like this ignition upgrade, if it works and if we have scientific evidence. Mind you, BMW or automotive giants, may be watching this. And they might well buy this from you.

Shaun is challenging to answer. Certainly knows a great deal, in engineering terms as well. Once we are through with this, whatever the outcome, we are close to a world-class forum. Not only do we share, we experiment with our own cars, spend money to get third party tests, and feedback.
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Re: Ignition Upgrades

Shaun;636734 said:
No names in that one.. it's a real life comic strip illustrating a hilarious situation. BTW, I allowed it to be taken down so Rodney could calm down lol. It did not break forum law.

You sound like an intelligent person. Unlike robot and me. Don't you have anything better to do?
Re: Ignition Upgrades

gr8golf88;636740 said:
You sound like an intelligent person. Unlike robot and me. Don't you have anything better to do?

If you go back many years, you'll realise that this is not the first time that he's doing such things. There have been many many occasion's in the past where he has irked many members in this forum with his crusade. I would still like to see him take his battle to all the other workshops by posting in their threads.
Re: Ignition Upgrades

Wow................... 57 pages... and still blah blah blah.....................
Paiseh............ i lazy to read thru the whole thread... but i agar agar knows whats happening....:withstup:

If a tested & proven results on paper is all that's required.... ANYONE that wants to know whether it works or not... go get the "Ignition Upgrades" done and do whatever trials & tests yourself then show to the whole forum............

SLK69 alway says..... "her serbit good or not.....??? Go try yourself la... why keep asking & asking???"......... :woottt:
Re: Ignition Upgrades

Shaun;636734 said:
That you certainly are. Your friends too. It's not a name, it's a quality. Just like I am stubborn, etc. You are ignorant of what a proper test is, and why it is important to run a proper test when claiming performance increases.

that's because the rest of us have a life, and have the balls to own up if we are wrong.

we don't snipe, and then run away, claiming superiority. that's the mark of cowardice. not that i'm calling you a coward...

enough time and saliva wasted, let's get down to business.

rodney, your thoughts on the parameters?

let's set a time and date.

ryan has provided his car. i'll help chip in for the dyno test. Shaun, is this permissable? better make sure you're there, lest you claim we tampered with the results.
Re: Ignition Upgrades

gr8golf88;636740 said:
You sound like an intelligent person. Unlike robot and me. Don't you have anything better to do?
Big boss, happy labour day! U are much more intelligent than me, English also much better, that's why u are my boss, ke ke ke.
Re: Ignition Upgrades

C3P0;636757 said:
Big boss, happy labour day! U are much more intelligent than me, English also much better, that's why u are my boss, ke ke ke.

I love you too honey...
Re: Ignition Upgrades

martmode8850;636739 said:
Rod (R2D), if this works, have you ever thought of a patent?

You may be a small workshop (now), but it doesnt mean you cannot find something valuable to the automotive world. Like this ignition upgrade, if it works and if we have scientific evidence. Mind you, BMW or automotive giants, may be watching this. And they might well buy this from you..........................Once we are through with this, whatever the outcome, we are close to a world-class forum. Not only do we share, we experiment with our own cars, spend money to get third party tests, and feedback.

Exactly. Patent it, prove it in proper tests, sell it to OEMs, and/or aftermarket internationally. Huge markets, huge money. Develop new technology, open subsidiaries, there are no limits.

But the first step is to stop resisting a proper basic test that can be complete in a single day.


Poor rodders still does not understand. He must not even want to to understand. Of course a request for proof would irk those without proof. A request for a test of something that perhaps does nothing. Yet others benefit from it. Harp on the negative for the sake of a friend.. touching, but useless in a scientific sense.

Jinooi, when have I ever sniped and ran? So far no one besides ryan and myself has done anything to move the test along.


Powerbalance... willing seller, willing buyer. All is well? LOL
Apparently 'good' asset backed securities.. willing parties on both ends....good? All is well in the end? LOL
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Re: Ignition Upgrades

I can't help but hear the unspoken. "I am smarter, that's why you're stupid"

Science doesn't prove that it works or doesn't work. It just found a way of proving that there is something there to be measured.

If the world can't be found to be round, is it the science or the applicator?
Off Topic, Can the power of an orgasm be measured? on what scale? if it can't me measured? does it exist?

Or Love? Can it be measured, or doesn't exist? We see some evidence of it in causing repeated actions of the influenced.... There is some kind of "performance improvement in actions and motivation" but how is it measured?

How many tests must a mother go through to prove that she loves her child, or not. Ok, very off topic here.

Back on topic.

All that is asked for is that a test be done, in a manner that fulfills strict conditions to prove that it works. Works by how much, it can be measured.... etc.

Honestly, from what I've read, Shaun seems to be very intelligent and well informed. I have yet to read all the posts, but what is Shaun's credentials? Just like R2D, where it is so closely inspected, what is the quality of the inspector? Can the same amount of due diligence be done for their qualifications?

I am sure what Shaun is asking for is very logical and given the resources, possible, if not, expensive.

At the same time R2D, has a product, that provides a solution, giving people a good feel factor of their rides. Power increase or not, I would l think that its like having good lubrication when a torquier feel is required.
Re: Ignition Upgrades

Ducer, automotive performance testing is very real, tangible, physical. Don't confuse it with the metaphysical when you talk about love etc.

It is stunning how much a normal scientific test is resisted locally. There are many many high quality communities around the world that discuss procedure, conduct tests, analyze results. Enthusiasts of all levels contribute. Scientific methods are applied, data is shared. It's not about smarter or stupid, just inline with science or not. I don't need to list which forums.. they are everywhere.. NZ, AU, US, UK, CA, all over Europe, etc. And when Singaporean enthusiasts need some real information, they go to overseas sites to search. How sad is that?

Does it work, how much does it work. That is all. It is not expensive to conduct a proper test, and it looks like there are a few willing to chip in on costs.
Re: Ignition Upgrades

Yes Shaun you're the smartest person in this forum or at least you try to make yourself out to be. I've been in this forum long enough and have seen enough of your actions to know that you've made more enemies than friends with your "I'm smarter than thou" attitude and actions. Like I've been saying all this while, why not extend your crusade and witch hunt to all the other workshops here. Go through all their product offerings and claims. I'm sure given your superior technical intelligence and knowledge as compared to us mere mortals, you might just find some products or claims that smells like snake oil to you. I won't bother to reply from hereon to you and you may continue to say I don't understand anything you've said or saying. I'll let everyone here be the judge over your selective actions over selective persons/workshops/products.
Re: Ignition Upgrades

rodders;634621 said:
I'm speaking up for Rod because in the many years that I've known him, I've come to know him as a honest and hardworking mechanic who will not peddle snake oil to anyone. In fact I've become good friends to both him and his wife Nadia. I've done this upgrade on my previous ride and even though I'm not technically inclined, I really felt the difference in my car. In fact the car dealer who test drove my car before buying it from me thought my ride was a 320. I think that speaks volume about the benefit of this upgrade.

Rod (Rodders), I've been to Rod (R2D) for servicing. Slotted in between some more without booking. He is certainly very passionate about our rides and his own. Probably a little bit more passionate than the rest. That alone, sets him apart from the rest.
Re: Ignition Upgrades

rodders;636797 said:
Like I've been saying all this while, why not extend your crusade and witch hunt to all the other workshops here. Go through all their product offerings and claims.

Which claims by any other workshop do you see as possibly false? Can you point them out? Cos I don't see them.

In the last few years, all potentially false claims have apparently only 1 workshop. There is a trend it seems. There is also a trend in the sort of defense employed when questioned.

I won't bother to reply from hereon to you and you may continue to say I don't understand anything you've said or saying
You don't understand and you don't try to understand because you don't want to understand. Social connection is more important to you than technical truth. This is why you cannot reply effectively and so must quit. It's not that you can't bother, but deep down you realize you only make yourself look worse the more you keep your emotional babbling and do nothing to bring this issue to conclusion.

So long! But I have a feeling you'll be back...
Re: Ignition Upgrades

R2D;634571 said:
We have completed a pre and post dyno run at an independent facility on the same day, at the same place, separated by just 3 hours.

The dyno chosen was the Motor Image dyno. They ran the dyno and we had no part of the results nor tests. 3 runs was made and the results averaged to get the chart.

The chart with the 105PS end mark was the before while the one with 106PS was after. The chart belongs to a 2.0L Normally aspirated Honda Accord (Thai type). The car is 4 yrs old and is as stock as stock can be.

Taking into account the inaccuracies of the starting pull due to torque converter locking up and such, the curves from 3000rpm up to red-line is considered.

Across the board, there is a big gain in torque from 3000rpm to 5000rpm. The biggest jump of 44Nm was recorded and this tapered down when approaching redline due to breathing restrictions. We are talking about a stock honda accord here. the paper air filter was still there as with the exhaust.

Up to 5000rpm, there was still a 7Nm of gain and this range of gains gives you the pulling grunt across the rev range.

So now, what's your next comment?

Normalizing the axes (as should have been done from the start and in any serious test)... does anyone see a problem now? :D

Put the pieces together folks lol

BTW, the overlay of the factory dyno is coming soon too. That might complete the picture :D
Re: Ignition Upgrades

The shape of the curve and the intersecting point at 5250 rpm ?

Shaun;636815 said:
Normalizing the axes (as should have been done from the start and in any serious test)... does anyone see a problem now? :D

Put the pieces together folks lol

BTW, the overlay of the factory dyno is coming soon too. That might complete the picture :D
Re: Ignition Upgrades

The new curves are HP vs HP, TQ vs TQ so no intersection required. Even on the original curves the intersection isn't 5250 because the units are not ft-lbs and hp and the axes are not scaled properly. So it's not about intersection.

Look at the peak torque in the latest TQ vs TQ plot. What does it take to create a 1000+ RPM separation in location of peak torque? Where does the 2007 Accord 2.0 showroom stock have its torque peak?
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Re: Ignition Upgrades

Shaun;636827 said:
The new curves are HP vs HP, TQ vs TQ so no intersection required. Even on the original curves the intersection isn't 5250 because the units are not ft-lbs and hp and the axes are not scaled properly. So it's not about intersection.

Look at the peak torque in the latest TQ vs TQ plot. What does it take to create a 1000+ RPM separation in location of peak torque? Where does the 2007 Accord 2.0 showroom stock have its torque peak?

I see. The peak torque happens at 4000 rpm according to stock specs. Pretty much there on one chart but on the other chart its at 5500 rpm.

Interesting lessons ..... what are the possibilities ?
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